One picture, one story | The betrayal of Gold

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago


In a far away land, a beautiful girl was born to a couple who has been barren for years. They have done everything they should to have children but couldn’t and after much trial, they gave birth to this beautiful girl. Because of how much they’ve waited to have a child and the beauty of this child, they named her Gold.

Gold grew up into a very beautiful girl and just like her name, she was the epitome of beauty. The whole villagers loved her and she was well mannered and always helped her parents around the house.

Gold’s parents loved their daughter very much and was overly protective of her. They do not allow her join the other villagers or girls to play around the village and wouldn’t even let her join the girls in her age grade meetings. She was always home.

Gold’s beauty and homeliness was the talk of the village and this made her to be the envy of some of the village girls who felt she was a threat to them.

Among these girls were three village girls who once tried to invite her to join their age grade meeting in the village square but she told them her parents wouldn’t let her.

They felt offended and labeled Gold as being proud and arrogant because of her beauty hence they began to plan ways of getting close to her so that they would hurt her. They agreed to become friends with her and started visiting her often at home to spend time with her and in turn seek for occasion to hurt her.

Golds parents were not comfortable with the girls sudden friendship and warned their daughter but Gold only saw them as good people who wants to be friends with her.

One day, Golds parents had to travel to the nearby village for a meeting which would take along time before they returned. Gold had earlier asked for permission from them to go for a dance festival with her friends but they declined.

In order to stop her from going to that festival, they gave her a lot of task to do knowing that she wouldn’t finish it before they returned and then they left for the meeting.

Golds friend came to call her for the meeting but she told them she couldn’t go because she has lots of chores to do. They girls opted to help her with the chores and when they finished, they urged her to go with them and she went against her parents instructions.

On their way to the dance festival, they were going to cross a river which is inhabited by a mermaid and the mermaid always demanded that the villagers would offer her foods items to cross over the river. Gold wasn’t aware of this but the girls were. Anyone who didn’t bring food for the mermaid was taken as a slave.

On getting to the stream was a talking bird and the bird was woowed by Golds Beauty that it started singing for her and praising her for her beauty and this made the girls more jealous.

The girls crossed over to the next village and when they got there, Gold was the admiration of every body and she got a lot of food items and gifts from the men and this made the girls more jealous, angry and more determined to hurt her. They stole away some food for the mermaid on their way back but Gold had none.

On their way back on getting to the stream, Gold noticed the girls offering food items to the mermaid but Gold had none to offer, she begged them to give her part of their food but they refused, they laughed at her wickedly and left her.

She began crossing the river but the mermaid showed up at the middle of the river and asked for her food offering. She had none to present and begged the mermaid to have pity on her but they mermaid dragged her into the river and she became her slave.

The girls were happy that they have gotten rid of their adversary and now the men would have time to look at them as Gold was the obstacle to their getting the men’s attention.

Stay tuned for part two of this story but this teaches us to not disobey our parents, sometimes they see through what we can’t see through and we should be wary of fake friends. Not all that glitters is Gold.

What will become of Gold, what will her parents do when they find out their daughter is missing? Will the wicked friends escape their treachery and betrayal of Gold?

I ask @ruthjoe and @ninapenda, @jovita30 to drop their thoughts on this and partake of the contest.

 2 months ago 

Your content is excellent. 😍Thank you sincerely. For sharing such a beautiful content between us.

 2 months ago 

Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you friend

 2 months ago (edited)

It feels as if I read this story before 🤔

The start and the end is hard to find. You could use a picture or a page divider to make that clear.

Good luck to you.

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