SEC-S10W5 | Patience

Hello Everyone!
Welcome to the 5th week of Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 10. This week's topic is very interesting and exciting to participate. Firstly, I will explain briefly what patience means and use the contest tips as guidelines to make my entry easy to understand.

Patience is a virtue we human posses by having the ability to endure difficult moment in form of delay, pains or tolerating provocation from someone. A person who can wait for longer period of time without giving up, getting upset or annoyed to achieve a particular thing can be described as being patience.

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Patience is one characteristic of an individual that is very important. The reason why this attribute is important is because at the end, a better result will be achieved. It makes one to be persevere, makes positive decision which can lead to greater lifetime success. Having this attribute will lead to perfection, gives time to build self-confidence and endurance. I will use the following heading as guidelines;

Do you Control Yourself all the Time or Tend to Lose Patience Easily

Patience is one of my attribute, I tend to structure my life in such a way that I don't lose out on patience easily. So much expectations leads to impatience so I rather reduce the way I expect from people or life's struggle. I'm human, there are some certain stage in which I can't hold on anymore in being patient, my emotions get in control but giving up is always a difficult thing for me to do.
I always structure my mindset no matter the situation to be patient and make good decision. Being patient has helped me achieved so many things in life, I have always come to realization that I'm always at the losing end each time I can't keep up with being patient. Getting to know the benefits of endurance has also contributed to me being patient during my difficult moment.

The fear of not achieving my goals at the appropriate/set time stresses me the most and repeated failure also makes it hard for me to be patience for long. It's frustrating trying one thing over and over again. At some point, loosing hope/patient can be the next option. I get stressed when in a circle of people that think differently and can't support me by at least giving some words of encouragement.

How I Avoid Losing my Patience

The first thing I do to avoid losing patience is by controlling my emotions, I don't let it control me. The second step I take is to accept my reality and plan ahead of that situation then observe if I'm becoming better.

How I Act when I lose patience

If there's anything that put me in a tight situation that leads to me getting to lose patience, I always act frustrated and tend to be weird or rude to people around. It all depending the situation. Sometimes, I act normal especially after knowing fully well that I have tried my very best to be patient.

My Advice to Other Steemians Regarding Patience

There are great rewards in being patient in life. My advice to everyone is; to always apply patient to all your life's struggle because with patience, you will be able to achieve great things/meet good opportunity.

@eliany, @mvchacin and @pandora, you are invited to join the contest. Thank you!

 last year 

Hola amiga, muchas gracias por participar en el concurso!

Que bueno que no pierda la paciencia con facilidad, es una virtud que no todo el mundo la tiene, cuando dejamos que nuestras emociones nos controlen allí perdemos la paciencia. Y tienes razón, debemos ser pacientes para lograr grandes cosas en la vida.

Amiga, en las reglas del concurso se pidió colocar como mínimo 3 fotos propias o libres de derecho de autor.

Fue un placer leer tu participación amiga!

¡Éxitos en el concurso!

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Date of Verification03/07/2023

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Patience is one of my attribute, I tend to structure my life in such a way that I don't lose out on patience easily. So much expectations leads to impatience so I rather reduce the way I expect from people or life's struggle.

I have learned from this. Having less expectations kelps us to keep calm when disappointment comes. What a great write up you have put up here.

I also read that being human, you sometimes become impatient. That's human for you. Let's keep doing our best to display patience because it is a virtue. I wish you success

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