SEC-S16/W3 - "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends?

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago

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I am Saravanan from India. As a moderator I am very proud in participating this contest. One of the beautiful more thinkable contest in this Steemit Engagement challenge season 13 week 3. A very essential topic which everyone needs to participate and post their opinion in this contest. I shared my opinions in this contest. If you have any positive/ negative feedback on my thought feel free to reach ,e on comment section.

How does a father have a strong influence on children?


Father is the ultimate hero of every children. Father sacrifices everything for his/her children. As a children till we get maturity we will not get the idea of how a love of father towards children. Father having lot of influence on their children. Because children are growing by seeing how father working hard to make the family in a more comfortable situation. So father having lot of influence in the life of growing children.

How does a mother have a strong influence on children?


Mother is the ultimate influencer among the children growth in their life. Mother plays a major role in developing a good character in a children growth. Because she spends more time during the children growth compared with others like father and teachers. So she has the more influence in the growth and life of children. Children learn more from their mother during their growing stage.

How does the teacher have a strong influence on children?


After mother teacher is the most influencing person for a children. Because in our childhood we will think ourselves as a teacher and act like them with our friends and we think ourselves as a real teacher. So teacher having a best role in influencing a children mind in their growing stage. So teacher also need to show more importance in their character because it will directly influence children mind. Also mother can influence only their children but a teacher having a beautiful power to influence more children. So teachers be good at educating children for good characters.

How do siblings have a strong influence on children?


Siblings who spend more personal time with the children having more power on influencing a children. Because we are growing with our siblings only. Another advantage of sibling is that he/she is some what having similar age group compared with Father , Mother and teacher. So sibling also having direct impact on the influencing their siblings because they spend a lot of time with their siblings during their growth

How do friends have a strong influence on children?


Friends one among the all other is liked most by the children during their growing phase. Friends having lot of impact on your children because while growing they have the most influence among your children. so monitor your children with whom they are spending more time in their school days. Friends having lot of power in influencing your children to good and bad habits. If we have good friends the possibility of having a bad habit/character is very less. So choose your friends wisely.



You can't give first prize to one among the five peoples above in terms of influencing children. If you tell mother is the most influencing person then what about father, teacher, friends and sibling. If you tell friends is the most influencing person then what about father, teacher, mother and sibling. So you can't decide one whos is most influencing in children life. Each one among the five character having equal support in terms of influencing a children. So if the these five person in life we get with a good character person then you are the luckiest person in the world.

I would like to invite my friends @saravanan-n, @slon21veka ,@deepak94 to participate in this beautiful contest.

Thank You


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 3 months ago 

Friends having lot of power in influencing your children to good and bad habits.

In my experience, I've seen how friends can really shape someone's behavior, especially during childhood. The influence of peers can be quite significant, sometimes even more than that of parents or teachers.

Mother plays a major role in developing a good character in a children growth."

As a father, I've noticed how my children often look up to their mother for guidance and support. Her nurturing nature and constant presence really do make a huge difference in shaping their personalities.

If we have good friends the possibility of having a bad habit/character is very less.

From my observation, surrounding oneself with positive influences is key to personal growth. Good friends can help steer children away from negative behaviors and encourage them to make better choices in life.


You have explain each and every relation in your good way and according to you after mother all credit should goes to our teacher who give his knowledge to children for their success as well as father or also hero of every children because of their a lot of sacrifices which they made by working day night for the children.

I wish good luck to you...


I hope you are well, I am also perfectly fine and all I would like to do is that if we have any problems or problems or something that we are in pain, we can only talk to our siblings or our parents. If we don't have a problem, we can ask our parents, our teachers, our siblings, and especially the daughters who are closer to their fathers. If they do, I would like to do this so that they ask their father about everything

Ulasan yang sangat bagus, teman. Membaca postingan anda membuatku teringat sosok ayah yang telah tenang di alam sana. Ayah memberi pengaruh besar dalam hidupku. Dia berhasil menanamkan nilai nilai yang membentukku hari ini hingga menjadi seorang lelaki dewasa yang bertanggung jawab. Semoga sukses untuk kontesnya.

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