Third Week of September" Window Sill Gardening"
Hi everybody!
Here we are, the 3rd week of window sill gardening is over. So what are the changes? Do you want to know?
I'll show you my plants.
It rained yesterday. The rain was like summer rain, the rain was warm.
dark clouds
I can move the boxes of plants any way I want. That's the advantage of a "vegetable garden in crates." Heavy downpours are not a problem for plants planted in crates, since there is drainage the water does not stagnate. I can move the pots and boxes indoors at any time.
Tomatoes grew in a week.
Strawberry bush that has been transplanted. Do you see a pea sprout?
Look at how the lettuce leaves have grown!
I am pleased and happy as a child! 😀
So, my container garden!
Garden in containers: growing vegetables in old buckets
Containers don't need to be left in one place.
You will never get a big harvest. If you plan to pickle a couple of barrels of cucumbers, then this way of growing is definitely not for you. 🤔.🥒 😂
Frequent watering is required, because the volume of soil in each box is small. Feeding for some plants in this case will be mandatory. I used liquid herbal fertilizer.🪴
I'll tell you another time. @steemcurator01, are you interested in this?🤔
First week of September "Window Sill Gardening"
Second week of September "Window Sill Gardening"
Next will be
Original photos by @leylar
Take care and all the best!
I like that you photoed the clouds @leylar even the stormy ones. People sometimes miss the beauty in any type of weather. I took a picnic 🧺 out yesterday and I was watching the fluffy clouds for a while. They’ve got all sorts of shapes and move so fast. I see the pea shoot behind a strawberry leaf☝️Are you growing it just for micro greens to add to salads or sandwiches? If that’s the case, when it comes to harvesting just cut above the basal leaves. In a week’s time it regrows and provides you with another tasty sprout 🌱 Again if you cut the same way it will regrow again. I also start the pea shoots I’m a dark place which speeds up the entire process. Once they start sprouting I move them to a well lit indoor or outdoor area.
I love looking at fluffy clouds. Yes, you can see the whimsical shapes of the clouds, it's fun! 💨
Growing peas next to strawberries is a useful thing! I grow them to add greens to salads or sandwiches.🥗 No need to run to the market. 😀
@leylar, отличные успехи. Уже видно как все начинает прибавлять в росте. Помидорчики появились на кусту, это салатный сорт помидоров? Если сторона солнечная, то до нового года будут плодоносить. Вы высаживали рассадой или семечком помидоры?
@hive-180821, это два вида. "Помидор комнатный " и томат штамбовный "Балконный золотое чудо" 😊. Я выращивала из семян
Помидоры будут крупные, салатные? Из семян сложнее вырастить помидоры, вы большая труженица!
..🍅 будут среднего размера, а желтые по размеру как черри
Вырастить из семян было не сложно😊