Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?

in Hindwhale Community5 months ago

Hello,I'm @sumayaorin , from #Bangladesh

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Hello wonderful readers! I'm absolutely thrilled to dive into this captivating challenge about what truly matters for our little ones' brain development: the age-old debate between playing and studying. As a mom to an exuberant three-year-old daughter, these questions hit close to home, and I can't wait to share my take on them with you in a more engaging manner.
What is more important for children in their childhood, playing or studying?

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Now, let's talk about the ultimate showdown: playtime versus study time in the epic saga of childhood development. Picture this: play is not just a kiddie pastime; it's the superhero cape for their cognitive, emotional, and social growth. Through play, our tiny humans learn to conquer the world around them—testing boundaries, imagining wild adventures, and making sense of this big, beautiful chaos we call life. It's where creativity, problem-solving skills, and emotional intelligence are forged. But hold on, don't discount the power of studying just yet!

In the other corner, we have formal education and studying, armed with textbooks and structured learning. This is where the superheroes get their secret knowledge and skills, laying the groundwork for academic triumphs. Striking the perfect harmony between play and study is the golden ticket, ensuring that our little explorers not only embrace their curiosity through play but also gather the essential building blocks for a stellar educational journey.
Are today's children lagging behind in studies and sports? If yes, explain the reason.

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Now, zoom out to the grand stage of today's world. Do you ever feel like our kiddos might be falling behind in the academic and sports arenas? It's like they're caught in the whirlwind of modern life, juggling textbooks and tablets. The culprit? A frenzied academic race, coupled with the irresistible allure of digital gadgets. The result? Less time frolicking in the sun or scoring goals on the field. A sedentary lifestyle and excessive screen time not only take a toll on physical health but also cast shadows on cognitive development .

Is online education useful to your children?


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But fear not, dear readers, for the adventure doesn't end there! Online education swoops in as the unsung hero, especially in the face of challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic. It's the beacon of continuity, allowing our young learners to access the vast realm of knowledge right from the comfort of their homes. A superhero in disguise? Absolutely! Yet, every hero has its vulnerabilities.

How does online education effect your children's mental and physical health ?

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Enter the dangers of prolonged screen time – the nemesis causing eye strain and turning our champions into screen zombies. The lack of face to face interaction may cast a shadow on their social skills and emotional resilience. But worry not, for there are ways to navigate these digital pitfalls and emerge victorious.

Now, let's talk about the mental and physical health of our little warriors. Online education, with its digital landscape, might be a rocky terrain for their tender minds. The isolation and disconnection from the traditional classroom setup may breed stress and anxiety. It's crucial for us, the vigilant guardians, to keep an eye out for any signs of distress. And here's the secret weapon: balance. Balancing online education with good old outdoor play, creative adventures, and maybe a dance party or two can be the antidote to these challenges.
In conclusion, dear readers, the battle between play and study is no zero-sum game. It's a symphony, a dance of both elements in perfect harmony. Our task as parents and educators is to create a magical blend, fostering well-rounded, vibrant individuals.


I would like to invite my friends @waterjoe @ridwant @malikusman1 @lirvic to participate in this contest


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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hello your exploration of the playtime vs. study time dilemma is both engaging and insightful. I appreciate how you've portrayed the importance of balancing both aspects for a child's holistic development. The incorporation of visuals adds a delightful touch to your presentation. Well done..

 5 months ago 

Greetings dear friend,

Thank you very much for presenting us with a beautiful post.

Your writing is highlighted by constructive words, two chapters of childhood one is sports and one is study, I like your constructive words based on it, moreover your pictures are amazing with words, yes in virtual world i.e. online world actually there is nothing to call study, even a little. That's too bad, I like your presentation, I wish you good luck,


I appreciate your generous compliments on the post. It's heartening to know that the constructive words and visuals resonated with you. Your encouragement motivates me to continue creating engaging content.Thank you for your kind wishes, and I look forward to sharing more content that you find enjoyable.

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amiga!😊

La educación actual es muy preocupante porque, vemos que en gran medida se está basando a la tecnología y, no es que esta herramienta sea mala porque, no lo es pero, dejarle el peso completo a ella genera que los niños no se desarrollen adecuadamente.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚


Congratulations! This post has been voted through steemcurator07. We support quality posts and comments!
Curated by : @malikusman1

Indeed, the play vs. study dilemma is no zero-sum game. It's a symphony, a dance where both elements harmonize. As parents and educators, our role is to craft a magical blend, nurturing well-rounded, vibrant individuals.
Best wishes for your journey

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