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RE: The Role Model of My Heart is...

in Steem For Pakistan4 months ago

The point is where people find a model role. My mother was used to say when the model role was an actor/actress (mainly from Hollywood) or famous singer it had to be considered idolatry, because such VIPs have the habit to live a dissipated and sinful life. But it doesn't mean any search of a model role is wrong. For ex., apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians to imitate him because he was imitating Christ. This is the secure way to not mistake. I personally take Abigail (A.T.), king David's third wife because she was very wise. I pray to become like Abigail, who was a true believer. The book of Proverbs shows wisdom as more precious than riches and this is true. Wisdom is to be pursued.


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 4 months ago (edited)

The point is not where to look for a role model (matrix) but if we need one. That is the first step.

The next step is, and I agree with your mother, what kind of matrix will do us good.

I understand why you choice is the 3rd wife and not King David.

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Well, the point is, I tend to look at feminine example. A lot of time, I also look at Ruth, king David's great grandmother. Or Katharina de Bora, Martin Luther's wife. At my place, a man could have chosen king David (remembering he had been a man near the heart of God: despite his falls, he was able to repent, accept correction and asking forgiveness), bishop Timothy, Booz...In few words, I try to look at women that were very better than me. I'd like to improve.

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