One picture one story contest/ Gold and the wicked mermaid.

in Steem For Pakistanlast month


Welcome back to the continuation of my story about the betrayal of Gold. Did you miss that part one? Catch up here while we see to how it all ended.

Gold was trapped under water in the abode of the mermaid and was held bound as a servant to the mermaid. Meanwhile her parents had returned from their journey and met the house empty. Gold was no where to be found.

They searched everywhere but couldn’t see their daughter. They went into the village and asked the three jealous girls of Gold’s whereabout, but they denied that they hadn’t seen her.

The parents started going round the entire village looking for Gold. Meanwhile did you remember the talking bird that was singing of Golds beauty and praising her? The bird was present when all the drama between Gold and her friends and the mermaid ensued. It was very displeased by what the girls did.

The girls remember that the bird saw them and it could tell Gold’s parents, they went back to the river side to search for the bird and to kill it. They started throwing stones at the bird in a bid to kill it but it flew away from them. In frustration they went back to the village.

Golds parents searched for her until they came to the river and the bird flew to them and told them all that the jealous girls did to Gold. They were greatly displeased and they went to the mermaid and began to plead for their daughters life.

They pleaded with the mermaid that Gold was their only child and begged for her released but the mermaid vehemently refused. Some villagers saw them begging the mermaid and went to call other villagers to join in pleading with the mermaid because they all love Gold but the mermaid refused despite all the tears.

The mermaid said she would release her on one condition, that the parents would cross the river from on end to the other without a boat and she added that if they failed, she would ensalve them too. That was an impossible task, how would they cross the river without a boat for the river was deep.

After much pleading with no response from the mermaid, the father and mother of Gold decided they would do the impossible task even if it means dying for they loved their daughter so much. They began singing a sad song about their love for their daughter as they began crossing the river.

The whole villagers were at the river bank praying for a miracle. They sad song they were singing was so touching that the wind heard it and decided to help. Suddenly the wind came down and without noticed carried Gold’s parents across the river to the other end.

The mermaid was surprised and the villagers were all happy for the miracle. The mermaid released Gold from bondage and set her free. Gold was so sorry for disobeying her parents and was greatly moved by her parents sacrifice and love.

The whole village was glad to have Gold back again while the Girls were banished from the village. The mermaid regretted her wickedness on seeing the power of love and sacrifice by Gold parents and she stopped troubling the villagers. Now they could pass by her river freely without offering her food.

What a happy ending. This story buttressed the power of love and sacrifice. Love indeed conquers all things and love is the greatest sacrifice. Do not be jealous of anyone but rather celebrate with them on their fortunes for life is in turns.

Thank you for reading through. I know you enjoyed my story. I Invite @ruthjoe, @ninapenda and @ngozi996 to share their thoughts on this story.

 last month 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Truly love conquers all things, but please let's add touches of money to the helps the conquerors last longer😂.

A beautiful story you've written @alexanderpeace

 last month 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest.

 last month 


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