COMMUNITIES OF THE MONTH SUPPORT PROGRAM - NOVEMBER 2021 : Steemit Iron Chef growing steadily and now ready for some giant leaps!!!

in Steemit Iron Chef3 years ago

It is that time of the month where all communities on Steemit are invited to submit their applications for the communities of the month support program!

I have to let you know that this is the most stressful period for me and each month I feel same! The current month is near to end and if our community is not selected for the program, so many original foodies who have found their home in SIC will be very much disappointed!

I just hope for the best!

Today I will be making Steemit Iron Chef Community application for the month of November 2021!

But before that, if you want to check out our past 3 months applications, you can see them on the below links and compare the progress we made since!

Our application will once again be more focused on the different metrics and achievements of Steemit Iron Chef Community, short and sweet, so that people take pleasure reading it.

#club5050 : Let's start with the big talk of the town!

Since the day we've learned about #club5050, we've geared towards encouraging more and more members to follow suit.

For myself and for @steemit-ironchef account, the powering up of maximum of our earnings have been ongoing since 5-6 months now and we are looking forward to power up more!!! We are in the #club75...maybe a little higher!


On our last post on #club5050, we are encouraging members posting in our community to make their best in making maximum power up and making it will give them a bigger chance of getting curated. But without compromising the quality we are looking for in their posts!


From 7000 SP to over 16500 SP in less than 3 months!!!

Oh are reading that well! Since we started receiving the support from the Steemit Team, we have over doubled our voting power. We are little more than 16500 SP and keeps on growing daily!

Our growth can be much bigger if we are selected in the big support package! Let's see!

Let me show you how much SP we had 3 months back...Around 7147SP only!!!

And now...

Please note that we have also received some SP delegation - not that much, but still!

Basically Steemit Iron Chef Community is curated by the below 2 accounts : my account and that of @steemit-ironchef. All our daily votes go to posts in SIC.



Growing community...from 710 subscribers to OVER 1200 now!!!

Not only our SP is is simply amazing to see how in matter of 3 months we jumped from 700 subs to over 1200 these days! Everyday we have more and more joining!

This already give an indication that we do have a lot of serious food bloggers on the platform and we need to consolidate more on our resources to keep them happy and always stay active!


Started with ONE contest...and now we have 4 running at the same time!!!

This is another milestone for SIC!

When we started, the goal was to organize simply a weekly contest which is loved by all around with some interesting theme each week!

It was really a big success! But then when we started to receive the support of booming, we changed our mission and vision and geared towards turing SIC into a place where we talk only the food language...a place where serious food authors can come over and find something to their likings!

Now on top the our leading contest #steemit-ironchef , we have the below 3 contests that have been launched and running amazingly!

Give back to the community

No change on our motto...we always give back to the community for everyone to grow together!


Each month we are giving around 800 - 1000 steem to our members, despite our limited resources! If we get some more support, this will help a lot!



This is another area where we've changed a lot...

I was the only one running the community but with the growth, now we have 7 mods with each one taking responsibility of something!

And I am here at the back giving support in terms of votes and weekly rewards for them to run their activity smoothly.

We have some more interesting concepts coming up soon, but we can't disclose for is cooking, once ready you will all discover them!!!

We are thankful that till now we did not receive users doing plagiarism and we don't think we will face such issues as our rules and guidelines are solid and when not respected you are not getting any rewards from us!

By the way...if someone is found doing so, we give a first warning then we will ban if repeated!

Why we need this support...

Without such support, the community will find itself down as it will be difficult to get the steem that are needed to run the community with each one getting a fare share...

As mentioned above, each week we need to found over 200 Steem to run all the different actions we've launched. It is really not easy getting this sum each week + making powerups!

And nowadays we have much more activity than before as people just love the way we operate the community...with the little we have, we try to make maximum people happy!

I really hope SIC is selected once again for the support and if possible...we get among the top ones! With the bigger support package, we will grow bigger much quicker!

We will keep on powering up and up!

Final important questions asked :

To end this post I will reply to the questions asked by the steemit team for this month where the focus is #club5050!

  • Have all your team members committed to Club5050?

No! I don't think all members will be able to do it as we have a lot of our members who need their earnings badly for their day to day life.
But still, they are encouraged to do their best and they will be rewarded by doing so.

It will be mainly me, @steemit-ironchef and our mods who will be the main ones powering up the max we can.

  • How are you encouraging members of your community to commit to Club5050?

Everyday we have 4 posts from our members that are nominated for booming support and the ones who are powering up the maximum are given priority on others.

We also have our discord channel where we talk a lot on this subject and our mods are dropping messages on posts to encourage the members to participate in #club5050.

  • What success with promoting Club5050 has your community had so far?

I will say...not great so far! Our main concern is that most of our members are from Venezuela and their life situation is not so great.

I've been in contact with many of them who were stressed about #club5050 and I assured them that this initiative is here for the best...

I even talked about those times where Steem was around 8USD...I was already here during those days and when the price of Steem rises so much, the feeling is simply extraordinary!

With #club5050 we can reach that price again...but maximum of us must commit to power up more than we are cashing out! Simple maths!

Thank you for reading and hope for the best!
@progressivechef / @steemit-ironchef

 3 years ago (edited)

Good job friend, the truth is that SIC has been growing at speed. And I know we are going for more! Very good the application for this month of November I know that we will have the support. And little by little more people will join @ club5050. Good luck for the community!

 3 years ago 

Thank you my friend! A pleasure reading your nice support message! Everything's take little time and as you mentioned more people will join #club5050 for the betterment of each and everyone!
Best Regards!

SIC esta creciendo a grandes pasos, por lo cual esperamos nuevamente tener el apoyo a esta gran comunidad, y se que poco a poco muchos más se iran sumando al #club5050 ya que es beneficioso para todos! Sigamos avanzando 💪👍

 3 years ago 

We are indeed growing daily...with time SIC will definitely be huge and home to so many awesome foodies! We will keep working hard and innovate to reach higher!
Thanks for all the hardwork!
Best Regards

Es un gran trabajo en equipo el que hacemos en SIC! Esperamos contar con el apoyo para que la comunidad siga creciendo y fortaleciendose! Haremos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para garantizar el contenido de calidad y avance en SIC! 🌟
Arriba SIC! 💫

 3 years ago 

No stress! Lol! Thanks for everything you are all doing for the community my friend! Keep rocking and we will reach very high!
Best Regards!

Mis Respeto para @progressivechef ha hecho un trabajo maravilloso con Steemit Iron Chef* Estamos trabajado en Equipo para lograr grandes cosas.
Esperamos contar con el apoyo para este Mes y así poder seguir creciendo y brindar apoyo a todos Nuestros Chef de Hierro que hacen de Iron Chef una Excelente comunidad 💫💫💫💫💫🙏💖

🥳🥳Arriba Iron Chef 🥳🥳

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much my friend and big respect to you all for the amazing supportive spirit you got!
Praying for the best for our lovely community!
Have a great weekend ahead!

 3 years ago 

caramba amigo lo felicito por el gran trabajo. SIP cada dia va avanzando en el numero de participantes que lo apoyan, para mi es un gran placer ser parte de esta comunidad, que sigan los exitos, y la suma de muchos a @club5050, saludos

 3 years ago 

Saludos amigo @progressivechef es una gran propuesta y presentación del trabajo que hacen en la comunidad, le deseo muchos éxitos y que crezcan todos juntos con el #club5050.

Éxitos en su postulación para el mes de Noviembre.

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