SEC-S17 /W6| "🌸What do you prefer to do in your leisure time?"

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago

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Everyone has what keeps them busy in their leisure which is a time they are free from doing their normal daily activities or from work. Basically, I barely have leisure activities because I'm always occupied with online work which is the most stressful as it involves mental activities.

So my phone is my leisure time. I can't stay without my phone for a second as it has become a brother and friend to me. Do I do my phone when I'm not doing my daily activities, chores and the likes of them. My answers to these questions will give details to what I actually do in my leisure.

Reading a book or listening to music?

I love doing both activities especially at the same time. I can't read without listening to music as it makes learning fast for me personally. So in as much as there's a choice at stake and I love both activities, I'll choose listening to music which is much more healthy in calming emotions than reading books.


Although some books are therapeutic but I prefer listening to what calms and gives me excitement. I find some books to be boring especially academic books but I can't help since they help in building up one's store of knowledge.

Music helps build my sense of realization and keeps me in touch with memories. Worst of it is when listening is cool music and blues. I bet you'll have the worst of mental experience. When listening to songs, I allow the lyrics to enter my mind and heart. I don't listen to the tune and beatings.


The lyrics of selected songs are knowledgeable not to talk of the voice. It helps me see life on a different perspective as if I'm in a different world and that things are going well. You won't know the power of music in your life not until you venture in cool music when you're relaxing with your ear bud or earpiece on set.


screenshots from my music player
There are some music that gives vibes and change mood too. Reasons why I can't trade listening to it for reading.

Social media, using Instagram or Facebook?

I'm not a huge fan of these social medias but I prefer Instagram to Facebook for certain reasons. When I was still in my late teens, I fancied Facebook as the most used in the world but when I started learning how to make money online, I left Facebook for almost two years without even messaging or scrolling down to check up contents.

Facebook became so tiring and unproductive for someone like me. I moved to WhatsApp and spent all my life there without cover. So since I'm not a huge of Facebook, I prefer Instagram because there are lives I learnt from scrolling through those videos.

Instagram got the cruise and consists of more matured contents than Facebook. I enter Instagram when I want to be entertained the most. There's this popular personnel that crack my ribs with her contents on Instagram.

This app is no child's place. It sucks data and is highly educated to a certain level. More of videos than writeups are found in this app. With this, I find very interesting. This is my dashboard on Instagram. I use it to promote steemit as the case may be and this has proven helpful to not juste but those who finds it helpful in their financial mission.

Screenshot_2024-05-14-23-39-44-627_com.instagram.lite-edit.jpgMy Instagram account
A movie Night with friends or family?why?

Both families and friends would be much more fun to watch movies with but I'll choose friends but my family members dislike watching movies. My mum won't spend the least 10 minutes watching a movie with you talk more of my dad. Those times have passed they say.


But if it's spending quality time with them, it's my family first because moments are created the most with them. Just spend the whole day recreating with them is the best thing that will happen to you. As to movies, friends are best for movies as the vibes will always be there, vibes that would make you cherish that moment for a lifetime. There's something family has that friends doesn't have and vice Versa. So I'll actually prefer a movie night with my Christian friends.

Keeping a pet at home, Cat or Dog? Tell us the reason. OR If you prefer to spend time in the lap of nature and planting ☘️, then let us know?

Those two animals or pet as they are called are detested by me to the brim. I can't find myself associating with such pets no matter how caring they are. I used to like them not until they attacked me once, my attitude towards them changed for the worst. But since it's a choice , I'll prefer a dog to a cat. I hate cats as they are usually used to portray evil and are more scary than dogs .


It may not be harmless though I dislike its looks. Spending time in the lap of nature is another thing I enjoy doing. I can spend the whole day observing the clouds as there are things in these clouds that are so mind-blowing. This may be very crazy but that's what I used to do to relieve stress.

In conclusion, we all have different things to do in our leisure which can be entertaining and educative as well. I invite @suboohi, @artist1111 and @

 2 months ago 
 2 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Saludos amigo eres igual que yo prefieres oír música y leer un buen libro pero que no sea académico ja jajaja
El facebook no enseña nada bueno allí se sube cualquier material y estás expuesto a sufrir ataques mientras que el Instagram es más comercial mejor pasar el tiempo viendo una película con la familia vaya veo que no te gustan las mascotas para nada

 2 months ago 

It seems we both are the same when it comes to reading and listening to music. Combining listening to music with reading makes me read for a long hour as it is a way of cutting sleep from my eyes. However, I only do that when reading stories or something that has to do with calculation. Instagram is more advanced than Facebook which is why on Instagram mature people are found most. Also, your preferred choice of watching a movie is okay. Good to you sir.

 last month 

Yes Instagram is also my favorite social media platform and I love spending my time on it in watching reels and talking to my friends. You also like Instagram that is really very interesting. By the way thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts with us. Good luck with your entry ☺️

 last month 

Hi dear
I hope you are good ,I liked your preferences that you love to did in your luxuries time infact in busy hectic routine we all have not too much time so whenever you get spare time trying to add healthy activities,happiness shared with family and friends in the combo of music as long with reading,I think we all are addicted of social media apps and with out phone we never supposed to live 😁😁.
Your family members disliking movie so that's better option for you with friends , having pet at home not for all I think I am also scared of car and dog ,your love towards nature shown your heart ❤️.
Wishing you good luck for the challenge and many blessings.

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