THE DIARY GAME 17 June 2024 !! Today I shared the happiness of Eid with everyone

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago

Hello, I'm @ohi45

Hope everyone is well I am also fine by the grace of God.



Eid mubarak Today is a very happy day for everyone. I woke up fresh. Then I made puri. My parents, Duha and I all sat together and ate puri. After that, my father and Duha will go to perform the Eid prayers, so they took a bath and got ready. New Punjabi wears. Then my father and Duha went to pray After they went to pray, I also took a quick bath. The cow will be slaughtered after the prayer, so I finished the bath beforehand. Then my younger aunt called me to eat the chatapti she made. So again I went to my aunt's house and ate the chatap. I told many stories. After the prayer, my uncles all came home. Then I went out to see the cow sacrifice. I also went out. Then our cow sacrifice started. So I took a picture there again. Then the beef was chopped. So I took a picture of them again.


At noon, my mother cooked sacrificial beef. After cooking, he called us to eat. So we all sat together and ate happily. After that I will rest a little. Then I heard that one of our neighbors died. He suddenly had a stroke. He died on the way to the medical center. I was very upset after hearing this. So again everyone in the house went to see that brother. Their home conditions were very bad. Everyone was crying a lot. The mind became very bad. But on a very good day, brother died. Then I came home. Coming home, someone was cleaning our cow's dung. So I took a picture again. Then I and my elder sister went to distribute meat to some poor people in the village. Me and Apu took a picture.


Then I came home again. I came home and sat down to read a book after having some breakfast. On the day of Eid, I didn't want to read anymore. So again I went to my elder uncles house. I had a little chat with you there. It was a lot of fun. Then I came home again. I came home and saw a lizard lying on my phone. A little scared to see the lizard.



Then my mother called for food. I ate dinner earlier today. After that, I started talking to my friends on the mobile while lying on the bed. I will fall asleep after a while. This is how my day went.

Allah is Hafez.

This was my program for the whole day today.

Achievement 1 - Introduction Post

 3 months ago 

Happy Eid celebration, it good to give to the poor. Sorry about the lizard, you shouldn't be scared it is harmless. You must be really stressed out yesterday.

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