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Hello friends and welcome to my article once again in this beautiful community. I appreciate @cruzamilcar63 for such contest, it's really important that we take part in this community. I love the community and would be glad to share my thoughts in this contest.

Do you know of any case, real or fictional in which envy has caused any harm?

Envy has really been a big issue in he society today, lots of families has been divorced due to the presence of envy in their lives lots quite important to her this occurrence that happened due to envy. Desmond met Susan in the train, while travelling and this was the beginning of something huge in their lives, this friendship gree to a considerable extent, he tried to be a cool guy and decided to start a life with her, he asked her out to marry him in a public place and she turned him down.

Moreso, he felt bad but had to move on with his life, finally he got a business deal with one of the biggest firms in the city and it got him really wealthy. He found himself a new woman and wife and they settled in as a couple, guess who showed up at the front door...Susan! She got envious after hearing the news and she decided to come have lunch, the meal was set and the atmosphere was tense. Susan created a distraction and at the instance put poison in her own food.

Futhermore, she accused the new wife of poisoning the food, a food test was passed and it was poisonous, she did it enviously, and it was really painful. The new wife was very loud and outspoken a decision was made and the CCTV camera caught the whole scenario and after legal actions were taken she was convicted for murder charges. Desmond pressed charges and she was remanded in the custody of the police due to envious traits from a bitter lady.

Do you agree that there is positive envy, which can promote success and progress

There is indeed a driving force to help promote success and that inspiration could be called motivation. You can look up to the success made by many people, you get the drive to make steps to make yourself successful. I would not call it envy, I must stress that once the will power is there to succeed and the adequate procedures taken into consideration you would most definitely be successful. Motivation without great action is really fruitless. It is of great importance to get motivated, but most importantly take great action, consistency would definitely make you successful in the particular act.

pexels-joelsantosfotografias-15641374.jpgsourceenvy should be eradicated from families

Have you ever felt that you are envied or have you envied someone else?

I have felt the aura of envy around me severally, I remember when I moved into a bigger apartment, it was not really easy for me, buy my old friends got envious, they decided to start sounding rude and flipping curses and stunts which portrayed envy. It is really a good thing to read people's emotions and distance yourself from bad energy.

Moreso, I have gotten motivated by people's success, I have role models I follow on Instagram, model their lives if I could and in most cases look at them passionately to get to know their secret life that gave them success, other times I scoff at them thinking they act so entitled and proud, but overall I do fel motivated and inspired by various successful people.

If we all possessed the same goods, if we lived in a world where no one lacked anything, would envy exist?

Human wants are insatiable, therefore, this is a psychology of humans, thus if we have everything we need we would still be envious. Picture a scenario, where a guy is with the mot pretty girl, having a great time walking down, they see a curvy lady in shorts, the guy bathes her with his eyes immediately smacking his lips...

Interestingly, his girl notices the scene and tongue lashes him, he claims he is sorry and didn't know that she was hurt, that his subconsciousness took more of him. She is with the most beautiful and yet he wants the curvy one, it's really a mystery yet to be unravelled. Envy is in everyone personality, we are wanting more no matter how much we have. The energy we put into envy should be put into productivity. Adding more envious energy to attain heights we can believe to have attained naturally.

I have concluded my article and would invite @nanidi @nancy0 @lirvic @josepha to join contest
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Curated by : @josepha

Thanks so much for acknowledging yardwork and supporting it too more than glad to make moe articles too here on the platform

Sad story. In this our world I see envy is a sin and when the did is done that's when the person will understand that it was envy that was controling him or her. Envy is a bad spirit.
Nice write up. Good luck on the contest dear

Well said! I'm glad you studied and picked out the moral lesson out of my article. It is really a beauty seeing these reviews. Im glad you stopped by my dear friend

 9 days ago 

Una verdadera actitud envidiosa nos ilustra con su primer ejemplo, de cómo la envidia puede llegar a causar tanto daño en una persona, que puede inducirla a los más deleznables actos. Sus consideraciones, por otra parte, en que no existe una envidia positiva, sin que a eso lo deberíamos llamar, más bien, motivación, me parece muy bien; al igual que su actitud ante las personas exitosas, a las que estudia para que le sirvan de fuente de inspiración para sus propósitos... Muchas gracias por acudir al llamado de este reto. Saludos.

Warm greetings to you my dear friend. I must say, I'm happy you stopped by leaving such extensive remark and positive feedback on my article, i feel motivated by these reviews, thanks so much once again and see you most definitely in the next challenge. Cheers to you

"Wow, what a thought-provoking article! 🤯 I loved the way you wove together the story of Desmond and Susan to illustrate the devastating effects of envy. 😱 And your insights on motivation vs. envy were spot on! 💡

I completely agree with you that envy is a powerful force that can lead to harm, but also that there's a difference between healthy motivation and unhealthy envy. 🤝

Your question about whether positive envy could promote success and progress got me thinking... do we really need to be envious of others' successes in order to motivate ourselves? 💭 Can't we find our own inspiration and drive within?

I'd love to hear from the community: have you ever felt like you're envied or have you envied someone else? 🤔 Do share your thoughts!

By the way, I'm so grateful for this community's efforts to promote positivity and growth. Let's keep spreading love and support! ❤️

P.S. Don't forget to vote for our witness 'xpilar.witness' at Every vote counts, and we appreciate your continued support!"

I'm so graced to hear your thoughts on my article. These words really inspires me to do more, I'm glad you studied my article and enjoyed the beauty in it too. I would definitely put in more efforts to make out more positive articles from here on in. Cheers to you my highly esteemed friend

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