SEC-S17 /W3| "Imaginations do happen real"

in Steem For Pakistanlast month

Assalamu Alaikum. welcome to Steemit engagementchallange s17w3. The Steem For Pakistan community has come to us with a wonderful contest. I am happy to participate in the engagement challenge week three season 17 with this wonderful topic "Imaginations do happen real". I invite all steem friends to enjoy my entry. Read on and enjoy

Imaginations do happen real__20240423_161631_0000.png
made it canva

What do you understand by imagination?

Imagination is a feeling in our mind. Whatever our mind desires and whatever we love we get in imagination. We can go to heaven by imagination and we can travel the whole world by imagination I can We can do whatever we want by imagining.. But imagination can sometimes come true if we try a little.



What's the coolest thing you love imagining?

I am basically a real loving person. I always try to realize the real things in my life. But I don't imagine so. Every person in the world fantasizes and often more or less everyone loves to fantasize.



But the thing I perceive best in imagination is travel. I like to travel a lot.Especially I want to visit the cities of Madinah and Makkah. So I always want to travel to Makkah Sharif in dreams and in reality and my favorite subject is Makkah and Madinah.. Because my beloved idol Hazrat Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam is sleeping there. So from the above I love to fantasize and travel to Makkah Sharif as well as Madinah Sharif I sometimes go to fantasize.

Do you believe there are some positive imaginations we can make real?

There are many things in the world that we can achieve in reality by matching our imaginations. However, it is very difficult to match this fantasy in real life. But if you can be a right minded person and if your imagination is positive imagination then surely you can turn your imagination into reality.



So I believe it is entirely possible to turn people's imaginations into reality through hard work, confidence and patience. Because what man imagines, he is able to express his heart. That is, people imagine within their means, so it is definitely possible to fulfill it.

Imagine the world is going to end next week. What will you do now?

If I wanted to, I could now think that the world might be destroyed or ended next week. But this is very difficult to imagine. Although it is fictional, I still have some functional role to play in that regard.

  • First of all I will perform ablution and after that I will pray two rakat nafal and ask Allah for forgiveness for all my sins. Then I will confess to the Creator for all the sins of the past days and I will appeal to the Creator to grant me Paradise after death.
  • I will treat everyone well. Especially I apologize to all my neighbors.
  • People around me may owe me money. I will pay cash to them as much as possible and try to settle their debts.
  • I will pay off all my debts and cash loans. Because even if the Creator forgives other sins, if I destroy the rights of the servant, then I will have to answer for it in the Hereafter.. So I will pay off all businessmen's debts.

I think if the world ends next week I will take these steps and it will help me in the afterlife.

I want to invite


For the contest

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Thank you for reading ❤️


Achievement 1



 last month 

You made me laugh out loud I was reading through your post, you said that whatever we desire that we can get it through imagination and that we can even go to heaven by imagination 🤣🤣🤣.

That's true shall, we can truly achieve all our imagination through hard work and working towards it with prayers too. You made me to understand that if the world is actually going to end by next week that what you will do first is, you will perform your ablution then confused all your past sin and seek for forgiveness from Allah and also ask Him to grant you paradise after dead, I pray that all your desires should come to pass.

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
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The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

 last month 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Wao , You are a real and practical person. Your believe is that entirely possible to turn people's imaginations into reality through their hard work, confidence and patience. Also he is able to express his heart. I say best of luck for contest.

 last month 

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

You say Imagination is a feeling in our mind. This is too much true. We are free to imagine everything we want. As you have said that We can go to heaven by imagination and we can travel the whole world by imagination. I believe positive Imaginations we can use for creativity.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

 last month 

Hello dear!

Your emphasis on the transformative potential of positive imagination resonates deeply. By harnessing determination and patience one can turn dreams into reality. Your commitment to seeking forgiveness and making amends in the face of an imagined apocalypse reflects profound introspection and spiritual depth. Keep inspiring others with your sincerity and wisdom.


Imajinasi memang tak ada batasnya, kita bebas membayangkan apa saja baik itu makanan, jalan-jalan ke tempat impian bahkan membayangkan hal mustahil di dunia nyata.

Kita pastinya senang dan bersemangat dalam berimajinasi, pikiran kita bekerja dan itu membantu pertumbuhan mental kita. Tentu saja ada beberapa imajinasi positif yang bisa kita wujudkan.

Semoga apa yang anda inginkan segera tercapai, doa terbaikku untuk mu kawan😇

Finally, you will spend quality time with your family and loved ones, making sure to express your love and appreciation for them. You will try to make peace with anyone you may have conflicts with and spread positivity and kindness wherever I go. Ultimately, you will try to leave this world with a clear conscience and a heart full of love.

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