SEC - S10W1 | My Most Significant AchievementsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year

What have been your achievements so far (sports, social, academic, work, personal, etc.)

My biggest achievement right now is that I can get my second dolphin (double dolphin) after 2.5 years I write super consistently in steemit, without knowing fatigue, being busy and various other obstacles, steemit has become a priority in my life.


The post when I hit the double dolphin

Then this year I am also very happy because I was able to achieve the second big achievement because I have already earned a Bachelor's degree, it was not easy for me to get this Bachelor's degree, I sacrificed a lot of time, I had to pay a lot of money and even I had to be willing away from my family to pursue this degree, but all that I sacrificed was worth it because I have succeeded in taking a Bachelor's degree which I have dreamed of all my life.

What has been the most significant? How hard was it for you to achieve it?

To achieve double dolphin by having 10,000 Steem Power is not easy, this is really difficult for me to achieve, even to reach 2x dolphin I am willing to take my rest time to write posts so I can consistently upload posts every day, sometimes even I uploading more than two posts per day, even though sometimes my eyes are very nosy because of fatigue, but in order to achieve the double dolphin I am willing to stay up late to write posts.



Likewise, to get a bachelor's degree, this is not an easy thing, what made it so difficult for me when I wanted to get a bachelor's degree was the cost, I was not born into a rich family, but to become a scholar I was willing to save money to set aside my allowance to pay for the semester of college.

What has been the one you have had the hardest time reaching and why?


post when I grabbed my first dolphin

Before reaching the double dolphin, of course, I have to reach the first dolphin first. This is where the difficulty lies. To reach the first dolphin, it took me one year and two months, because at that time I still couldn't write fluently like now.

I have a lot to learn and I keep working hard to increase my productivity in steemit until I can reach my first dolphin, but to reach my double dolphin it only takes 6 months from my first dolphin achievement.

What is your next goal to achieve?

My main target now is that I want to get 3 x dolphin (triple dolphin) soon, my hope is that I want to get 3 x dolphin in October. Indeed this is not easy but not impossible either, I'm sure with the consistency and persistence that I continue to apply in writing on the steemit blog I'm sure I can definitely reach 3 x dolphin as soon as possible.

This is my entry for this week's SEC contest, I also want to invite @ismuhadiadi, @sailawana, @abialfatih, @dikimon2 and @waterjoe to participate together in this contest.


Sukses yerus ya..smoga penvapaian lainnya terus menyusul baik di dunia nyata maupun di platform steemit..
Doain ibu bisa nyusul ikwal juga untuk.double dolphin nya..

Sukses untuk kontesnya ya

 last year 

Hehe, ibuk udah alumnilah 😁, semoga bisa cepat bergabung kembali.

Sst..jangan berisik ah..😁

Sungguh pencapaian yang sangat luar biasa sekali yang bisa menjadi inspirasi untuk pemuda-pemuda lainnya. Saya sendiri merasa salut akan pencapaianmu, jika waktu bisa berputar kembali menjadi muda saya akan mengikuti jejak pencapaianmu meraih kesuksesan dari berbagai lini. Oh iya, saya mengucapkan selamat atas kelulusanmu mendapatkan gelar sarjana perjuangan dan pengorbanan yang engkau taburkan telah membuahkan hasil yang sangat indah. Tetap berpegang teguh kepada Allah, dan saya doakan kamu menjadi orang yang sukses di segalala bidang. Aamiinn!!!!

 last year 

Amin, terimakasih atas ucapan selamat nya bang, semoga kita bisa terus sukses dan selalu bahagia.

Saya ucapkan selamat atas dua capaian signifikan yang berhasil anda capai yaitu lulus kuliah mendapatkan gelar sarjana dan berhasil di platform Steemit mendapatkan dua lumba-lumba. Tentu usaha keras akan membuahkan hasil yang gemilang. Semoga sukses di dalam kontes ini :)

 last year 

Terimakasih pak, saya selalu percaya dengan kekuatan kerja keras dan konsisten, semoga kita terus sukses dalam berbagai hal 😊

Luar biasa, semoga cepat jadi ORCA

 last year 

Amin, terimakasih abi

 last year 

Estimado amigo. Te deseo éxitos en esta plataforma. Ser delfín es un logro por demás difícil. Lo he intentado y no lo he logrado. Espero ver tus éxitos

 last year 

Terimakasih saudara, semoga kita selalu sukses dan bahagia

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