SEC-S14 /W2 | Parents, Our Pillars of Strength 👪

in Steem For Pakistan7 months ago

Brown Simple Floral Photo Collage Happy Father's Day Presentation.png

👪 How did your parents shape your personality?

Yes, my parents undoubtedly shaped my personality, as they instilled in me fundamental values and provided me with a solid educational framework. From a young age, they emphasized the importance of honesty, responsibility and respect for others. These principles formed the basis of my understanding of the world and my interactions with others.

Their influence was also seen through their commitment to education. They encouraged me to pursue knowledge, develop my intellectual curiosity and strive to realize my aspirations. This educational orientation has profoundly influenced the way I view challenges as opportunities for learning and personal growth.

Additionally, my parents were models of perseverance and hard work. Their determination to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals inspired me to be resilient in the face of difficulties. Their constant support and encouragement has boosted my self-confidence, giving me the belief that I can achieve my dreams with determination and effort.

In short, thanks to the education, the values instilled and the example they gave, my parents played a determining role in the formation of my personality. Their teachings continue to guide my choices, my actions and my way of approaching life.

👪 What role do your parents play in your overall well-being?

My parents play a vital role in my overall well-being. First of all, regarding my health, I benefit from good physical condition thanks to the combination of divine care and the first level health supervision that my parents provided me. They have always been attentive to my eating habits, ensuring that I maintain a balanced and nutritious diet. Their constant concern for my health helped strengthen my foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

Furthermore, my parents always encouraged the practice of sport. Their support inspired me to stay active and incorporate movement into my daily routine. This not only has obvious benefits for my physical fitness, but also for my mental well-being. Their constant encouragement to stay moving strengthened my motivation to maintain an active and energetic lifestyle.

Beyond the physical aspects, my parents also played a crucial role in my emotional well-being. Their emotional support and caring advice were essential pillars in facing the challenges of daily life. Their reassuring presence gave me the confidence to overcome obstacles and grow emotionally.

👪 How do your parents encourage your dreams and aspirations?

My parents have been unwavering pillars in the pursuit of my dreams and aspirations. Their support manifests itself in tangible and moral ways, creating an environment conducive to achieving my goals.

From a financial point of view, my parents have always been generous. Whether to finance my studies, participate in personal projects or acquire additional skills, they have demonstrated constant commitment. Their financial contribution allowed me to focus on my ambitions without being hampered by material concerns.

In addition to financial support, their moral encouragement was equally crucial. They were always there to instill confidence and optimism in me, even when the challenges seemed insurmountable. Their words of encouragement and wise advice strengthened my resolve to pursue my dreams, even in difficult times.

From taking risks to explore new opportunities to facing times of uncertainty, my parents have been constant guides. Their confidence in my abilities has been an inexhaustible source of motivation, pushing me to push my limits and aim ever higher.

👪 Share an experience that highlighted your parents' sacrifices for you?

I remember vividly a significant time that highlighted the considerable sacrifices of my parents. This was around the time I made the decision to get married and build my house, and it coincided with the same year. It was both a difficult and wonderful time, and I really found my parents by my side, even though I was far away from them at the time, teaching in an area 200 km from our home.

Geographic distance could have created obstacles, but my parents showed exceptional commitment. They sacrificed their time, energy, and even comfort to support me. My mother, despite the miles separating us, was constantly on the phone, offering valuable advice and providing emotional support. My father, for his part, undertook numerous trips to visit me during this busy time.

The financial sacrifice was also significant. My parents deployed considerable resources to help bring my wedding and building project to fruition. They put aside their own aspirations and needs, putting my dreams and future stability first.

These sacrifices, whether overt or more subtle, have deeply impacted my understanding of parental love and devotion. It strengthened the bond between us and highlighted the importance of family in key moments of life. Thanks to their unwavering support, I was able to realize my plans while feeling the comfort of having parents willing to sacrifice so much for the well-being of their child.

Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @chiabertrand, @nahela, @steemdoctor1 to participate in this contest.

Best Regards,

 7 months ago 

Hi @kouba01
The role of parents are very important for every kids because the first teacher of the kid is it's parents and off cause home training, happy to read that your parents are supportive and shaped your personality very well and they instilled in your fundamental values and provided you with a solid educational framework. Your mom provided you emotional and moral support on phone due to distance .your parents always sacrifices and selfless support you at that time you in need.
Good luck 👍

 7 months ago 

Hello! Absolutely, parents play a crucial role as the first teachers and in providing home training. I'm grateful for the support and guidance my parents have given me, even from a distance. Their sacrifices and selfless support have been invaluable. Thank you for your good wishes.

Saludos estimado amigo, que hermoso saber que tus padres constituyen verdaderos pilares de fortaleza en tu vida y sus diversos ambitos ademas; en el de la salud incluso que es tan crucial como el afectivo y hayan marcado de manera positiva su personalidad, cuya calidad se proyecta excelente y traspasa la barrera virtual. Exitos en tu estupenda entrada, Bendiciones.

 7 months ago 

¡Saludos! Aprecio mucho tus amables palabras. Sí, mis padres son fundamentales en mi vida, tanto en lo personal como en la salud. Me alegra saber que mi entrada ha dejado una impresión positiva. Muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos y bendiciones.


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Curated by : @enamul17

 7 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you. Hope you are having a good day there.

Your parents shaped your personality. They have installed the moral and fundamental values in your mind. You have said that they were too much emphasizing on your education. They wanted to see you and educated person at any cost.

They have been too much supportive through out in your life. As you said you took the decision of marrying your life partner they supported you. Not only that time, but they also supported you financially in making your own house. You said you had a great distance because you were teaching in another place, but your parents never let that distance to become an obstacle between you and them.

Your parents are too good, angels for you on earth. Huge respect and love for your parents.

I wish you very best of luck in the contest.

 7 months ago 

Hello! Thank you for your warm greetings. I appreciate your kind words and understanding of my story. Yes, my parents have played a significant role in shaping my personality and values. Their support has been unwavering, and I am grateful for their love. I'm touched by your respect and love for my parents. Wishing you all the best too!

 7 months ago 

Hello good evening🤝

How was your day? Am glad that your parents always take care of you. Teaching in a very far place is very tough sir, but am glad your parents and always by your side with their encouragements.

Parents love their children alot and they really sacrifice for their children. I love the way you arranged your post sir, is very simple and standard. I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge.

 7 months ago 

Hello! Good evening to you too! I appreciate your warm greetings and kind words. My day has been good, thank you. I'm touched by your understanding and support. Indeed, parents play a crucial role, and their love and sacrifices are invaluable.Thank you for your wishes, and I wish you all the best as well.

 7 months ago 

Thanks for replying to my comment sir, is good your days has been good.

Hola amigo 👋

Que gran sacrificio hicieron tus padres por ti ayudándote en tu estabilidad futura. Así son los padres dejan a un lado sus cosas para ayudar a sus hijos.

Fue un placer leerte. Saludos 🤗

 7 months ago 

¡Hola! Muchas gracias por tus amables palabras. Sí, mis padres han hecho grandes sacrificios por mi estabilidad futura, y estoy muy agradecido por su apoyo incondicional. Me alegra que hayas disfrutado leyendo.

 7 months ago 

hello @kouba01 Your heartfelt reflection on the profound influence of your parents beautifully captures the essence of familial bonds. It's evident how their guidance, sacrifices, and unwavering support have shaped not only your character but also your pursuit of dreams. The story of their sacrifices during your marriage and house-building project is particularly touching, showcasing the depth of their love and commitment. Wishing you continued strength, success, and a perpetually thriving connection with your parents.💖

 7 months ago 

Hello! Thank you for your heartfelt message. I'm touched by your understanding of the profound influence of my parents. Their guidance and sacrifices have indeed played a pivotal role in shaping my character and dreams. I appreciate your kind wishes for continued strength, success, and a thriving connection with my parents.

 7 months ago 

Hello friend
I completely agree with your words. Parents are the most precious gift given by God on this earth. They love us selflessly. They make small and sometimes big sacrifices for us since childhood.

Due to which they are able to live their life with respect, their parents do all the hard work for them, give them proper education, take proper care, it is not easy to become a parent. Even in a job, you work for 8 to 10 hours, but the job of the parents. It lasts for 24 hours

Overall, I liked your post very much, your presentation is also very beautiful, good look with the contest.

 7 months ago 

Hola mi amigo kouba !
Aún soy adolescente pero puedo ver que todo el sacrificio que hacen nuestros padres por nosotros es por el amor que nos tienen y otra persona no va a venir a darnos ese gran amor y sacrificio como lo hacen ellos.

Todo lo que sacrificaron tus padres para ayudarte a cumplir tus sueños fue un gran muestra de amor y qué bueno que pudiste disfrutar de todo eso a pesar de la distancia.

Nuestros padres son lo mejor que tenemos en este mundo y lo menos que podemos hacer es quererlos Y valorar todo lo que hacen por nosotros.

Mucho éxito amigo

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