Steemit Engagement Challenge S5W5 | "My Values."

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Hello everyone, how are you doing?, I welcome you to the Steemit engagement challenge for the 5th season, and I am glad to participate in the Scouts y sus Amigos community to discuss : "My Importance to the society ".

This is a very interesting topic I shall partake in, and I hope you enjoy it as well, Read on!!.

Why are values important in society?

This is a very tricky topic, and it's hard to make a say of what importance one really add to the society, I took this topic personal, and I shall explore my importance in my home.

I grew up in a family of 5 , with me being the first Male child, and that's a lot of pressure because most of my siblings were male as well, growing up, my dad wasn't always around so I have learnt to take charge and role of man of the house whenever he is away, not until everything change when i got admission into the University and I had to travel distance away from them.

But whenever I'm back at home, it's always a lovely visits, it brings memories of joy into the environment and everyone got really excited about my presence.


So whenever I'm home, there's always this presence of joy and excitement I get from my siblings, it has always been a memorable one for me, and the feeling of helping them out is beyond amazing.

What do you consider to be the values that define you?

I believe they see me as a safety, they seems to be more comfortable whenever I'm around, it's that moment they know of things they want to talk to people about, but when I'm around, they feel free and express there happiness.

I love my siblings as much , and they also have the same energy towards me, when I'm available with them, I try as much as possible to sort out their needs , creates a lovely memory with them even though I know I might leave the surroundings in any moment soon, but that little time we spent together has always been an endless expression of joy around them.


So therefore, I never let the moment pass, I create a Joy expression as much as I can , I make jokes around them, tell them funny stories, and we also see movies together in those moment, I have always love to create a unique memory , and something for them to hang unto while I'm not around.

In what circumstances of your day do you apply them?

I have always apply this anytime of the day, whenever I'm chanced to, or whenever they need my help and it's something I'm capable of doing, I never let the moment slide, I took it as my personal warebeing as much as it is theirs .

So I could apply this gesture in anytime of the day, they are my other half, there's no restrictions of time or moment or day they will seek my attention and I wouldn't be available, it's always a great feeling for people to count on you as their safety, it's a great feeling I also much enjoy and hope it continues.

What are the anti-values that you have witnessed the most?

I wouldn't consider the action of the outcomes anti-values, I would love to reconstruct it as they taking their time in the moment.

I have always noticed that whenever I'm around, my siblings tends to be lazy most times, because of how good they are feeling at the moment, I think it's also one of there way to express appreciation of my presence in the house.

So most times, whenever I'm around they get lazy of the work they are supposed to have done before, they feel because Uncle Badmus is around they could just do however they like as they will always have my pity for that moment, but everything slides in the first 3 weeks , then they resort back to their normal routine.

So I would not really consider that as a negative response, it's just a way of appreciating my presence around them, i believe it's what siblings love to do, especially when they meet someone from a long time ago.

Do you think values change or go out of style?

Yes, I believe ones value in the environment changes as time goes on, I have always cherish the little moment and the values I add to my siblings, because I know there would be a time they wouldn't need my presence anymore to access their freedoms or express their emotions as well.

I believe my presence is dominant today because I am older , and being their elderly one as well, it will get to a time where they will also be able to make their decisions without having to consult me, then the style of importance have changed, change is constant in humans, we are bound to change as times goes on, the best way to stay ahead of it is to be a positive change in the environment.


Here comes the conclusion of my contest entry on the topic "My importance in the Society", my home is my best society, and my importance is me being the eldest of my siblings, and the younger ones relies on my step, they watch my toes for there own decisions as well, reason why in any case, I have always have to think about the decision and how it will affect their actions as well.

Thank you everyone for coming, I hope you had a nice time reading my entry, we all participate a value in the community one way or the other, but our importance might be different, but it goes without saying that everyone is important, and everyone matters, we might be adding different or little value, but regardless, our existency is valued in whatever littlest form we might think.

I hereby invite @solexybaba and @josepha to join the discuss as well. Goodbye!!


 2 years ago 

ME alegra que seas esa figura que al llegar a casa le aporta esa sensacion de calidez familiar, de seguridad y protección. Eso indica que eres una buena persona y que eres muy importante para todos en tu casa.

Realmente los valores son muy importantes, ya que estos nos definen como personas y nos ayudan a cumplir nuestros objetivos.

Thank you, my friend, it's great that you put the composure that way, it sure does make me feel better.

I wish you a nice day.

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @scilwa, which is a curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. We can also be found on our hive community & peakd as well as on my Discord Server

Manually curated by @abiga554

Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

 2 years ago 

Thank you for inviting me. It is our values that can speak more about us even when we aren't present. I like the fact that all the values that you have are great. Best of luck to you sir.

Thank you dear friend, in whatever way as possible, it's my belief that we've always impact value in life in a way or two.

 2 years ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Que gran bendición es que sus hermanos reciban una educación llena de valores porque, estos actualmente están muy golpeados pero, el hecho de que aún existan personas como usted que trabajan duro para mantenerlos, es un gran indicativo de que si hay esperanzas de recuperarlos.

Felicidades amigo. Excelente participación💚

Thanks very much, I guess that's one of the responsibility that comes for someone being the elder.

I wish you luck in your entry as well.

I understand you as the first male of your house. It is not easy especially when the parents are not around. It forces you to be hard working and caring.
Yet the human nature can be a type sometimes, reason why your siblings are lazy when you are around because they if they don't do it, you will certainly do it.

Good luck for the success.
Please have a look on my post.
I will be happy to read your impressions on my post.
Stay Blessed.

 2 years ago 

Hi friend, you are the older brother and you transmit security to your brothers, you create good moments when you are with them, surely they remember you in a good way. They will also follow your good examples and the words you say to them, because they love you and love makes it possible for them to follow you. You shared a nice post. Greetings and blessings.

Thanks for the warm words, those are the actions I have always look forward to exactly, to create something unique with them.

Thank you, and have a good day as well.

 2 years ago 

I do agree with you, one has to accept social responsibilities as they come. After all a human is a social animal so if you fulfill your duties that will bring a positive result for you, cheers!

 2 years ago (edited)

JiExcelente tu participación amigo me encanto leerte.

Me gusto esa parte donde dices que el hogar es tu mejor sociwedad.

Además que esos niños que colocas en las imágenes son realmente hermosos Dios los Bendiga.

Suerte en el concurso.

Te espero por mi publicación.

Wow indeed family first before any other. I have learnt a lot from this thanks.

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