SEC-S14 / W1 | "🥳 Moments of Celebration 🎊"

in Steem For Pakistan6 months ago
Greetings Everyone, This is SHOHANA From #Bangladesh

Moments of celebrations are sweet and the sweet moment comes to our life more of less. My celebrations are very simple but source of happiness. Celebrations come to my life very rarely but still it is something that fill my heart with joy. Celebration is something that can't be possible to celebrate alone but technology made it possible for us so now we can celebrate virtually with the people all around the world.

Celebrations make a lots of memories that we only can hold through photographs and videos. In the past it was not possible to hold moments we make when celebrate our good time or good news. Day by day we common people are becoming celebrities and celebrating each small joy or happiness in our social media page to make it a global celebration. Though the definition of celebration is different to me.


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🥳 What does "Celebration" mean to you?

Good question and I appreciate this asking. For me celebration is a feeling that we share with people who loves us and knows how to make the celebration special to me. For me celebration means eating and feeding delicious food and it is the most important part of celebration for a foodie like me.

Cutting cake and eating sweets with friends and family can be a celebration to me. Things that made my day special and happy deserve to celebrate and only our close people can be the part of it not like that, any good soul or well wisher can join the celebration too. Celebration is special moment to me when I can forget the dark days of life.


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🥳 Are you preparing yourself for an upcoming celebration(s)? Share your Excitement and plans.

It was a matter of childhood when I prepared for the upcoming celebrations like Eid (Islamic festival), Annual functions of school, prize recieving days in school, birthday party in family, going for a picnic with parents and there were many kind of celebration moments. But now I don't plan anything before any kind of festival celebration.

My life seems complicated and I get frustrated most of the time so I try to overcome it by celebrating my small happiness and achievements. For example if I make a target and reach it on time, I celebrate it by feeding and treating myself with sweets or my favorite foods, sometimes a coffee sharing with close friends also feels like celebration to me.


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🥳 How does Celebrations bring happiness and meaning to your life?

Let me share my childhood experience when we had celebration excitement. We siblings went to the market with our mom for festival shopping. We had new cloths, shoes, cosmetics and home decorating items to buy. We decorate our house with colorful and glitter papers on Eid occasion. We decorate our hands with henna designs. Those days never can bring back and the family is broken now after my mom's death.

Childhood time celebration was full of joy and fun, there was no tension of money, no tension of life, no tension of future. Celebration definitely bring happiness in our life and we should celebrate our small achievements specially when there is none to make you feel special by giving you a special day or celebrate your special days and achievemens.

🥳 Recall the most cherished celebration memories of your life?

Since my childhood days I love travelling so whenver my parents make a plan to travel to my grandparents house in the village that was most cherished celebration memories of my life. There was my counsins, uncle-aunts and grandparents to make the celebration colorful. We celebrated the winter days together and share traditional cakes that prepared by our aunts. We cousins played different kinds of games together and those days were most beautiful in my life. Unfortunately we are all grown up now and busy with responsibilities on our heads. No connection and no reunion is possible, time changed everything.


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A #steemexclusive Blog Written By @shohana1


 6 months ago 

Hello Dear @shohana1
You said very well that the joys of childhood fade as you grow up. Loses a lot of responsibility. There is a responsibility on the shoulder, now it seems that if the responsibility is fulfilled properly, there is a joy. A coffee chat with an old friend becomes a celebration. In the tension-free village of childhood, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and parents ate winter pies with their parents, creating a festive atmosphere. Your memories are wonderful.

 6 months ago 

Thanks vai for reading all I've shared in this post. It was wonderful in childhood days!

 6 months ago 

Indeed my friend I am glad to hear that celebration gives you good memories and it also make you happy even though you rarely celebrate but each time you do it you are overwhelmed with joy which is very good to hear about my friend.
Eating and feeding on delicious food to your satisfaction can also be seen as celebration I really love this definition of yours as I love eating food each time I celebrate or attended a celebration party, our everyday success is a celebration to is and even though we are facing challenges in life it always good to celebrate once in a while as it will give e us a lasting memories in our life and also make us to easily forget about the dark side of life.

I am so sorry to hear that you are sometimes frustrated about life but I am glad to hear that you celebrate every moment of success in your life which is very good, and you eat good food and drinks and also share some cup of coffee with your friends.
I have Muslim friend and they are also preparing for the Eid Mubarak celebration and I wish you success 🙏.
Celebrating good moment with your siblings and extended family is indeed a moment to cherish forever.

I wish you success 🙏 my friend donhave a nice day 🤗

 6 months ago 

Thanks dear for reaching my blog and compliment my writing, have a nice day to you too.

 6 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 6 months ago 

Life is short and we should not waste time to wait for huge achievement . Every small should be celebrated . Your liveliness inspired me.And what could be better then to celebrate beautiful moments with your love ones.lots of prayers for you.

 6 months ago 

Thank you so much for praying dear, you stay blessed too!

Thank you, friend!
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It's good to read about your childhood celebration and all they meant to you. I ask like the fact that you celebrate your little winnings and achievement. Kudos my friend, best wishes to you.

Celebration means a lot to me and one thing I love about celebration is the fact that any little thing can be celebrated no matter how little or how meaningless it seem to be.
I am someone who always make sure that she celebrates every win. Well, I am always mindful of how I spend money during celebration. Things are very expensive and I am someone who does not even like an elaborate celebration so I mostly celebrate with my family alone. That’s what I do. I love your opinion about celebration. It was a good one.

 6 months ago 

I loved the way you have explained celebration.Moments of celebrations are sweet and the sweet moment comes to our life more of less.
My celebrations are very simple but source ofhappiness.Celebrations come to my life very rarely but still it is something that fill my heart with joy.A celebration is a expression to something that has signifigance in a person or grouos interests.A celebration can be for anything. There are no rule and or boundaries to what can and can't be a celebration.its great to read that you celebrate your achievements and success,enjoyed reading your blog wish you success.🎉🌟🌹💐❤️

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