THE DIARY GAME 14 June 2024 !! I am very sad that my nephew left our house today

in Hindwhale Community2 months ago

Hello, I'm @ohi45

Hope everyone is well I am also fine by the grace of God.


My day started like every other day. I woke up and had breakfast. Then I sat down to read a book. After reading I finished my daily work. I cleaned the house. I swept the bed. I swept the house. After that I went out after having some food. Today Wafi will go to his grandfather's house. So I went for a walk with Wafi and Aifah. And I took some pictures of them. In a while his parents were ready. Then came the autorickshaw. Wafi and Aifah went to her grandfather's house. I felt a little bad. However, after that I came home. I came home and had a little talk with my mother.




Then I went to the bath. After taking a bath, I offered Zohr prayer After that I had lunch. After that I had a little talk with my mother. Then I came home and slept. I slept a little in the afternoon.


I woke up and performed ablution and performed the Asr prayer. After the prayer, I went out a little. I took Maliha in my arms and walked outside for a while. I saw some flowers on the road. So I took pictures of some flowers. After that I walked outside for a while and came back home. I gave Maliza to her mother. After that we all sat outside and talked a little. It feels good to chat with everyone like this every afternoon.



Then I came home. I came home and performed ablution and offered Maghrib prayers. After the prayer, I sat down to read a book after having a light breakfast. While reading, an insect flew next to me. I was scared to see the insect I took a picture of the insect. After that, I performed ablution and performed Isha prayer. After finishing the prayer, I sat down to read again. Then my mother finished cooking. My mother called me for dinner. So I went again and had dinner. Then I came home and swept the bed. I fixed the mosquito net. Then I slept.


This was my program for the whole day today.

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