SEC-S17W5 "Fotógrafo Creativo"

in Scouts y sus Amigos25 days ago (edited)

GIF 8-5-2024 11-50-11.gif

gif de @joslud

"Doble de Riesgo" | "He is a Stuntman."

Сontest: "Fotógrafo Creativo"
by @hive-181136

Saludos amigos de Scout, le comparto mi primera publicación en esta comunidad. Cuando me enteré de este concurso no me pude resistir a participar. Y bueno estoy aquí con una propuesta de miniaturas.

Las miniaturas son un tipo de macrofotografía en las que recreamos escenas con objetos minúsculos, muchas veces con juguetes.
Greetings Scout friends, I share with you my first publication in this community. When I found out about this contest I couldn't resist participating. And well I'm here with a proposal for miniatures.

Miniatures are a type of macrophotography in which we recreate scenes with tiny objects, often with toys.


El Modelo | The Model

He waving -- Imagen de @joslud

Así, llamé a mi mejor doble de riesgo, un tipo todo terreno que no le tiene miedo a nada, y le propuse hacer una sesión de fotos en la que iba a ser aplastado por un objeto enorme y muy pesado. El no “aguantó” dos pedidas y dijo que sí. Acá les presento los resultados.
So, I called my best stunt double, an all-terrain guy who is not afraid of anything, and I proposed doing a photo shoot in which he was going to be crushed by a huge and very heavy object. He couldn't "stand" two requests and said yes. Here I present the results.


Las tres mejores tomas | The three best shots


Slide the slider to see.

Luego de la sesión elegí estas fotos por que capturaban mi visión de lo que quería lograr.
After the session I chose these photos because they captured my vision of what I wanted to achieve.


🤫🤫Una confesión, aquí entre nosotros (y por favor que nuestro amigo no se entere), en verdad no estoy muy satisfecho con los resultados. Se le han subido los humos a la cabeza, y parece la propia diva. No muestra emoción ni sentimientos en los acercamientos y mucho menos se ve su fuerza o al menos el intento demostrar que la cosa le pesaba.
🤫🤫A confession, here between us(and please don't let our friend find out), I'm really not very satisfied with the results. The fumes have gone to his head, and he looks like the diva himself. He does not show emotion or feelings in the approaches and much less do you see his strength or at least his attempt to show that the thing was weighing on him.

IMG_20240508_074554_912 (1).jpg
Él haciendo fuerza. -- Him making strength. -- Imagen de @joslud


El proceso | The process

Las fotos las tomé con la cámara A7S que por defecto trae mi celular UMIDIGI. Empleé el modo macro con acercamientos de hasta 2X y en alguna hice tomas con el lente gran angular. La post edición se limitó a recortar para buscar un mejor encuadre y retoques en los blancos y negros para hacerlos destacar.
Sin embargo, hubo buenas fotos, aquí le echo el cuento:
I took the photos with the A7S camera that my UMIDIGI cell phone comes with by default. I used the macro mode with close-ups up to 2X and in some I took shots with the wide-angle lens. The post-editing was limited to cropping to find a better frame and touch-ups in the black and white to make them stand out.
However, there were good photos, here is the story:

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Comenzamos con unas tomas de prueba para buscar el mejor ángulo e iluminación. Me decidí a colocar un fondo de color para mayor contraste.
We start with some test shots to find the best angle and lighting. I decided to place a colored background for greater contrast.
-- Imagen de @joslud
IMG_20240508_072829_239 (1).jpg

Colocamos una alfombra roja (y allí empezó el divismo de nuestro amigo el doble de riesgo). En esta toma no me dio oportunidad de lograr mayor enfoque con el celular y quedó poco nítida.
We laid out a red carpet (and that's where our stuntman friend's debauchery began). In this shot I was not given the opportunity to achieve greater focus with the cell phone and it was not very sharp.
Imagen de @joslud
IMG_20240508_073332_516 (1).jpg

Atrapado y sin salida.
Trapped and with no way out.
Imagen de @joslud
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Quejandose que ya no podía más, que tenía que subirle el sueldo. .
Complaining that he couldn't take it anymore, that he had to raise his salary.
Imagen de @joslud


Invito a:| I invite:

IMG_20240508_073341_783 (1).jpg
- Imagen de @joslud


Fuentes -- Sources
  • Las imágenes son de mi propiedad, captadas con un celular UMIDIGI. Cámara A7S.


Original production by @joslud --- #wox-joslud

I'll wait for you in the next publication.



Hello Dear Friend Greetings!!

Good to see your epic and creative participation by using two objects that reflects the amazing scenario.I think this is you first participation in Engagement Challenge. You come with brilliant and fascinating view of a adorable toddler playing with a rolling object. Inspirational message you conveyed through this productive platform. Wishing you good luck to win contest.

 23 days ago 

Greetings @uzma4882

It's good that you found my first publication in "Scout and his friends" good. I appreciate your words and opinion. We will be reading each other.

Hola.gravias por la.imvitacion, oye esta muy creativa tus imagenes y la.descripcion de cada una de ellas.
Intentare participar

 25 days ago 

Gracias @naylet.
Espero ver tus fotos.

 25 days ago 

Saludos @joslud.

Se nota que tenias muy claro lo que querías reflejar a través de estas fotografías, hiciste un buen uso de los elementos que escogiste y nos contaste una historia a través de estas imágenes.

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Fecha de verificación08/05/2024

La determinación del estatus del club se refiere a la aplicación basada en la web.

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 24 days ago 

Hola amigo.

Bastante creativo tu sesión fotográfica, con todos los detalles el modelo y las tomas.

Si es un modelo venezolano deberías subirle el sueldo jejejeje....

Un gusto haberte leído. Feliz noche!!!

 23 days ago 

Gracias @mini80

Por pasar y dejar tu comentario,pero no eches a perder la cosa con sindicalismos aquí en Steemit 😂😂🤫🤫

 23 days ago 

Jejeje.... Yo solo comenté esa inquietud.... Feliz día!

Saludos @joslud sin duda alguna como siempre con tu gran creatividad, muy bien lograda cada fotografía, te admiro hermano.

 23 days ago 

hola @jesuito15

Se agradece tu opinión, espero ver tus publicaciones de fotografías, se que tienes buen ojo para componer por los dibujos que has creado.

Kudos to you friend🤟.

I was just moving through you blog and I didn't know you were preparing such a creative post. This creativity is beyond normal, I knew you entry will be mind blowing. The little craft carrying a light bulb.

This is really an awesome creative photography, you're really good with this. Hope to learn from you.
Wishing you luck

 25 days ago 

Thanks friend, you also shared some photos that reveal your creativity.

Dear @joslud,

I just wanted to let you know that I found your post to be incredibly creative and visually appealing. Reading through it, I was introduced to the concept of macro photography, which I found fascinating - taking pictures of tiny objects is such a unique and interesting perspective!

Your post featuring the small baby trying to remove a heavy object was particularly striking. I can only imagine the effort and creativity that went into capturing that moment. I would love to see more posts like this from you in the future.

Best regards,

 23 days ago 

Greetings @gondalsavera

Very kind of you for stopping by and taking your time to write such a beautiful comment. I am pleased to have introduced you to a type of macro photography. And I'm sure you'll continue to see some good posts from me.

I also saw your post and noticed that you have a good eye and practice as a photographer.

Hi @joslud! Your grand photography approach to showing dramatic scenes using toys is creative and adds a fun twist to traditional photography. Using the exciting double miniature in scenarios that blend humor and artistic skills shows your ability to think outside the box. Detailed settings, use of UMIDIDI A7S camera features, and your candid reflection on the process enrich your narrative and make your entries stand out. Great job addressing the challenges and joys of creative photography! good luck!

 23 days ago 

Greetings @kouba01

Friend, thank you very much, I appreciate your comment and the opinions you presented. I really think the secret was having fun during the process of playing with the toys.

Ugh, you made me realize that I wrote the name of the cell phone, it is a UMIDIGI brand.

We read each other.

Hola amigo
Una excelente fotos muy creativa , me encantó
Te deseo éxito

 23 days ago 

Gracias por la visita y el comentario. 👍

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