Contest Alert | Contest about Your Computer & IT Expertise!

in Steem For Pakistan9 months ago


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Hello Everyone !

I am @hudamalik20 from Pakistan. How are you all I Hope you all are well and doing great in your life . Today I am participating in this contest About Your Computer & IT Expertise! organized by @hamzayousafzai in Steem for Pakistan community. As soon as I saw this contest as I am an IT student, I first thought of writing on it so today I will tell about my IT skills which I have just learned in my BSIT degree.
So let's start.


What IT skill are you passionate about and why did you choose it?

As I am doing BSIT degree .I am in fourth semester. Earlier I was passionate about programming but I started to learn programming because it's was included in our course. We have learned many languages like C /C++ ,Java ,OOP. Many languages are taught in our course, like we learned C programming in the first semester. In it we learned what coding is, how to create programs etc. After that we were taught on MS Excel and we were also taught on MS Word.


Earlier I did not understand programming at all. Every time I wrote the program it was fine but when I ran it on the computer, they got errors, then I asked my friend etc. He explained to me that you don't screw up the programming but what to do to understand what is being used in it, as I did not understand printf and scanf at first, then I asked my friend about it, what are these two and what are they used for? Then she explained me and advised me to watch YouTube videos in detail and after I tried to write the program on the computer and run it .Then after whenever I make an error, I would try to erase it and if I don't understand, I would ask my teacher.

After that, when I was in third semester, I started learning web development, then my friends and I together thought that web development course because it has a wide scope, we decided that we should learn it now. We started to learn from YouTube videos .

We completed HTML and watched some CSS classes then after our annual semester exam started we took break . After that I heard about the dated market while being told in our college's career counselling, which also suited my interest because I don't remember much about coding etc.

Since then I decided that now I will learn digital marketing and now I am learning it from an online federal government platform and it's my 2nd month of this course.


In your chosen skill would you consider yourself an expert intermediate or beginner?

I am beginner in this field now I can make backend and also can do some front end of web sites but I am not expert in this .Still do some mistakes in coding . Earlier I had much interest in this field but our career counseling class which was held by our university. I started to take interest in digital marketing. Now I doing marketing course from Federal board online website .


Through this course I have read about digital marketing, why it happens and what it is used for, through this i have learned how to advertise someone's products on Facebook ,YouTube etc and on many social networking sites.
How can we advertise someone's new product? As soon as they launches a new product, we can advertise it and let people know about it so that people buy it more.


Have you been able to earn from your IT skills?

So far I have only learned the skills. Right now I'm just in the beginning, I'm still learning, I'm not an expert in it yet, I'm still in the middle of my studies. But when I take interest, I will be able to earn from it.


I also created my account on Fiver and on Upwork also I put my gigs etc on it but I didn't got orders because I had less skills which was required. Then I thought that first I will learn a skill in which I am an expert then I will start to work there.

But I hope as soon as I learn a skill. I will definitely be able to earn from it. So even today I am not taking interest in it but when you take interest in something then you work hard in it then you can earn from it. I hope that soon I will earn through this .
That's it from today's blog I hope you like it .
Now I like to invite @ukpono ,@josepha ,@yhudy to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading.

Regards: @hudamalik20 .



You have provided very good information. Very well made post

 9 months ago 

Thanks for your kind words.

 9 months ago 

As I am doing BSIT degree .I am in fourth semester. Earlier I was passionate about programming but I started to learn programming because it's was included in our course. We have learned many languages like C /C++ ,Java ,OOP.

I can totally relate to your experience. It's interesting how sometimes our passions evolve as we dive deeper into our studies. Mastering languages like C/C++, Java, and OOP in your BSIT degree will set you up for some exciting opportunities in the tech world... Keep up the hard work nd who knows your initial course requirement might turn into a lifelong passion...

 9 months ago 

Thanks for taking time and reading my post.

 9 months ago (edited)

How are doing.
IT skills are wonderful which can be used a profession in life. My friend in future you will learn a lot of things in technology world. Make your basic strong which will make your skills more skillful and make you an expert. Moreover, in future you will start earning after learning the secrets of life and how to earn with techniques.

 9 months ago 

Thanks alot for your motivation.

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