SEC-S14 /W5|"Job or Business what's your Preference?"

in Steem For Pakistan8 months ago

Assalamualaikum steemians

Job or business is one of the most interesting and important topic of discuss nowadays as in this age income is basic requirement of everyone


How do you manage your monthly budget in a job or Business?

If I talk about job then I think it is very difficult to manage your monthly budget within a limited amount that you received so according to me managing your monthly budget when you have a fixed salary and when you are job holder is just like to live hand to mouth. This is because many times in one month you need to expense on some extra things which is not possible in a limited and fixed amount of salary.


If I talk about business then it is much profitable thing to me rather than having a particular job because in business you earn a lot of profits and the profits that you get in a business after the implementation of a strong entrepreneur strategy could be saved for a long time so its up to you because just like big profit sometimes you also have to face big loss.

Skill or Education what is important for getting a handsome Job or running a successful business?

Knowledge Is Power with all know but if you have knowledge but you don't know that how to implement it then it means that your concepts might be week or your skills for the implementation of knowledge in particular field and in practical life is zero.


Above is the reason due to which I am prefering skills at knowledge and education either you are seeking out for a job or you want to start your Independent business. If you have skills in your field and skills in becoming successful in your future either it is about job or it is about business then it means that you are successful person by your skills.

Do you want to become a Boss or A Successful Businessman ?

In my life I want to become a successful businessman and I believe that there are some of the strategies that I can follow to become a successful businessman and I believe in myself that I have knowledge and also had also skills that can lead myself towards success.


I am striving very hard for success of my business and I am a businessman all ready and before COVID there was the business of imports and exports that I have and it was destroyed completely after that pandemic and now I am striving hard with full of my honesty and sincerity for making business of my furniture successful.

Successful story of your preference Job or Business?

My preference was business so I would like to share a successful story of business and it is important to remember that it doesn't necessary that when ever you are talking about business then it's necessary that it should be at a very high scale it could be at low scale.


I am sharing business of my uncle that he had a poultry 🍗 farm some years ago and when he started his business then he got a very little profit and after 1 year he had loss but he remain encouraged about his business and just after 6 months there was a lot of profit he received that compensate his loss even triple times. Now visa successful businessman and his story is really very inspiring for me that how he remain steadfast and now he is earning too much profitable income.

I want to invite here @wilmer1988 ,@radjasalman ,@ripon0630 to participate in this engagement challenge


 8 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 8 months ago 

A fixed salary job makes it difficult for many people to make ends meet. However, business often yields more than expected. In this the family runs very well. I prefer businessmen to jobs. Best wishes to you.

 8 months ago 

Thank you so much for commenting at my post and I agree with you that engaging yourself in a job means to spend your life from hand to mouth but business can yield a lot of profit for you so it would be very good for meeting needs of family and your agree with my preference.
I wish good luck to you in advance.

Job or Business How do you manage your monthly crap? You have shared some very nice words in reply to this poster which was more like this.

You tried to explain that if we work then the monthly salary we get from there. From there budget planning is a very difficult task for us. That's why it's best if we can set something every month and do it through business.

Then we will be able to do some budgeting from there and it will be very easy to do that. Also you answered one more question which I really like. Is skill or education important to get a good job or for all businesses? You have said some very nice things about this.

Because we all know that if we can't get educated then we can never get job or business. Because even if we do business, we have to be educated. Because we need to be educated to know the low price of a product or how much it costs.

Only then we can be successful in business or job. Anyway great to read your post may you be well and stay healthy. Best wishes to you.

 8 months ago 

I appreciate your comment again at my post which is very extensive and seems to be very meaningful to me. I know that I tried my best to explain the question number 1 that how I can manage my monthly budget with the income I have given in the form of fixed income or either in the form of variable income that you all know that it's income you can always earn from a job and variable income you can earn from a business.

Agree with you that I tried my best to explain that how becoming a businessman can be much profitable for you as well as I highlight the importance of education and skills for getting any job and for becoming a businessman so it's good that you got all the points that I have explained.

I would like to visit your entry too . Thank you so much for wishing me best and may you have many more blessings and good wishes from me for you also..

 8 months ago 

If we don't set a budget by adjusting our current income and expenses, it becomes very difficult. Nothing good can be done without current education and skills. Education and skills together can be called the ladder of success. If you want to be a successful businessman, you need to be diligent and efficient. Good luck to you.

 8 months ago 

I agree with you that if you are a job holder and you have a fixed amount of income and you don't know that how you should adjust your income with your monthly expenses and which things and which expenses should be your reference and which should be not and how and in which means so it means that you are not successful in managing your monthly budget.

You are right that education and skills both are important and this is just like a good phrase that for success education and skills both are just like leader.

Soon I would like to visit your entry too. Thank you so much for visiting my participation

He clearly states his inclination towards Business and describes very well the benefits that having his own business brings. He has said that he regrettably lost a business due to the pandemic.
But you are now back on track in a society, so I wish you much success, prosperity in this new stage of business,
May you have many blessings!!!

 8 months ago 

Thank you so much for visiting my entry.
Yes I am inclined towards business because I consider it very beneficial and also we all know that there would be losses also when you start a business but when you becomes successful businessman then most of the time you earn a lot of profits.

Thanks for wishing a lot of success snd prosperity in my new business and may you also have many blessings I would like to wish you good luck again

 8 months ago 

Knowledge is definitely powerful, but it's equally important to know how to put that knowledge into action. If you have all this knowledge but struggle to implement it, it could mean that your understanding of the concepts is weak or you lack the necessary skills to apply that knowledge in real-life situations.

That's why I agree with you on the importance of skills. Whether you're looking for a job or starting your own business, having the right skills is crucial. It's not just about having knowledge, but also about being able to use those skills effectively to be successful in your chosen field.

So, let's focus on developing those skills and honing them to become the best version of ourselves. With the right skills, we can truly make a difference and achieve success in our professional endeavors. Keep up the great work, my friend.

 8 months ago 

Thank you so much for commenting here.

I agree with you that knowledge is very powerful and its a famous phrase also that knowledge Is Power but if we are fail to implement our knowledge and to take into an action then it means that it is useless we can say because in practical life we should know the practical work and just with the help of book is lines we cannot be practical in our life.

I am happy that you agree with me about importance of skills and that's why you are focusing on development of your skills because you are true that it makes a difference between a professional and success achievers.

I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge

 8 months ago 

Hey, you are welcome as the pleasure is mine. I totally agree with you. Knowledge is indeed powerful, and we often hear that "knowledge is power." But you know what? It's not just about having knowledge, it's about putting it into action.

In life, we need practical skills and experience to truly make a difference. That's why I'm also focusing on developing my skills. It's what sets professionals and successful achievers apart. Thanks for understanding. Good luck to you too in the engagement challenge

 8 months ago 

Yes bro, you are right that a salary person has to worry more about his budget because his salary is fixed. On the other hand, when a person is running his own business, he doesn't have to say much about his expenses because he earns money on a per diem basis, whereas a jobber gets his salary after a month or 15. Thanks for sharing a well written post with us ☺️ best of luck 🤞

 8 months ago 

Thank you so much friend for commenting at my post and I agree with you that you are with me that when you are job holder than it means that you are going to live hand to mouth.
When a person have his own personal business then he don't feel difficulty in using some extra money in any month because he know at that time that is business is profitable and he can earn a lot next time or next month and he can make his earning double.
I would like to visit your entry I wish you good luck

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 8 months ago 

You are always welcome brother ❣️

 8 months ago 


Posted using SteemPro Mobile

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