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The eye is the organ for sight. Making use of your eye properly depends if it functions as supposed to. Vitamin A helps boast your eye sight and night vision.


Which is most sensitive part of eye?

The eye is the sense organ for sight. The eyeball is made up of three layers which are; the retina, the cornea or sclera and the choriod.

The most sensitive part of the eye is the retina. The retina is the sensitive part of the eye and is responsible for visual perception, it also consists of nervous tissues with multiple sensitive cells which harmonies together under on accord to give good vision.

Which is healthy vitamin for eye sight?


They are various vitamins with they functions but the vitamin that is healthy for the eye sight is "Vitamin A". Vitamin A is the vitamin that helps the eye vision, it also plays an important role in vision by maintaining a clear cornea. Vitamin A is a component of rhodopsin, this is a protein in the eye that permits you to see in low light conditions.

Sources of Vitamin A

  1. Orange 🍊.

  2. Carrots 🥕 🥕.

  3. Apple 🍎.

  4. Pumpkin.

  5. Sweet potatoes 😋.

Deficiency of Vitamin A

The deficiency of Vitamin A can result to night blindness which is very common in adults and if this blindness progress, it can result to what is total or permanent blindness.

Vitamin A helps to also enhance the humans sight because of the kind of things contained in it. In other to maintain proper eye sight I advice that you consume the following fruits listed above.

What makes your eye sight weak?


Here are the following things that can result poor eye sight

  1. Genetic inheritance: Family Gene has a crucial role in a lot of eye conditions as well as poor eye sight.

  2. Lack of vitamin A: Night blindness and shortsightedness are caused due to the deficiency of vitamin A [retinol]. This can be corrected by the consumption of foods rich in vitamin A.

  3. Age: As we humans continue to ever increase in our age, our efficiency in both health and labour decreases. If we age are organs age as well and may not function as usual, so as we age are eye sight get weaker.

  4. Smoke: coming in contact with smoke can weaken are eye sight but the symptoms may not appear immediately. We have to abstain from environments expose to smoke.

  5. Reading in the dark: reading is a educative process that is meant to be carried out comfortably, and went you read in the dark the act of reading becomes uncomfortable and will definitely weaken your vision.

I will like to invite @aspiya, @anthony002, @john247, @ahmnseka, @saintpaul17 and @bonaventure24 to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading my post

Cc: @sahar78

 2 days ago 

The eye is the organ of Sight and its proper use depends on it's proper Functioning. Vitamin A improves eye sight and night vision.

Which is the most Sensitive part of the eye?
The eye consists of three layers' Retina Cornea or Sclera, and Choroid. Retina is the most sensitive part of the eye. The Retina is responsible for visual perception and contains sensory cells that together provide good vision.

Which vitamin is beneficial for eye health?
Vitamin A is very Important for eye health. Vitamin A Helps in Eyesight and plays an important rRole in Maintaining a clear cornea. Vitamin A is part of rhodopsin a protein that provides the ability to see in low light.

Sources of Vitamin A

  • Orange
  • Carrots
  • apple
  • Pumpkin
  • Sweet potato

Vitamin A deficiency:,
Vitamin A deficiency can cause poor night vision, and if the condition progresses, complete or permanent blindness can occur.

Causes of eye weakness,

  • Genetic inheritance. Family genes play an important role in many eye conditions and poor vision.
  • Deficiency of Vitamin A: Weakness of night Vision and near vision is due to deficiency of Vitamin A.
  • Age: Eye performance may decrease with age.
  • Exposure to smoke: Exposure to smoke can impair eyesight.
  • Reading in the dark: Reading in the dark increases the strain on the eyes and can impair vision. Hope to get success here
 2 days ago 

Family Gene has a crucial role in a lot of eye conditions as well as poor eye sight yes but if one can avoid what he's or her line and eat what they where not eating he or she can not be affected. Vitamins are good and the best way to get them is through different fruits

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