Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?"

in Hindwhale Community5 months ago
Namaste friends,

Shikha from India is here to take part in this contest of Hindwhale community and this is my very first post in this community. As I am a new comer I don't have lots of idea about this platform but still I will try to elaborate myself and my skills and try to work hard for self improvement.

I would like to invite @ayushikumari, @patjewell and @shiftitamanna join this contest


Coming on to the topic of the contest regarding children in my opinion both studying and playing are equally important as we all know that there is a famous saying all work and no Play makes Jack or dull boy. So as the saying goes on children should have the freedom of playing also besides studying.

Below are the answers of the questions asked in the contest.

What is more important for children in their childhood, playing or studying?

In today's era the life of a child is also very busy compared to childhood during our time we had not taken tuitions till standard 10th but these days we can see that even a Nursery kid is going to more than one tuitions.

The school bags of the children are sometimes heavier than their weight I mean to say that even they have a lot of burden of studies on their head. Studying is okay but if a child is not getting time to play even his or her mind gets irritated lack of which the child's brain does not catch all the things which he or she studies.

So for me both studying and playing are equally important in a child daily routine if a child is studying for 5 to 6 hours he should get a break of at least 1to 2 hours for playing that to parent should prefer sending them out for playing outdoor games which is equally important for the growth of a child.

Are today's children lagging behind in studies and sports? If yes, explain the reason

Compared to our childhood time today's parents are much more smart and support their children in every field be it sports or studies.

I remember during our childhood the only thing which are parents expected from us was studying and only studying. We were not allowed to take part in any sports during our School sports day but we can see the change that parents these days allow their children to take part in every field in which they want to take part be it sports or music or studies.

So I don't think today's children are lagging behind in anything and comparatively they are much more smarter kids compared to our generation. Today's parents have given their children the freedom to choose the carrier and not only they support but also respect the choice of their kids.

Is online education useful to your children?

We have all gone through the times of COVID where school students and even college going students were not allowed to go to school or colleges at that point of time if we did not had the technology of online education are children would have lagged much behind.

All thanks to the internet through which online education is possible and yes sometimes in the name of online education the child misuses the phone and kills the time by watching videos or playing games.

It is the responsibility of a parent to keep an eye on whether the children in the name of online studies is actually studying or making them a fool in the name of studies.Online studies are equally important as offline studies.

How does online education effect your children's mental and physical health ?
Sitting in front of the phone or laptop and studying continuously watching the screen not only affects the mental health of a child but it also damages the eyes of a child.

It is good to take break between online studies and give rest to the eyes if possible washing the child's eye with cold water soothes the eyes.

IMG-20240226-WA0021.jpg(both my nieces with me.)

Continuous online studies is not good for a child mental as well as physical health because the child cannot move from one place to another and continuously sitting in one place for 6 to 7 hours makes a child's body lethargic.

A child gets exhausted very fast and serious diseases like headache and redness in eyes are caused by continuous online studies or one can say by watching the laptop or phones screen continuously.

This is the opinion of mine and I hope you guys will support me as this is my first contest entry post being a newcomer and even the first post on this community hope you guys will like my post.

Good day everyone! 😊😊

 5 months ago 

Greetings, you have been supported by @hindwhale account for your post. To know more about our community, you can visit our introduction post here. To contact us directly, please visit our discord channel.

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Both studying and playing is a way to make children learn fast. While they play, they study, it could be painting, brick, or with numbers or alphabets. Children loves it when they can be free from all forms of rigidity and learn. You know a playful environment foster children's learning ability, and this also helps their physical health.

Success to you!

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amiga!😊

La tecnología ha distanciado mucho a los niños de las actividades deportivas y, esto me genera mucha tristeza porque, cada vez vemos menos niños en cachas deportivas o con intereses de querer dedicarse a un deporte de manera profesional.

Educar es muy complejo pero, si durante el proceso de aprendizaje el niño juega, desarrolla mejor su cognición.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 5 months ago 

Hello, your insights on the importance of both studying and playing for children, the changing dynamics of parenting, and the impact of online education on children's mental and physical health are well-articulated. It's crucial to strike a balance between academics and recreational activities for the holistic development of a child! Best wishes!

Grateful that you visited my post and coming on to the importance of studying and playing in my opinion both are equally important. Children these days are also much pressurized due to the burden of studying and ongoing competitions.

Good day sir😊

You said children are having good time these days. Their parents allow them to play and study on time. You remember during your childhood day the only thing which your parents expected from you was studying and only studying. You were not allowed to take part in any sports during our School sports day. Yes before parents were not that much understanding as these days. Now parents are educated and they know the importance of everything.

Wish you good luck in the contest.

Your post is very awesome. All things explained beautifully. Yes these days kids are more academic work to do,but at the same time parents are understanding too. They allow kids to play as well. Yes online education has helped us alot in the pandemic, but I would say all the time taking online schooling isn't good. I believe in personal classes we can learn too much More than in online classes.

Wish you good luck in the contest friend.

I really appreciate your hard work, you have great potential to write such wonderful post about children life and education. Physical education and physical activities are to be focused and provided to kids for their purpose and learning in life....thanks

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