Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W6 - "What happens if motor vehicles are banned around the world?

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago (edited)
Hello friends and welcome to my entry on the Hindwhale Community Engagement Challenge for week 6 in season 16. For this week our question is:

What happens if motor vehicles are banned around the world?

The short answer to this question is, cars will all sit and rot away. But it is not that simple. If motor vehicles are banned, people will revolt against the idea at the start, but if it is enforced, plenty of business and industries and systems will fall and the global economy will be affected.

There will be serious issues with transportation at first, and when the automobile manufacturing, sales, and repair industries collapse, people will start investing in an alternative industry built around horses.
The sales, training, Breeding , food, medicine and accessories will be a whole new thing.
Seeing house excrement around the roads will become a common thing. But we will be free from pollution, meaning better air quality, better health.

Some will go for alternative like electric scooters, walking and bicycle riding, options that will keep our Earth cleaner and healthier.

auto-3368094_1280.jpg Image by Pixaby..Cars will rot away

Will humans again seek the help of animals for transport?

Having an ox, a donkey or a horse will become very common as a means of transportation. And farmers will have to grow large quantities of their food.
We will understand the true meaning of horse power in a very different way.

hourse-5117977_1280.jpg Image by Pixaby Falling back to animals for transportation

Veterinary doctors will be recognized and needed to care for this animals. And animal right activist will have their hands full with work, adjusting the way we view and deal with this new means of transportation.
Farms will want to breed new horses that run faster and eat less food. Trainers will have to teach us how to ride and teach the horse not to pass excrement indiscriminately.

How would our environment be without motor vehicles?

As the number of horse riders increase, so the smell of horse dropping will increase and laws will be passed to regulate that and it health challenges.
That can create new jobs like road cleaners and fertilize for farm lands but more importantly, our air will be cleaner. Cars will not create pollution and industries that manufacturer car parts will not be around to create more pollution.

We may have to adjust our roads and traffic rules to accommodate the change. Speed limit will be a whole new thing. And being in time for appointment will need better planing.

What will it be if humans invent any form of transportation other than the motor in the future?

physics-3871216_1280.jpgImage by Pixaby Technology of the future in transportation

Developing areas like quantum entanglements, wormholes and nanotechnology-teleportation, traveling will be revolutionized as we will move between points at the speed of light or faster.
It will be a good idea to study some of the claims that in some of our villages here in Africa, Some people seriously believe that some of their neighbors have the ability to move people around (telekinesis). There are stories of people who slept in their room and woke up outside.
If it is true, some good technology can be found in unexpected places.
With this technology We will simply "jump" to the moon and back, and jumping to distant planets that are light-years away will be possible.

I am inviting @edgargonzalez, @sabtainkhan and @leafoflife to participate in this exercise.

About me


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hii friend I really enjoy reading your entry, I see motor are very important in our community and environment, if this happens in our environment it will affect everyone that travels a long distance. I know this is a content and it can never come to pass. All this vehicle was created to iss human surfing. I wish you success boss..

 3 months ago 

Hello friend

Indeed the introduction of these animals would have a role to play in our lives. The animal activist would have alot to do, the special vetinary doctors would be doing alot too, there would be lots of activities to modify these horses to he able to eat less and work faster. That's the truth, the act of natural selection would indeed come to play. I enjoyed your thoughts on the topic and cheers

Dear @seancyril ,
you have shared a nice tropic with us .Going through your post , I come to know that you gave various answer about your post.If the motorcar ban ,we will suffer a lot of .It took long time to reach from one place to another places.If the people can take help from other vehicle,it will not be better than the other vehicle think that if there is no vehicles we will suffer a lot. we can not move easily from one place to another.If we use other vehicle instead of motorcar ,our environment will be from all kind of pollution. So, we all should participate in this competition to know various things. Good luck.

It is true, without cars we will suffer. Thank you for commenting on my post.

Wow your points are amazing and I think your talking about the wormholes and quantum entanglement,with teleport traveling means is cool but it can't be possible for us to see it


I really love your post, indeed you have shared a very nice post with us, I really appreciate

Thank you @bessie2023, your comment is welcome

Thanks for your entry, very creative. Good luck.

Hello my guy. .

Nice reading from your entry post. And I will like to appreciate your point of view on band of vehicles. Going back to the old ways is a big deal and also cutting ✂️ automobile is a serious issue. The pros and cons show line up. But then hopefully the future mitigate proper solution to the situationship.

Good luck

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