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RE: SEC-S14 /W5|"Job or Business what's your Preference?"

in Steem For Pakistan6 months ago

Knowledge is definitely powerful, but it's equally important to know how to put that knowledge into action. If you have all this knowledge but struggle to implement it, it could mean that your understanding of the concepts is weak or you lack the necessary skills to apply that knowledge in real-life situations.

That's why I agree with you on the importance of skills. Whether you're looking for a job or starting your own business, having the right skills is crucial. It's not just about having knowledge, but also about being able to use those skills effectively to be successful in your chosen field.

So, let's focus on developing those skills and honing them to become the best version of ourselves. With the right skills, we can truly make a difference and achieve success in our professional endeavors. Keep up the great work, my friend.

 6 months ago 

Thank you so much for commenting here.

I agree with you that knowledge is very powerful and its a famous phrase also that knowledge Is Power but if we are fail to implement our knowledge and to take into an action then it means that it is useless we can say because in practical life we should know the practical work and just with the help of book is lines we cannot be practical in our life.

I am happy that you agree with me about importance of skills and that's why you are focusing on development of your skills because you are true that it makes a difference between a professional and success achievers.

I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge

 6 months ago 

Hey, you are welcome as the pleasure is mine. I totally agree with you. Knowledge is indeed powerful, and we often hear that "knowledge is power." But you know what? It's not just about having knowledge, it's about putting it into action.

In life, we need practical skills and experience to truly make a difference. That's why I'm also focusing on developing my skills. It's what sets professionals and successful achievers apart. Thanks for understanding. Good luck to you too in the engagement challenge

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