Steemit Engagement Challenge / S13W1-“"What obstacles have you faced/facing to fulfill your dream?

Hello Everyone

I hope you all are well and good.Everyone born free and when he brings then many thoughts will be planting in his mind time by time.Now when see the children, they are playing,enjoying, laughing, weeping very pure.But as this child bring up then he see dream and become a aspirant.We all experience this thing because it happen for everyone.When the child see dream then they put up full efforts to fulfill it.After that two conditions happen one success and one failure.If this child attain success then he see next dream and will try to fulfill it.But if this child do not achieve his dream then he have will never seen dream again in his life.I think that every success has many relative but why we treat failure as a stepchild.Then i think thay the way between see the dream and achieve success or failure is not easy.Its would be required alot of sacrifice and obstacles that face every step then if you will fail then what???Everyone told you not did well,you did not give your best.You are not ability to do this that's why his dream end on one failure and he will be never seeing any dream in his life.Then i think that if everyone has fear about failure then nobody see any dream.This question disturb me all the time.But after that i found out answer,if you already know about the ratio of your success and failure on the reality basses and your why is absolutely clear then no matter how many obstacles you face all the time.Infact,you will not have fear about failure and excited about success.You always think that how you work on yourself and make you better day by day in this field which have you see dream.In this way,if you will fail then you have a lot of good experience that's used in any other field and you make unique as compared to others. - Today when i see this topic then firstly I'm very thankful to this platform which give us opportunity to write on it and especially this community which give us amazing topic and opportunity to debate on it. I'm very excited to write about this topic because i suffered from these situations.Now i go towards questions and covered all domains of this topic that's why the aim of this topic will have completed.



Write about a dream of yours that came true/or want to achieve.

I want to become office management officer because I'm very good in management.But when i search about this then i realize that my degree in industrial chemistry but this job related on social sciences.Then i search about this job preparation.After a lot of search i realize that many in thoushands of aspirants see this dream and apply for this job.But unluckily only 45 or 50 seats available for this.Then the ratio of success is only 2%.
When i see this i will decide to continue or stop this job preparation.Furthermore,I decide to continue preparation because if i will not get this job then i have a lot of knowledge and experience which i used in my field (industrial chemistry)or other fields. That's why this is very important to spent time with you and decide what you want and how you achieve this and if you not achieve this then what's your B plan.If people clear about his goal and way then never they will have shocked to see failure.The amazing thing that i learn there is nothing failure only a experience then it's only in your hand you have good experience or bad experience.


What obstacles have you faced/facing to fulfill that dream? How you overcame those obstacles?.
  • 1 I had not much guidance,when i started my preparation.Indeed, guidance play a very important role in our journey.No matter what's your dream,you need someone who live your dream.Its benefits is he tell me how i deal with things in simple way without wastage of time.
  • 2 The most important thing is surrounding.If you have toxic people in your surroundings then at one time you also become a depressed person and it's natural.So,i recongized who make my journey more difficult and who support me in my journey.Then i decided to breakup with all those people who pull up me from my success and engaged with those people who guide me,help me,and encourage me.
  • The last thing which i face society pressure and parents pressure.Because my field is totally different from my dream then my parents force me to stop this preparation and give my 100 percent to industrial field.That is not wrong totally but I'm a good in management then i know i manage all things very well.Now the second pressure from society but its not a very difficult to handle.Its become easy when you learn how to ignored unwanted talks.
Who encourages you to fulfill your dreams?

My why is very clear about my journey.I love to read books, adventure and try many things together and after that manage it very well.Then i think that in this preparation if i become fail then i have a good experience which i used in my field that is very safe backeup plan for me.
The second thing which i have self believe this is sometime weak when I'm fail in particular one goal but after that i realize that i do it again and successful then my confidence built again.
In last,my why is to get as powerful job which give me actually power to change something in real meaning and help peoples.I see everyday what happens among my people and how i make it better and i learn alot of knowledge everyday.I think that in this job i am grooming everyday.Basically, I'm alive before death in reall meaning.


What are the top 3 obstacles to not fulfilling one's dreams?
  • The big obstacle in my life,I am from poor family with this i earn itself and i give my time to earning money.I have not a much good foundation and firstly,i would need to make strong my foundation.But its takes time.
  • The second main obstacle which i face everyday,I travel almost 5 hours on daily bases that's very hectic for me.
  • The last and third main reason which become a hurdle in my journey that is very less time.I have not much time to cramped things and for revision but i hope i take out some time for this in future.


Thank you so much for read my post I'm very happy to discuss my journey with my family.I hope you also enjoy it.

  • I have invited some of my friends for this engagement challenge.




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