Steemit Engagement Challenge | S7W5 | Write A Short Story | A scar to carry my whole life.steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem For Pakistanlast year

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Life is a story that we write every day, filled with chapters of joy, sorrow, love, and loss. But no matter what the pages hold, it's our perseverance and determination that make it a meaningful tale worth telling.

Our whole lives are like a story. A novel can be written about all the experiences of everyone's life.

Many unexpected events happen to us in life that remain memorable for our whole lives. So today's story is about me. It was an unexpected incident that happened in my life and will be remembered for the rest of my life.

An incident that becomes memorable

As children, we used to go with our parents wherever we went because, as children, our parents would go with us everywhere to keep us safe. When we grow from children to teenagers, we can go anywhere by ourselves. And while going alone, many unexpected things happen in life. just like what happened to me in 2015.

After I passed my secondary school certificate exam, I joined coaching to learn computer basics. I had free time for about three months after the completion of the board exam, so I showed great interest in learning computer basics at that time. The computer coaching center was 6 km away from our house, which had to be driven by bus.

So my mother didn't want to admit me at first, but later, when I insisted that she allow me to admission. But she was afraid of me, saying, "How can I travel so far alone for computer coaching classes?" Because then I could not go anywhere alone.

I went there with my father for the first two days after joining the computer class, but since then he could not go with me because my father had a business . So I had to go to computer coaching class alone every day. Although initially I was a bit afraid to go alone, after I went for a few days, that fear disappeared.


Image Source./ Pixabay

April 4, 2015 I left the house and went to the highway to approach the computer coaching as usual. I was crossing the road through the zebra crossing to get in the vehicle in the direction of my computer coaching center. But a local CNG vehicle coming from the opposite direction hit me. I fell to the ground. I got pain in my face and hand.

I never imagined that such an unexpected event incident would happen in a moment. And the driver of the vehicle broke the law and drove in the opposite direction, as a result of which he hit me without noticing when I was crossing the road. But the driver was a good man and took me to the nearest dispensary in his vehicle. There, he helped me medicate the injured areas.

Although I later visited an orthopedic doctor again to check for any major fractures in my body, There was no problem in my body, but the scar from the injury on my face remained. I have tried a lot to remove this scar completely, but still is not gone. It cannot be understood except from a close-up view.

scar to carry my whole life

This was one of the most unexpected and terrible events that happened in my life. By God's grace, I was saved from a major accident. It was a very bad experience for my life to face such an unexpected event at the age I was then. I thank God because maybe I could have had a bigger accident that day; maybe there could have been another big vehicle instead of the one I hit.

So no matter how much you cross the road through the zebra crossing, the danger really comes from any direction. So we all should look carefully around while crossing the road, and then cross the road.

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog
 last year 

Greetings my friend @ripon0630,

I appreciate the story you shared with us about your unexpected incident and how it became a scar to carry for your whole life. Your story is a powerful reminder of how life can change in an instant and how important it is to always be cautious. I am glad that you were able to overcome the fear and continue your journey towards your goals despite the challenges. Your determination and perseverance are an inspiration to many.

I also want to commend you for the way you used your experience to educate others about the dangers of crossing the road and the importance of being careful. Sharing stories like this is a great way to engage and inspire others. I would encourage you to continue sharing meaningful and impactful posts like this. Your contributions to the Steemit community are valuable and much appreciated.

Thank you for sharing this with us and I look forward to your future posts

 last year 


Accidents do not happen without our knowledge. Many unexpected accidents in life become memorable for the whole life. But through my accident, I realized that trouble can come from any direction at any time.

The scar will last a lifetime but it will always remind me that I got another second chance to shape life.

Thanks for the lovely comment,Friend .

Anytime I see someone with a scar, I know it's got a story. People carry scars for life, while some disappears with time. But you've got yours to always remind you of the incidence and you've told the story. Welldone

 last year 

Although I tried many medications to remove it permanently but they did not work. But now with the passage of time it has become so much mixed with the skin that it cannot be understood without close observation. But this is a very terrible experience for me.Thanks for visiting ,Friend .

I know some people try medications for scar removal, people also try laser shooting, I don't know if it works but it's good it has grown to be a part of you without affecting you.

 last year 

Sorry that you hurt, accidents in our life sometimes work as a lesson. It left some scratches but we become strong and more careful.

 last year 

You are right .I am grateful to the Creator, He does everything for our good. Maybe there could have been a bigger accident but God saved me from that. Thank You ,mam.

 last year 

The contribution of parents during childhood is immense. Parents are the only ones who have the power to look after children. Your life story is amazing. Thank you for your prayers

 last year 

Parents do not let us hide from their eyes for our safety as children. After growing up we realize how much our parents are sacrificing for us. Their prayers protect us from all dangers .Thanks for visiting.

 last year 

Hello dear @ripon0630
This is a personal account of a road accident that happened to the you in 2015. The you had joined computer coaching classes 6 km away from home and was traveling to the classes alone. On April 4th, the you was hit by a CNG vehicle while crossing the road at a zebra crossing. Although the you was injured, the driver of the vehicle helped him get medical treatment.

The you has a scar from the injury, but is thankful that it was not a major accident. The you concludes by emphasizing the importance of looking carefully while crossing the road to avoid unexpected accidents. Yhank you for participating in the contest.

@tipu curate

;) Holisss...

This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.

 last year 

Fortunately, you were only injured. Your father should accompany you as you were a small boy. Thanks for sharing your life story with us.

 last year 

The accident was a very memorable and bad experience for me. The accident was unintended though due to driver's carelessness and illegal driving in wrong direction. But this is a lesson for me that danger can come from any direction at any time.Thanks for visiting .

 last year 

Yes, we must drive or walk very carefully when using the road. Even when we practice great caution, the person on the opposite side is probably being careless, thus we risk doing injury without trying to. Therefore, it is our duty to drive more carefully.


hola amigo, fuerte historia, sin duda siempre debemos estar atentos, porque a veces los conductores se distraen tanto y eso hace que ocurra estos accidentes,
saludos y suerte en el concurso.

 last year 

Although it was a bad experience, I realized that no matter how careful we are, danger can come from any direction at any time. But God saved me from a big danger that day, maybe a bigger accident could have happened that day.

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