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RE: SEC-S16/W3 - Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends?
Ayah adalah pahlawan super bagi anak, ayah juga panutan yang akan diteladani anak, seorang ayah punya pengaruh yang kuat terhadap anak pada tumbuh kembang mereka, sang ayah akan senantiasa membimbing, mendidik serta melatih kekuatan fisik dan mental anak.
Seorang ibu juga demikian, ibu adalah malaikat yang dikirim tuhan untuk anak-anak, mereka senantiasa membesarkan, mendidik, menjaga, menyediakan kebutuhan dan memberikan kasih sayang. Pengorbanan kedua orang tua kita memang luarbiasa, waktu, tenaga dan materi akan mereka korbankan untuk anak-anak.
Salam semoga anda sukses teman 👍
Fathers are indeed superheroes for us kids. They're not only our role models, but they also have a big impact on our growth and development. They guide us, educate us, and help us become strong both physically and mentally.
And you know what? Mothers are like angels sent by God to us children. They're always there to raise us, educate us, take care of us, provide for our needs, and shower us with love. The sacrifices our parents make for us are truly extraordinary. They give up their time, energy, and even material things just to make sure we have everything we need.
I really appreciate your kind greetings, my friend. I hope you're successful too. Let's continue to cherish and be grateful for the amazing parents we have.