Contest Alert:1 Picture 1 Story week no 27: The story of the king & two beggars

in Steem For Pakistan4 months ago

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله الذي رزقني ورزقني الحلال.

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Assalamu Alaikum. Greetings steem for Pakistan community and steemians friends. Hope you all are doing well by God's grace.Alhamdulillah, with your many prayers and God's infinite mercy, I am also very well. Today I am very happy because, I have already completed the tenth fast and I am thanking Allah the Creator for this.. Moreover, Steem for Pakistan community announces a wonderful contest among us.I am very happy to participate in A Picture A Story Week 27. The story I will tell you today is the story of a king and two beggars. I hope everyone will read the story and enjoy it. So let's get started.

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Story name: The king & two beggars
Written; @steem-for-future

A royal family lived in a city. A hereditary king named King Aaron ruled the entire kingdom. There was no shortage of food grains or anything in his kingdom. Because that king Harun was a servant of God and a close servant of God. King Harun constantly worshiped God and begged God for wealth.

If any person in the village went to King Harun for help, then King Harun would never turn anyone away empty-handed. Because King Aaron knew that the Lord had given him a lot of wealth and that what he gave would increase his wealth seventy times and God would give him some wealth again.. So the king became known to the whole world as a benevolent person.

King Aaron had already noticed that two beggars had come to his kingdom to beg. Every day they came to King Aaron and left with alms. But one day King Harun went to pray in the mosque and informed the cabinet that he had gone to pray in the mosque.. At that time the beggar entered the two Rajya Sabhas and inquired where King Harun was. Everyone in the royal house informed that King Harun had gone to the mosque to pray.

For some time King Harun was praying inside the mosque and two beggars were waiting outside.. Finally, when King Harun was late leaving the mosque, the beggar approached the two mosques and looked through the doors.

King Aaron was crying. The two beggars were surprised to see the king crying and they wondered why the king was crying. King Aaron lacked nothing. But why is King Aaron crying?

After some time the king finished the prayer and returned home crying to Allah. At that time two beggars entered the kingdom with him and asked the king,Who were you raising your hands to beg? And who did you cry to?

King Aaron replied to the two beggars, I was praying and crying to God. May Allah grant me peace in this time and salvation in the hereafter. And may Allah grant me more wealth in this world.

After hearing this, the two beggars left the kingdom of King Aaron. For some time they no longer come to King Harun's court for alms. Sepoys were summoned from among the Cabinets and the beggar was brought before the Raj Sabha. King Harun asked why you did not come to me to beg these days?

The beggar replied two things, We ask from you and you give us a little. But the day you went to the mosque and asked Allah, that day we also took a decision. Being such a big king to whom he is crying?Since such a great king is crying in the court of Allah then why should we ask for alms from the king? From now on we will not beg from any other person, we will ask Allah for everything we need.

Saying this, the beggar left the two Rajya Sabhas and the king was very happy and was impressed by the beggar's words and gave the beggars many gold coins.

specially mention for inviteing me






Achievement 1



 4 months ago 

Thanks for inviting me. I will try and also take part in the contest. Good luck to you.

 4 months ago 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest.

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