Steemit Engagement Challenge S5W5 | "My Values."

Hello, dear Steemians, greetings to you from @jasminemary. How are you doing, friend? I am here today to discuss my values based on the contest that is organized in Scouts y sus Amigos community.

We all have our own individual values that make us very unique from other people. Although values are those ethics of ours that we normally apply when interacting with one another, Having said that, I have discussed those values of mind.

Why are values important in society?


In society, values are very important because it is the ethics that guide our attitude towards another person. Values play a very important role in our society, as it is by their values that a person is determined when thinking of giving them an appointment or key position.

In society, values are important as they are the tools by which every human-being strives to follow another human-being in a humble way. This is the reason why I said earlier that everyone of us has our own values.

However, the following are the most important values in society.

Values make people in a society work better as a team.
A society with good values and structure makes the people in it work better by sharing their ideas and relating very well with each other.

Values contribute to the formation of a society, both social and cultural.
With values in society, people tend to grow better by cooperating with each other for future development.

Values give resources to aid in self-realization.
Values are necessary to understand how to respond to people's needs in society and how to solve their needs.

Values extend a society's and a culture's sense of people.
Values serve a variety of social purposes. Families, tribes, civilizations, and even countries are united by shared ideals.

What do you consider to be the values that define you?

As I had earlier said, every human being has its own special values that define him or her. As for what I consider to be the values that define me, they are listed below.

  • Loving
  • Respect for others
  • Happiness and
  • Almsgiving

I am a loving and respectful person, and happiness and almsgiving are two things that I can't do without whenever I am around them.

In what circumstances of your day do you apply them?

I do apply them when I am with a group of people (gathering). As for my happiness, it's something that I can't do without in my everyday life. I just like to be happy no matter what.

IMG-20221015-WA0008.jpg Myself feeling happy

Happiness gives me peace. When I am carrying out my work, studying, or relaxing myself, I always feel happy, which is why I am smiling within myself.

The circumstances that I do apply them to are when I win something and look at the blessings of God upon my life, and whenever I check my results and find out that I have no issues, the values in me will suddenly come out.

What are the anti-values that you have witnessed the most?

Being unloving is the anti-value that I have witnessed the most. Well, I was growing up as a child, and even at present, I still love people and am even ready to go the extra mile in loving them. There was a guy that I felt in love with who made me feel so mad at the end of the day.

Because of this guy my parents used to shout about, sometimes I do disobey them just because of how much I loved the guy back then. Although the incident that happened has made me learn how to minimize my love for people, I discovered that the more you love someone, the more the person will act strangely to you, making you feel too big.

Do you think values change or go out of style?

Yes, I think values can change or go out of style based on people's understanding. Like in my own case, I had to change my own values based on how the guy whom I loved then was acting. It was as if I were blending to love him naturally.

A lot of people have changed or gone out of style with their values because of what they have encountered. Just as it is said, "love everyone but be mindful of the people that you go out with (walk with)." Some people may be pretending to love you, but they are not, and by the time you discover this, you will probably change the values that are in you.

I invite.

 last year 

Saludos, amiga. Es encomiable que, en un determinado momento, haya reaccionado para corregir su proceder, es decir, tomó la senda de los verdaderos valores. Estos no cambian, pienso yo, ni pasan de moda. Son lineamientos que existen para que los practiquemos, solo que muchas veces, debido a diversos motivos, nos olvidamos dilucidar lo que en verdad nos conviene. Éxitos, amiga...

Thank you for engaging in my post.

 last year 

Hola @jasminemary gracias por unirte a esta quinta semana de desafíos para abordar este tema tan necesario en nuestras vidas ya que los valores guian nuestra conducta

Me alegra saber que cuentas con tus padres para orientarte y asi tomar tus decisiones basandote en esos valores que te identifican como el amor, respeto, felicidad y la caridad

Tengo una recomendación para tí amiga; evita usar dos veces una misma fotografía, no es necesario repetir la foto de portada, puedes usar imágenes propias o libres de derecho de autor

Tambien te animo comentar las demás participaciones y a hacer uso eficiente de tu poder de voto

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 last year 

Me agrada esa actitud de mostrarte y mantenerte feliz sin importar las circuntancias, esta es una hermosa forma de vivr la vida.

Ciertamente los valores son muy importante en cada individuo y determinan el rumbo de nuestra sociedad, ya que si los integrantes se muestran tolerantes, respetuosos, trabajadores, honestos y justos todo marchara bien, si por el contrario las personas imponen sus deseos y necesidades sin importar el daño que causan a los demás, habrá un caos total y desequilibrio en la sociedad.

Thank you for engaging in my post.

You always impress me with lovely and interesting article friend. You starting by telling us that value is referred to the acts we put up while interacting with one another. I agree with you friend, how manner of speaking, dressing and behavior tells alot about us.

Thanks for sharing friend, and goodluck in this contest. #steem-on.

I will appreciate if you equally engage on Mine

 last year 

Saludos amiga.

Muy bien dicho los valores son parte de la vida del ser humano y debemos siempre cultivarlos en nosotros para tener una buena vida, además que podemos ser ejemplos para muchos.
.te definen valores muy buenos y me alegra que los tengas presentes siempre.


Thank you very much sir for reading through my post.

Happiness gives me peace

You are right, being sad or unhappy makes one feels moody and bothered, you have a beautiful smile, keep smiling brightly.

Loving and respecting others are true values and it is like a seed that will germinate and bring wonderful fruit at the end of the day, though some people do take the love for granted, trust me it is their loss. This great value is taking you to places, thanks for the invite.

I appreciate your time here.

 last year 

Tienes una clara definición de los valores amiga en teoría y aparentemente una buena practica de los que definen tu personalidad. Saludos, éxitos en el concurso

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