The winner of the competition Week-6 was announced

in Steemit-Garden2 years ago (edited)
🌺Note: 15% beneficiaries for hive-180821🌺
🌺Assalamu Alaikum, from the beginning steemit-garden community I wish all admins, moderators and brothers and sisters congratulations. How are you all I hope you are all well by the grace of God.Competition Week-6(Subject: You have created a garden in your home by sitting in a hobby or loving the garden. Present to us how to enhance and take care of the beauty of that garden.🌺
🌺Each of us should plant a tree in our home and create a garden. Trees play an essential role in saving the environment. The beauty of the home or home-made garden should be enhanced and the trees should be taken care of. The number of participants in this week's competition is again low. Those who have participated in our competition are being declared the winners. Needless to say, I would like to request all the members of that steemit-garden community to please participate in all the competitions. Thanks🌺
The final 2 posts have been selected from the participants in our competition.☘️
accountpost link
🌺I thank the participants again. Thanks also to our steemit-garden community admin @vipnata ma,am for their nice post. It would not have been possible to organize such a competition without him. That is why I was able to organize this competition. Thank him again.🌺

🌺 Steem delivery memo proof🌿


🌺 Special Note:🌿

🌺I can't guarantee that @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 will support the winning contestants. But we are hopeful he can support it.🌿


@pennsif @vipnata @hive-180821 @disconnect.

Entrepreneur of the signed competition:

 2 years ago 

Congratulations to winners! Thanks for your contest, my friend!

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much.

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