Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?

in Hindwhale Community5 months ago (edited)
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Greetings to you all in this community and welcome to my Engagement Challenge entry for the theme of this week's from this amiable community. Without further ado, let us go into business using the hints provided.

What is more important for children in their childhood, playing or studying?

I am not a specialist on kids or something, and neither do I have my own kids just yet, but judging by younger siblings and relatives and my experience as a tutor a few years back, I can say when it comes to kids, both play and studies are super important.

This is because playing will help the kids have fun, be creative, make friends, and get active. Playing is just their special time to use their own imaginations and learn through games and activities. whereas studying is all about learning new things, like math, science, and reading as studying also helps them gain knowledge and skills that they'll need as they grow up.

Therefore, it is all about balancing between having fun and learning cool stuff as both playing and studying are just two sides of a coin, and the kids need a bit of both to grow up happy and smart.

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Finding a balance between playing and studying can be achieved in the following way.

First, we can do this by establishing a clear routine that includes dedicated time for both activities. This way, children have a clear structure and know when it's time to play and when it's time to study, after all, there is the saying that says "All works no play, makes Jack a full boy".

Secondly, we can make studying enjoyable by using interactive and engaging methods such as incorporating songs such as jingles and special characters into their learning process. For example, using educational games, applying quizzes, and hands-on activities to make learning more fun and interactive. Helping the children to enjoy themselves as they are learning.

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Thirdly, we should also encourage the allocation of short breaks during study sessions, as this can help children recharge, relax, and maintain focus during their study periods. This is also very important for their mental and physical well-being.

However, we will have to remember that finding the right balance may vary from one kid to another, so it's important to be flexible and adapt to their unique needs and interests by creating a supportive environment for them that values both play and study, this way children can thrive and enjoy a well-rounded childhood experience.

Are today's children lagging behind in studies and sports? If yes, explain the reason.

For me, this is a NO, NO. I wouldn't say kids today are lagging behind in either studies or sports as they have all it takes to excel in both fields. However, I can say it is more of a shift in priorities and lifestyle in this current generation, as with the rise of technology and social media, kids these days have more distractions and options for entertainment.

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This can sometimes make it harder for them to focus on their studies or find time for sports, coupled with the pressure from parents for their kids to mostly excel academically being intense on them. But then, many kids are still doing very great in both sports and academics. Therefore, all we can do for them is to cheer them on and encourage them to keep learning and also making out time to play and relax, or better still incorporating play into learning.

Is online education useful to your children?

For me, online education is a great way for kids because it brings them flexibility, filled with lots of learning options, and above all, it also helps in improving their skills to becoming independent learners.

With online education they have unlimited access to different and varied educational stuffs at any time and anywhere. This also provides them with opportunities to even explore subjects and topics beyond what they are taught in school. Additionally, it also comes with very interactive and fun ways of learning. Therefore, online education is indeed a very fantastic way to help our kids learn, have fun and grow.

How does online education effect your children's mental and physical health?

Effect of Online Education on Mental Health

Online education can be hard pill to swallow as it can bring about feelings of isolation and reduced social interaction in children. Leading to them missing out on in-person connections and support that they would typically get in a classroom setting.

Therefore It is indeed important for parents and educators to find ways to foster socialization and create opportunities for children to interact with their peers.

Effect of Online Education on Physical Health

With online education, children end up spending more time in front of their screens, which can lead to sedentary behaviours and potential eye strain.

It is therefore very important that parents be mindful of their child's posture and encourage them to maintain a healthy balance between online learning and other activities.

I wish to invite @ninapenda, @ruthjoe and @starrchris to share theirs with us.

Thank You for your Time

NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.



I strongly agree with you that when you play with your friends then it enhance your learning skills by the development of creativity in you as well as not only this make your studies more enjoyable for you rather than when you stick just with your studies and you don't focus on extra curricular activities then you feel that life and study is boring that's why play should be included also which is very important for overall betterment of you.

When you play with your friends, it helps boost your creativity and learning skills. It's not just about studying all the time. Including play and extracurricular activities makes your studies more enjoyable and helps you have a well-rounded life. So, let's keep that balance and have fun while learning. It's all about becoming the best version of ourselves.

Thank you so much for your valuable remarks. Good luck to you too.

Thanks for responding back at my comment as well as I agree with you the importance which you are explaining about sports and play.

Thanks for wishing me good luck

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 5 months ago 

Therefore, it is all about balancing between having fun and learning cool stuff as both playing and studying are just two sides of a coin, and the kids nee

You have very well captured the essence of a well-rounded childhood experience. Balancing fun and learning is crucial, as it aligns with my observation that children thrive when they have a mix of enjoyable activities and educational pursuits.

Secondly, we can make studying enjoyable by using interactive and engaging methods such as incorporating songs suc

I feel like this suggestion is practical and aligns with my experience as it recognizes the importance of making studying enjoyable for children. Using creative methods, like songs and characters, can indeed make the learning process more engaging and effective.

With online education, children have unlimited access to different and varied educational stuffs at any time and anywhere. This also provides them with opportunities to even explore subjects and topics beyon

You have very well highlighted the benefits of online education, and i too believe that it offers flexibility and a vast range of learning options. My experience suggests that this accessibility can enhance a child's learning experience and foster independent learning skills.


Wow! Thank you so much for your wonderful remarks, adding value to my publication.

 5 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Hay padres o en su defecto, profesores, un tanto ortodoxos que separan la educación del juego o, al contrario y, debido a ello, el desarrollo psicomotor de los niños no se da de manera correcta por lo que, a medida de que el niño va creciendo, refleja problemas de aprendizaje muy complejos de remover por ello, es indispensable que al momento de educar, no se deje de lado el juego.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

So very true. Some parents or teachers can be a bit old-fashioned and believe that education and play should be separate. But the truth is, when we integrate play into education, it helps children develop their motor skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. It's important to remember that learning doesn't have to be boring. So, let's keep encouraging a playful approach to education for our little ones. Wishing you all the success too. Big hug right back at you.

Pendidikan online telah banyak memberikan manfaat bagi anak, mereka dapat belajar dengan mudah dalam mengakses mata pelajaran dan meningkatkan keterampilan komputer mereka, mereka dapat belajar dimana saja dan kapan saja, semua itu memudahkan proses belajar anak.

Selain itu, dampak negatif dari pendidikan online adalah anak mudah merasakan kelelahan, kurang bergerak dan olahraga, terisolasi karena kurangnya interaksi dengan orang lain dan juga ketegangan otot dan mata karena terlalu lama menatap layar.

Semoga sukses💫

Online education has its perks for sure. Kids can learn at their own pace, access a variety of subjects, and even enhance their computer skills. It's convenient too, being able to study from anywhere and anytime. But we can't ignore the downsides. Staring at screens for long periods can strain their eyes and muscles. Plus, they might miss out on social interaction and physical activity. So, finding a balance is key. Good luck to you too.


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Thank you very much my friend @inspiracion. I really appreciate your support.

I agree with you that playing works hand in hand with study. Playing helps these kids have fun, feel free and exercise their own imagination as they play and study. It is only with this pattern that I see these kids learn so fast and well. Online education is quite helpful for children because they are learning various things at a go. I enjoyed reading your entry. Success to you!

Playing and studying go hand in hand, my friend. When kids play, they have a blast, let their imaginations run wild, and learn in the process. It's amazing how fast they pick things up when they have fun while learning. And online education? It's like a treasure trove of knowledge for them! They can learn so many things all at once. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and here's to success for both of us. Cheers!

 5 months ago 

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