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RE: One Picture And One Story Week #30: My Secondary School Graduation Ceremony

in Steem For Pakistan2 months ago

A home is truly a place of love, unity and harmony. I can see you loved your school hostel and still want to go back to it though it was difficult for you at the beginning.
I personally I've not loved hostel from my beginning due to maltreatment from the seniors and the nonsensical food given to students that's why the thought of returning there has never crossed my mind for once.

You have a really nice post, best wishes to you.




 2 months ago 

Please sir, this was mistake, 😭🙏🙏

 2 months ago 

Hello @alejos7ven, @adachukwu is my mentee
She is a very dedicated member since joining the platform. She would not want to spam for any reason. If you must know she uses an android phone which screen complications, because of this she has to type outside steemit then copy from her note app and paste here. I am hoping she will get herself a better phone very soon.

I know her too well and for this I politely ask you reconsider your decision of disqualifying her from the make noise contest because of this error.

I believe everyone makes mistakes.

For this week she’s not elegible, this is only one of several times that the same comment was used twice. Having a bad phone isn’t a reason to comment the same thing

It is recommended to also improve the comment quality, sometimes it is off topic or is just a "good post" said in long words

If she follows suggestions then will be elegible for future weeks

 2 months ago 

Okay thank you.

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