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RE: Parade of colours in our meals //White week // Milk rice

in Steemit Iron Cheflast year (edited)

This is such a nice recipe that probably is not easy to make but easy to digest so I would love to eat it as soon as someone knows how to cool it. I am a useless cook besides my wife is so fussy who never lets me enter HER kitchen 😑She thinks that I will mismanage the things so keeps me away. I have just started a contest of my own!

Jokes apart, this recipe sounds cool while eating it hot, my best wishes.


Your wife is right; when they enter the kitchen, they spend more time talking than working, which causes our work to be delayed.
Milk rice will break into bits when eaten while still hot, but after a short while, it will harden. It is advised that you wait a little while before utilizing it because of this.

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 last year 

O o o, I thought it would taste like KHEER which I eat hot and cold both without cutting in any shapes. I hope you know what is KHEER which we definitely make every week or so. Is it something like Upma?

No, I have no idea about KHEER, I will go through the internet and see what type of food is Kheer.

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