SEC-S16/W3 - Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends?

in Hindwhale Community7 months ago
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This week's challenge is centred on who has the most power to shape a child's growth and development. Is it the mom and dad, the awesome teachers, the siblings they grow up with, or their pals? Stick around to find out as we explore the different influences and figure out who holds the biggest sway in the life of a child.

How does a father have a strong influence on children?

It is a fact that fathers have a powerful impact on the lives of their children, as children tend to see them as their superheroes. "just touch me first, you will see if I will not tell my Daddy for you". A very common statement not minding who the opposition is compared to the father.

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Dads are bestowed with the enormous task of providing love, support, and guidance to their children, teaching them important life lessons, like how to be responsible, kind, and brave, while also often serving as role models, showing their kids what it means to be a good person and how to go about life. This is one very aspect of my Dad I'm very grateful for even though I wasn't always close to him.

I'm going to be a Dad someday too, and I know it is required of me to bring unique perspectives and sets of skills to the table. Like being great at teaching practical things, like fixing things around the house or playing sports with the kids while mum is taking care of us all, with the most important of them all being creating special bonds and memories.

Also, as an upcoming father, I am made to understand that I always needed to be there to lend a helping hand, encourage, and be a source of stability while also offering different kinds of love and support that complement the influence of the mother. This is required of us to create a strong foundation for our children's growth and well-being.

How does a mother have a strong influence on children?

For the record, I am a young man, but then I can say no one can compare to a Mother, nor is there any love like a mother's love for her child. Mothers have a huge impact on their kids and can be considered to be superheroes in their special way. Moms are the number one known providers of love, care, and support to their children, and that shapes who they become. I am a testimony of that, being the fact that I was raised by a single mum.

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With my hands on my chest, I can boldly say, without fear that mothers will always be there for their children every step of the way. Whether this be teaching them values like kindness, honesty, and respect, or helping them learn basic life skills, like tying their shoelaces, brushing their teeth, and even cooking yummy meals.

But then, it is not just about the practical stuff only, mothers are also known to be the number one creators of warm and nurturing environments where children feel safe and loved, from giving hugs, listening to their stories, and offering comfort when they are feeling down. Moms are like that big, cosy blanket we wrap around us during cold times, but in their case, they wrap their kids in love.

One superpower of a mother is that they have this special power to know exactly what their kids need, while also being able to sense when something's wrong, even if their child doesn't say a word or is far from them.

How does the teacher have a strong influence on children?

Teachers are superheroes too but in their way, having a powerful impact on their student's lives by helping them learn and grow. Serving as an education guide who leads students on the path of seeking knowledge, while teaching us different subjects like sciences and arts, and also important skills like problem-solving, teamwork, and creativity.

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However, teachers are not just about books and lessons, but also caring for their students' well-being, and creating a safe and supportive environment where kids can express themselves and feel valued while also listening, encouraging, and inspiring them to reach for their dreams.

Teachers also help shape a child's character by teaching them about kindness, respect, and empathy, while also helping them develop these values that will stay with them throughout their lives. Sometimes these teachers even end up becoming mentors and friends to the children under their care, providing guidance, and advice, and believing in their potential, making them feel special and capable of achieving anything they set their minds to.

How do siblings have a strong influence on children?

Although this may not always be true, then siblings are like built-in best friends and partners in crime. Therefore, having siblings simply means having someone to play with, share ideas and secrets with, and go on adventures together, teaching each other important life skills like sharing, compromising, and problem-solving, not forgetting the developing of social skills practising communication and conflict resolution.

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Siblings can also be great role models, as older siblings tend to inspire their younger siblings to try new things while also setting a positive example for them to follow, while also offering guidance and support during tough times.

But then, as I said earlier, it is not always rainbows and unicorns as siblings can also fight and argue, just like any other friends, but the good part is that these conflicts can help them learn how to manage their emotions and healthily resolve conflicts.

How do friends have a strong influence on children?

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Friends like everyone else, have a part to play in the life of a child as they are considered to be the peanut butter to any child's jelly. Having friends simply means having someone to hang out with, share experiences, and have fun together. Therefore, friends play the role of helping each other develop important social skills, such as making conversation, cooperating, and working as a team.

But then, friendship is not just about having fun and games as friends also provide emotional support in their way and are there for each other during hard times, offering listening ears, giving advice, and helping boost each other's confidence.


In no way is this intended to know who has the biggest influence on a child, but for me a means for us all to understand the various roles we play in the lives of the children around us, be it our kids, pupils, siblings, or friends.

I wish to invite @starrchris, @ngoenyi, @chants and @hamzayousafzai.

Thank You for your Time

NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.



Lol.. The opening got me. That's something common even with children from my clime. The "reporting to their daddy" is such a big threat.

Mothers like you said are always there for their kids, come what may.

I love your conclusion on the fact that everyone has a role to play and it may be difficult to narrow it down to one person.

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Hello friend, your answers are very accurate, the father and mother of a child help to form character and emotional stability.

While their teachers are in charge of their education and everything that has to do with their foray into society.

Successes and blessings.

You're absolutely right. Parents play a big role in shaping a child's character and emotional well-being. They provide love, support, and guidance. And you know what? Teachers are also super important. They help educate children and prepare them for the world. So, it's like a team effort, with parents and teachers working together to bring success and blessings to our little ones.

Ayah adalah pahlawan super bagi anak, ayah juga panutan yang akan diteladani anak, seorang ayah punya pengaruh yang kuat terhadap anak pada tumbuh kembang mereka, sang ayah akan senantiasa membimbing, mendidik serta melatih kekuatan fisik dan mental anak.

Seorang ibu juga demikian, ibu adalah malaikat yang dikirim tuhan untuk anak-anak, mereka senantiasa membesarkan, mendidik, menjaga, menyediakan kebutuhan dan memberikan kasih sayang. Pengorbanan kedua orang tua kita memang luarbiasa, waktu, tenaga dan materi akan mereka korbankan untuk anak-anak.

Salam semoga anda sukses teman 👍

Fathers are indeed superheroes for us kids. They're not only our role models, but they also have a big impact on our growth and development. They guide us, educate us, and help us become strong both physically and mentally.

And you know what? Mothers are like angels sent by God to us children. They're always there to raise us, educate us, take care of us, provide for our needs, and shower us with love. The sacrifices our parents make for us are truly extraordinary. They give up their time, energy, and even material things just to make sure we have everything we need.

I really appreciate your kind greetings, my friend. I hope you're successful too. Let's continue to cherish and be grateful for the amazing parents we have.

This article beautifully delves into the strong influence fathers have on their children's lives. You have eloquently highlighted the role of dads as superheroes in their children's eyes and emphasizes the lessons they impart. Aspiring to be a father, you have recognized the responsibilities and the importance of creating lasting bonds and memories with your future children. It's heartwarming to see such reflection and anticipation of the impact you will have on your future children.


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