SEC-S8W4"; It all ends with death?steemCreated with Sketch.

Hello to all members of the Scouts y sus Amigos Community, it's a great pleasure once again to talk on this subject called death! This topic is very interesting and I'm already excited as to what I'm about to write. It's amazing how the days just pass by so quickly and we are already in the 4th week of the season 8's challenge. I hope you enjoy my entry as you read.

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Do you believe in life after death

Before i respond to this question, i will begin by defining what death is. As far as i am concerned, death is a state where an individual have lost ability to live, or a state of inactivity. Infact it is the absence of life. Death is inevitable to every human being. Infact it is written in the Holy scriptures that it is appointed for everyman to live and then to die.

I am a born again Christian and my point of view on this subject will be with reference to my belief. Now let's go!

Yes! I do believe in life after death! The bible makes us to understand in the book of John where Jesus told his disciples that in His father's house there are many mansions and he is going to prepare a place for us there. In any other accounts he shows us how the new Jerusalem is going to be and gives and shows us a pathway to follow.

Jesus Christ himself shows us that there is a life after death, as he died and rose again on the 3rd day and later on went to heaven. Even look at how he prayed at the mountain and Moses and Elijah who already died appeared to him and his disciples at the mountain of transfiguration. All these proofs make me believe that there is life after death. Either you die and your afterlife is in hell or in heaven.

Do you think of death as something natural or do you avoid everything related to this subject?

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I think death is a natural thing because everyone is to die one day. Even though some deaths tend to be supernatural. A natural death for me is that which happens when a person dies not by an accident nor a kind of disease which takes his or her life. But an abnormal death is one which a person just loses his or her life unexpectedly without reaching his old age.

For example, imagine a young guy who has a bright future and after having gone to school and gotten all the required credentials to apply for a job gets the job and gets married. Sometime after the marriage he dies mysteriously in his bedroom. This always happens in my country where mischief in the form of witchcraft is predominant. We can't qualify this one as a natural death because obviously it wasn't God's plan for him to have acquired all that to die without fulfilling purpose.

Another very typical example is poisoning among friends in my country Cameroon. Each time a young person has the opportunity to either further his studies abroad or has gotten a job, his or her friends will take him out and poison him making him to die.

Death is a natural thing to happen to everyone, but not everyone does die naturally as it is supposed to be. Many people have taken advantage of death being natural to fulfil their selfish ambitions and greed to kill others.

Have you ever been in a situation that puts you at risk of death, what did you feel?

Oh yeah i have been in a situation which put me at risk of death thrice if i can remember vividly, I'll try to explain 2 out of the 3 i have mentioned.

The first time was when I was in primary school about 24 years ago, i remember my elder brother and i were on our way to school and we were about to cross the road and a car knocked us down just as we entered the road. I saw myself lying down helplessly on the bitumen and blood goosing out of my head because I hit the headlamps of the car. I was unconscious and all i could hear were indistinct voices around me. It was after sometime i woke up and found myself in a hospital with bandages all over.

When I was awake, my mom made me understand that they only reanimated me for me to come back to myself because I was already faraway from them. That experience still shocks me even till date.

The second scenario was in 2018 when I was in the university. This scene was a gunshot scene when the crisis in the north west region of my country just began. It was a 20th of may and i went together with my neighbors to wish a friend happy birthday, and it came to pass that the roads were blocked and we couldn't go back anymore.

There's this place we call 3 corners in Bambili where the university is and we had arrived there but there was serious gunshots just before us, we wanted to cross the road but we couldn't and there stood one of the seperatist fighters who looked at us and i was the only male among females. His eyes were red and he charged towards us. Seriously i almost lost my heart😂 i felt empty for a while and he asked us in an authoritative voice "wuna turn back" that means "you guys should return where you come from".

Immediately we ran backwards and arrived at that person's house again in fear and trembling. If i didn't die that day then i won't die anymore😅 death is not a good thing for me now because I have to marry and have children and do the will of He that sent me to earth.

How do you want to be remembered after death?

It is everyone's wish to be remembered of good things only when he dies. That's my prayer too, the testimony men will have of you when you die will be a stepping stone for your children as they grow. I want to be remembered of the good deeds i have done to humanity and the positive impact in other's lives.

So i try as much as I can to be of good influence to everyone and to be of good character towards anyone. The character of Christ in me is to be reflected in every area of my life. I believe that if you're known for your good then just as martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, my footprints on the earth won't be in vain.


Do good as you still live for you do t know the calamity which may befall on you tomorrow, death comes unannounced and takes anyone unaware. Let your actions in this world be a reflection of Jesus Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith. I therefore invite @chant, @fonjougiresse and @irawandedy to partake in this contest. Thank you for reading and God bless you! Shalom ❤️

Best regards


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Bunuh diri adalah salah satu penyebab kematian yang dapat dicegah. Orang yang mengalami depresi atau stres berlebihan dapat mengambil tindakan ekstrim seperti bunuh diri.

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Saludos @majerius.

Definitivamente la muerte es algo natural, esta destinada para todos los seres humanos, nuestro cuerpo físico en algún momento dejara de cumplir sus funciones, sin embargo, este no es el fin, ya que como lo mencionas, Jesucristo nos promete una vida eterna, en esto es que se basa nuestra fe.

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Thank you very much for your review, but i have a problem with the club status. I haven't withdrawn nor powered down my account for more than 6 months and i have been active. I always set all my posts at 100% power up because I hardly have time to power up and also because it reduces the temptations to wothdfrawy steem. Ipf your check my account well you will understand that I am in club100 at the moment. Please check it again. Thank you

así mismo es busquemos a Jesucristo nuestro único Dios todo poderoso en vida búscalo búscalo as el bien y no mires a quien ... buen post ..

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