Weekly Contest - Best Diary Game | A happy and joyful Sunday & staying around with my sister

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago

Hello steemian, greetings to you all, how are you guys feeling today, I hope you guys are doing great, Am Happy to participate in this contest(best diary game), l Will like to share my diary game with you guys.



I wake up in the morning by 5am as usually, and also wake my sister. I was feeling so tired but I tried to get up from my bed, I quickly went inside our family altar and prayer with my sister.
After praying we went outside to do our morning duties. My sister said that she is tired I should help her do the morning duties because she came back from school yesterday and went inside.
My father has gone to work, because he like going work early on Sundays and come back by 10am and prepare for his own church
I started doing the morning duties immediately, due to what my sister said I decided to do the work , I need to do all their duties and keep the house clean.


I first swept the surroundings, swept the rooms and parlour, then went and wash plate. After doing my morning duties, I went inside our kitchen, warm our left over soup (egusi soup) that I prepare yesterday. After that, I went inside my room brought out my toothbrush and toothpaste, take a glass of water and brush my teeth outside.

After brushing my teeth, I went inside take my sponge, soap and towel, then went and took my bath.
I took my bath fast and dress up because today is Sunday and I want to go to church early. So after dressing up I went inside our kitchen prepare tea for me and my sister.
After talking my breakfast, I went inside my room wore my scarf, shoes and earrings And start going to church.


I came back from church by 12pm, by that time my father has come back from work, bought what will cook and left for his own church.


I and my sister went inside and change our church clothes.
We start cooking our Sunday rice, she cooked white rice and I cook the stew (ofe awku = palm fruit stew)

I love staying with my sister, cos she likes making funny jokes and she also likes talking.
She told me some stories of what happened in their school when we were cooking.

After we finish cooking the food, am the first daughter so is my right to share the food since my mum is late.


I shared the food, she takes her own I also took mine and went outside to eat.

This is me and my sister eating.

After eating ,she gist me for some minutes.
Later I went inside my room and swept off.


I wake up around 5pm, I was feeling so tired, so I decided to go outside walk around and exercise my body, when I went aside everywhere was cool , my little cousins were playing outside.
I love that atmosphere.

I walk around a very short time and remember I had some dirty clothes to wash, so I brought them outside and washing them

After washing the clothes I spread them on the top to dry.
Is already getting dark, I decided to warm our food, I warm both soup and the rice we cooked today.

Shortly after I finish warming the soup my father came from the occasion he went to, he bought apple for us. We ate and enjoy the apple.

After eating the apple, I went inside the kitchen and serve dinner
Everybody ate their food.
When am done eating, I took a glass of water and drank, waiting for my food to digest.
After that, I went inside my room, spread my bedsheets, sweep my room also, when am done with sweeping , I went am took my bath again because I was feeling heat , wear my night dress, them lay down on my bed and start writing my diary game.

Thanks for reading my post.

I will like to invite my friends @zekanem, @suboohi , and @okere-blessing.


@tipu curate

;) Holisss...

This is a manual curation from the @ti

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!


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