Weekly Drawing Contest || Week-04 || Draw The Grapes

Made by canva

Hello everyone this is Ajay,
From India,

My greetings to you all, hope you all are doing good, This blog is about my participation in Weekly Drawing Contest || Week-04 || Draw The Grapes. conducted by @enamul17. Thankyou for the art work along with healthy fruit knowledge telling contest.

Materials required to draw


  1. Pencil
  2. White page note
  3. Eraser
    Okay let's start.
Step 1


First I stared with each grapes round , because it is easy.

Step 2


After completing rounds added to leaves to the grapes.

Step 3


Then I added details to the leaves, now 75% it looks bunch of grape.



After the shading with pencil, the grapes drawing got completed.

Discribe about the fruit.

Grapes are a popular fruit enjoyed by many around the world. They come in a variety of colors, including red, green, and black, and are often used to make wine, juice, and other products.

Have you eaten this fruit before? When is the right time to eat this fruit that is beneficial for our health?

Personally, I have eaten grapes many times and love their sweet and juicy taste. They are best enjoyed when they are fully ripe, which typically happens in late summer or early fall.

Do you buy this fruit from the market or have your own fruit trees? How much is it worth in your area?

In my hometown of Chennai, grapes are commonly found in local markets and are priced reasonably. They are widely available and can be purchased from vendors or supermarkets.
ProductINR PriceSteem PriceSBD Price
1kg Grapes₹1507.640.590

What are the benefits & disadvantages of eating this fruit, if any?

Aside from their delicious taste, grapes are also packed with health benefits. They are a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Grapes are also high in vitamin C, which supports the immune system and promotes healthy skin.

However, there are some potential disadvantages to eating grapes, particularly for those with certain health conditions. Grapes are high in sugar and can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which may not be ideal for those with diabetes or other conditions that affect blood sugar regulation. Additionally, some people may be allergic to grapes or experience digestive issues after consuming them.


Overall, grapes are a delicious and nutritious fruit that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Whether you eat them as a snack or incorporate them into your meals, they are a great addition to a healthy and balanced diet.

I would like to invite my friends @erode, @habdallah and @emultiplex to this contest.

Best regards @ajay27,
I'm officially verified achievement1 by newcomers community.

Thankyou for reading my blog.


 last year 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here

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You have good drawing skills . Final look is awesome. Healthy benefits are really good for living healthier lifestyle . Thanks for sharing. Good luck:)

Thankyou for the verification

 last year 

It seems to me that you drew it in a hurry. You may apply some color to it. All the best brother.

I don’t have colour pencils and mostly my drawings are in black and white shades, thanks for the suggestion and all the best.

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