SEC - S8W4. "¿It all ends with death?"

Assalamualaikum all of my friends. How are you all? I hope you are all well. I'm fine too. I am Mohammad Kamran Hossain. Today I am going to participate in "Engagement Challenge S8W4" in "Scouts y sus Amigos" community and today's Engagement Challenge topic is "It all ends with death". I am very happy to participate in today's Engagement Challenge and now I will present to you the topics of today's Engagement Challenge.



Do I believe in life after death?

As a Muslim I definitely believe in life after death. I believe that when people die, they enter the world of akhirat or the world after death and Allah mentions this in the Holy Quran;

It is Allah who has given you life. He will kill you. He will resurrect you again. Yet man is most ungrateful!' (Surah Hajj, verse 66)

Surely the time of death is fixed. No one can die without Allah's permission and If someone works for worldly reward, I will give him his reward in this life. And whoever works for the hereafter, he will get his reward in the hereafter and I will surely give the fruits of the servants of Sugar Goza.' (Surah Ale Imran, verse 145)

Every soul must taste death and all of you will be fully rewarded on the Day of Great Judgment. The successful person will be the one who will be kept away from the Hellfire and will be admitted to Paradise and only the worldly life is nothing but a mirage of pleasures and illusions.' (Surah Al-Imran, verse 185)

O people! I give life. I cause death. To me all must return. On the day when the earth will split open and the dead will rise and run, it will be a very easy task to gather them together.' (Surat al-Qaf, verses 43-44)

Also the Holy Qur'an Sharif has numerous verses about death and life after death which the great creator himself has told his servants that after reading it I definitely believed in life after death.




What do I think about death?

About death I think it is only the order of the great creator and by the order of the great Allah the soul will come out of our body forever which we call death. I consider this phenomenon as a miracle that happens by the order of the great creator. Almighty Allah also says about death;

Say to them, O Prophet, the death from which you want to escape, you must face that death and In the end you will be presented to Allah, Knower of the seen and unseen. Then you will fully know and understand what you have done in your lifetime.' (Surah Juma, verse 8)

I never avoid hearing about death or anyone talking to me about death. Because I believe in my religion and in one creator Allah Almighty who has all power and none equal to Him. So when Allah decrees any person is bound to die which no one has the power to save.




Have I ever been in a life-threatening situation? What did I feel then?

Yes, I was once in a near death situation. Around 2017 I had stomach pain once and after seeing many doctors my problem was not resolved. I was in such unbearable pain for about 7/8 days and I assumed that this time I might have to leave the illusion of this world. But by the infinite mercy of Almighty Allah, I was saved and got a new life.

Basically then I felt very bad in my body and my whole body went numb with stomach ache. I was feeling quite helpless then and I was only remembering the great creator in my mind to save me from that danger. Fortune helps me in transition and Allah Almighty blesses me with health.




How will I remember after death?

I think our life in this world is temporary and life after death or akhirat is eternal. When a person dies in the world, only his deeds remain by which other people can remember you or me. So in this transitory world, I will make a place in the minds of others by my deeds and good behavior to everyone so that even if I die, people will remember me by my deeds throughout my life. So the poet says about death;

"That's the kind of character you build
This earth will die smiling."

By this line of poetry I want to remember after death.





Death is one of the few eternal truths in the world. And this life after death is infinite for people and if you want to live well in the life after death, you must follow the rules of the great creator in this world. All human beings and creatures in the world have to taste death so we should always worship our Lord and do good deeds only then the life after death will be peaceful for us.


Invite friends : @shiftitamanna, @goodybest, @lavanyalakshman, @fantvwiki, @simonnwigwe.


Thank you very much


 last year 

Es un placer saludarlo.
La muerte es el principal enemigo del ser humano,y todos hemos sufrido tras la muerte de un ser querido.
Éxito en el concurso

Thank you so much sister for your valuable comment 😊

 last year 

Hola amigo. ¡Muchas gracias por unirte al concurso!

Totalmente de acuerdo contigo Dios o Allah como ustedes los musulmanes le llaman nos dio la vida, y es el único que tiene el derecho de decidir cuando ya no estemos en este mundo terrenal.

Sin duda Dios te curó de ese dolor de estómago y no permitió que te pasara algo mas grave sino sólo el dolor, muchas veces Dios nos pone pruebas para ver si confiamos en el.

Excelente participación amigo. Saludos y bendiciones!!

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Thank you so much dear sister for your valuable review😍, I am impressed by your wonderful review and wish you all the best.

Dear brother!!!
I agree and its my faith we have to leave this world for forever and can not live either million years. As Allah sent us for good deed and the permanent place of living is waiting for us. Although its not easy to understand but no one can deny from it.

O people! I give life. I cause death. To me all must return. On the day when the earth will split open and the dead will rise and run, it will be a very easy task to gather them together.

Yeah Holy Quran says it in detail and we believe on it.

Successful to contest.

Thank you so much my dear sister for your valuable feedback 🥰🥰. And yes, we believe in one Allah that is why we live our lives according to the words of our religious books. I am very happy for your nice comment.

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Saludos que bueno que estas consciente que hay vida después de la muerte y que lo importante aquí es confesar a Jesucristo como el Salvador de nuestras vidas para un dia poder estar en la eternidad con el.

Thank you dear sister 😊

Hola amigo hermano!!
Que terrible tuvo que haber Sido ese dolor de estómago que pensabas que dejarías este mundo. Pero que bueno que Alla te bendice con buena salud.
Es esperanzador de volver al sitio, dónde una vez salimos.
Éxitos en el reto, un abrazo

Thank you so much dear sister for your valuable feedback 😊

Thank you for sharing your beliefs about life after death as a Muslim. It is clear that your faith is deeply rooted in the teachings of the Holy Quran and the belief that Allah is the one who gives life and takes it away. Your understanding that the time of death is fixed and that no one can die without Allah's permission shows a strong belief in the power and will of Allah. Your belief that those who work for the hereafter will be rewarded in the afterlife is a testament to your commitment to living a righteous life. It is clear that your faith in the teachings of the Holy Quran has given you a strong sense of purpose and direction in life.

Thank you so much dear sister for your valuable comment 😊

Actually death is an unchangeable fact of this world. I agree with you. In general, we all have to face that sad situation at some point. The drama of life ends with the scene of death. We should learn to know it and live well.

Thank you dear sister for your valuable feedbak 🥰

You have a clear understanding of about what death seem to be and it's a pity you experience such pain thinking death has come. Good luck to you brother

Thank you😊

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