SEC-S17W3- "Let's talk about Ponzi scheme".

in Scouts y sus Amigos3 months ago (edited)


Have you ever heard of a Ponzi scheme?

Yes, I have been introduced to Jav a long time ago thanks to the internet. A good habit of mine is to find out about something on the Internet, and I learned about this scam from the Internet. Ponzi schemes are a well-known type of investment fraud named after Charles Ponzi, who became notorious for using these fraudulent investment schemes in the early 20th century. In a Ponzi scheme, the operator promises high returns to investors with little or no risk, paying returns to previous investors rather than making legitimate profits using funds from new investors. While they may operate under different guises, they all share the common characteristic of using new investors' funds to provide returns to previous investors, creating a cycle of dependence on new investments to sustain the scheme. When the flow of new investment slows or stops, the scheme collapses and investors may lose all or a substantial portion of their investment.

Have you been offered to invest in this scheme?


Yes, I got such a lucrative investment offer before the 2022 FIFA World Cup. It's from a company called One Passive where they make investors dream of becoming millionaires and have taken money from many people in my area. I only get wary when I hear offers that pay multiple times the profits without any effort. The biggest corruption in Bangladesh is a company called Destiny which has run away with investment from many customers. So I never step into such a tempting trap.

Do you know how to identify Ponzi schemes?

I feel that when any organization without hard work wants to give me more profit after making a small investment, I reject such investment.

Some features to identify these schemes are high returns, lack of transparency, pressure to invest, unclear investment strategies, solicitation of other clients by luring clients with commissions. Ponzi schemes are a well-known type of investment fraud named after Charles Ponzi, who became notorious for using these fraudulent investment schemes in the early 20th century.

In a Ponzi scheme, the operator promises high returns to investors with little or no risk, paying returns to previous investors rather than making legitimate profits using funds from new investors. While they may operate under different guises, they all share the common characteristic of using new investors' funds to provide returns to previous investors, creating a cycle of dependence on new investments to sustain the scheme. When the flow of new investment slows down or stops, the scheme collapses and investors lose all or a significant portion of their investment. Providing high returns on investment attracts the attention of other customers and is prompted by these customers to bring in new investors and from Sekham. commissions. They fled when the company raised more investment. Many such companies from our country have robbed common people.

Do you think Steemit is a ponzi scheme?


Steemit is a blockchain-based social media platform that rewards users with cryptocurrency for creating and curating content (but note that upvotes are not guaranteed). Opinions may differ on its effectiveness and sustainability as a social media platform, but it is not correct to classify Steemit as a Ponzi scheme.

Ponzi schemes typically promise high returns to investors, often without any legitimate underlying investment activity. They rely on money from new investors to provide returns to earlier investors, creating a cycle that eventually collapses when there aren't enough new investors to sustain it. A Ponzi scheme is a lucrative scam where many are made rich with the lure of high returns.

In contrast, Steemit works on blockchain technology and provides a transparent system where users are rewarded in cryptocurrency based on the popularity and engagement of their content. While there may be criticisms or concerns about Steemit's business model or governance, it does not fit the definition of a Ponzi scheme. Steemit never forces anyone to invest or share its articles and is plagiarism free and willing to invest by anyone interested.
I invite you to participate in this awareness competition @shahid2030 @nooruleman @sinthiyadisha.

Thanks for reading my post
Good luck to you.
I wish you well


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Tienes mucha razón amigo ya una vez que piden inversiones y además referidos para que los mismos se conviertan en inversores también es porque hay algo turbio detrás de todas las promesas que se hicieron .

Es bueno que se haga del conocimiento de todos que Steemit No es un sistema Ponzi ni nada que se le parezca aunque sea una plataforma virtual está diseña bajo la blockchain que la hace unica y segura.

Buena suerte

These schemes offer a tempting increase in income by referring more customers through an investor. In my country there are many vuifor companies who do this business by targeting some people. The reason why Steemit is not considered a Ponzi scheme is because it creates interest in working without the guarantee of money or upvotes. We have to grow up through our own talent and hard work and not by any greed that can make us financially destitute. Thanks for your valuable comments.


Greetings friend
Great ideas and thoughts you’ve shared here. It’s good to know that you’ve not fallen victim to these crooks who offer to make investments for us only to run away with our money. I actually fell victim to them a couple of times until I learnt my lessons. Since then, any man that brings suspicions things to me, I weigh them carefully before making a decisions and most times the pointers to know Ponzi schemes so clear. Am glad that platforms like steemit exists for genuine invest investment. Thanks for the post. Success

It is very sad that you too have fallen into such a cycle and suffered losses. The first two fads of these Ponzi schemes are higher returns and offers to win rewards by referring others. Steemit is a great platform where we are doing our own thing. Thanks for your comment.

Thanks friend and welcome

Greetings dear friend.
Thank you very much for presenting us a beautiful post. I am very glad to read your post.

Many have stepped into such a situation in the FIFA World Cup football game. I have seen and heard. But you did a great job. He did not go into danger with his eyes and ears open. Also all of us in Bangladesh were cautious in the name of Destiny. Although I did not work but heard from close people. In fact, the Steemit platform is the first in my life platform Where the profit is given according to the effort without investment. Be well

এখনো অনেক আছে এম্ন ভুইফোর কোম্পানী যারা সহল সরল মানুষদের লোভের ফাদে ফেলে সর্বস্বান্ত করে দিচ্ছে। বিশ্বকাপের সময় আমাদের এলাকায় অনেকে এই ওয়ান প্যাসিভ নামের কোপ্নানিতে বিনিয়োগ করেছে এবং নিজের টাকা হারিয়েছে। ডেসটীনিতে আমার চাচা অনেক টাকা বিনিয়োগ করেছিলেন পাইলোনিয়া গাছের জন্য কিন্তু সবকিছু হাড়িয়ে তিনি অর্থনৈতিকভাবে তিনি ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ হয়েছেন। আপনার মূল্যবান মন্তব্যবের জন্য ধন্যবাদ।

You were so lucky to have detect them because by now, you should have been crying. Is good you went on research on Google to know everything about Ponzi schemes, how I wish I was this wise as you are.

Steemit is not a Ponzi schemes but a lot of people think is p2p platform and because of that they tag steemit Ponzi scheme.

I wish you good luck my dear friend

I came to know about these lucrative schemes earlier when my uncle made huge losses in 2009. I have since felt that people are falling into the trap of fraudsters who are lured by these high profits. Thanks for your valuable comments.

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