Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19/W1 - "Power of communication skill"

in Hindwhale Community4 days ago

Hello,I'm @sumayaorin , from #Bangladesh

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Hello everyone and I hope all my steemian friends are doing well and having a great time.A ccording to me, communication is a to win the world . It has an unbeatable power that surpasses anything else. Today, I am here to share my perception about this very thoughtful topic for the "Steemit Engagement Challenge S19/W1."
Before sharing my thoughts, I would like to invite my honored Steemian friends @eliany, @goodybest, @lirvic, and @nanidi to share their perceptions.
Do you agree with the statement "Communication skill is the power"? Why or why not?

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I utterly agree with this statement without any doubt. Communication is indeed a superpower. If you have good communication skills, you already have an advantage, even if you have less expertise in a particular situation. In this competitive world, you not only need skills or experience but also the power of communication. It is to some extent a confidence that can take you to your desired goal. I have seen many people around me in the education sector, job sector, and even in social environments, where they achieved their goals or success solely because of their communication skills. On the other hand, I have seen many highly skilled and capable individuals , who couldn't reach their goals or were delayed in achieving certain success due to a lack of communication skills. Communication is a confidence , and this confidence has the super power to turn the impossible into the possible within no time. It is unimaginable how far good communication can take you.

Can you provide an example of a situation where "Communication skill is the power"?

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Let's consider a job interview scenario. You and another candidate are invited for an interview. You have more skills, but the other candidate has fewer skills. When the interviewers ask questions, you answer them in a skilled manner, but the other candidate answers with convincing power. In this case , the other candidate will have an advantage and may be the first choice. In this competitive world , you need not only skills and experience but the super power of convincing people even the world. If you have confidence and communication skills even if you are not highly skilled , you are at an advantage. However , At a certain level, you can learn and improve your technical skills, even from your mistakes, but the ability to persuade and convince others through effective communication is invaluable.

Some historical examples where "Communication skill is the power" led to significant change?

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History is full of examples of how good communication skills have caused big differences. An important example is Martin Luther King Jr., who has strong statements and ability to convince people that were very important to the American Civil Rights Movement. His historical "I Have a Dream" speech is the evident- how good communication can motivate and inspire people from their inner soul to work together towards a shared goal.

In the same way , Winston Churchill's gave his historical speeches during World War II were very important in raising the morale of the British people and getting them to stick together through the hard times of the war.

How can one improve their communication skills?

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According to me , now a days , effective communication is core to success and improving communication skills is a continuous process and can be achieved through various methods. From my point of view, here are essential tips to enhance your communication skills :

Be confident in your knowledge and what you present.

  • Ensure clarity and be confidence in your speech.

  • Make your logical point of view.

  • Maintain a positive attitude.

  • Exhibit proper behavior according to the situation and time.

  • Use appropriate gestures.

  • Keep a confident posture.

In conclusion , communication skill is indeed a power that can pave the way for success in various aspects of life. It is not just about taking or speaking but also conveying your message effectively and convincingly. With good communication skills , you can achieve your desired goals and make a significant impact in your personal and professional life.


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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 3 days ago 

I agree with your statement that skills in any field get a big boost if one has good communication power. Imagine a highly talented person not being able to put his message across just because he is at a loss for ideas.

 3 days ago 

Concuerdo con usted de ver la comunicación como un super poder que tiene la capacidad de transformar a muchos. Parto del principio que es un arte el cual nos ayuda a transformar vidas, en todos los aspectos necesitamos esto para transmitir lo que queremos expresar. Me alegra mucho de que a través de tu post nos reflejes tu punto de vista a través de tu post y además estás sugerencias para poder aprender a comunicarnos de manera eficaz.

My dear friend I have gone through your writing and I was able to pick out so many point. One with good and understanding communication skills is the best and we all need to have that. With this communication skills we will be able to do so many things I wish you all the best

Good communication skills is essential in our daily life. Because it create opportunities to people even though you have less experience. Thanks for sharing.

Reading your entry is really educating I have learnt how I can improve my communication skills, and how important it is to communicate with others.

 3 days ago 

Greetings, you have been supported by @hindwhale account for your post. To know more about our community, you can visit our introduction post here. To contact us directly, please visit our discord channel.

Moderator/Curator : @jyoti-thelight

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Hello @sumayaorin
Hopefully you will be doing well, I read your post, you have described all the topics very nicely. As communication skills are power so we need this power for getting job, for sharing ideas or expressing our thoughts. Indeed without this power we can't live a beautiful professional life. Nice content, best of luck for contest.

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