Daily Menu Delicacies Week No. 21. date (07-06-2024) //Chicken biryani.

Contest | Daily Menu Delicacies Week No. 21
Assalamu Alaikum Steemians

My username is @jimiaera02 and I'm from Bangladesh.

Hello friends,
Hope everyone is healthy. Today I am participating in an amazing contest hosted by the Steemit Iron Chef Community. Competition Name: Daily Menu Delicacies Week No. 21. Today I will share the Chicken Biryani recipe with you.

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Ingredients for Chicken Biryani

2Chopped onions2 cups
3Biryani spices1 packet
5Aloo Bokhara5-6pis
6Ginger paste1tsp
7Garlic paste1tsp
First Step

First I put a pot on the stove. When the pot is hot, add 1 cup of oil. Add 1 cup chopped onion to the oil and stir well. Brown the chopped onion in a pan.

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Second Step

After browning the onions, I added garlic paste, ginger paste, tomato sauce, cashew nut paste, biryani spices, and salt. Stir all the spices well and mix them. Then I gave him a glass of water and took it.

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Tomato Souce.

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Cashew nut paste.

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Biryani spices.

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Third Step

After adding water to the spices, I increased the heat of the stove. I added four green chilies to the spices. Mix the spices well. After grinding for some time, the spice oil will float to the top.

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Fourth Step

When the spices are ground, at this stage, I will put the chicken meat that has been washed and cleaned into the spices. Then with the help of a spoon, shake the chicken meat with the spices and mix well.

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Five Step

When the meat is mixed with the spices, I cover the mouth of the pot with a lid. Reduce the heat of the oven and cook for 7-8 minutes. Then remove the lid and shake the meat. A lot of water is coming out of the meat. No need to add water separately. I will cook by shaking until the water of the meat dries up. When the water of the meat dries up, I will keep the pot down from the stove.

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Six Step

At this stage, I put another pot on the stove to fry biryani rice. I drained the water and cleaned the biryani rice fifteen minutes ago. Now heat the oil in a pot and add 2 tablespoons of chopped onion. When the onion is lightly fried, stir it with half a spoon of garlic paste and half a spoon of ginger paste. When the raw smell of the spices is gone, mix it with cinnamon, cardamom, and bay leaves and give it to the washed rice.

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Seven Step

Shake the rice well and cook it for 10 minutes. While frying the rice, add some raisins and some salt. When the rice is fried, add hot water.

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Eight Step

After giving hot water, I added some green chilies and a cup of milk. Then I mixed all the ingredients with a spoon. I covered the mouth of the pot with a lid.

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Nine Step

When the water boiled, I removed the lid and poured the cooked chicken into the pot. After mixing the rice and meat well with a spoon, I added some potatoes. Cook for five minutes with the pot closed.

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Ten Step

Take off the pot's lid after five minutes and give it a shake to prevent the biryani from sticking to the bottom. For a further five minutes, cook while covered. Then remove the lid of the pot and spread 1 tablespoon of ghee. Now my biryani is done.

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Final Step

Cover the pot and let it sit for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes my chicken biryani is ready to serve.

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In this beautiful contest I would like to invite @chant @goodybest @ruthjoe

Phone Details

Oppo A 16
Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Recipe By
Thanks all the readers

Best regards from jimiaera02

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 15 days ago 

Assalam Alaikum dear friend, I hope you are well. Chicken biryani is eaten with rice. In every country, chicken is something that even children eat very fondly. Here in Pakistan, the rate of chicken is low, sometimes high. But still people eat chicken biryani and chicken korma very fondly. My children and family members eat chicken biryani very fondly. I prepare biryani for them with my own hands. You Step explained and told us. Thank you very much for sharing your quality and delicious recipe. Best of luck dear.

Thank you so much for your beautiful comment. My children loves to eat chicken biriyani so i made biriyani 2/3 days in a week. Stay well 😊

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