"Steemit Engagement Challenge - S16/W3 - "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends? "

in Hindwhale Community5 months ago

How does a father have a strong influence on children?


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A father is the head of the and the bread winner of the family who plays a significant role in providing, protecting and guilding the children in the right path to follow. The is the first to teach the child about societal morals and thus influencing the child psychology, He teaches the child about the Dos at and Don'ts of life and how to dwell among men. To the female children, their father is their first lover and this psychological influence manifest when they want to marry a man.

How does a mother have a strong influence on children?


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A mother is the womb that carries and bears the pains of every child, all the children grow up loving their mothers. She influence the child psychological, emotional and social life. She is a teacher, a care giver who teach, nurtures and bears the burden of the children. The children are more closer to her than the father. She teaches them the ethics of life.

How does the teacher have a strong influence on children?

The teacher is one who teach outside the parents. They have greater influence on the children because to them, their teacher is always right just like my child will always tell me: "my teacher said, my teacher that" even when the teacher is wrong, you can change that in them except you have a more higher grace 😃.
Teachers influence all aspect of the children's life including their thoughts and modesty.

How do siblings have a strong influence on children?


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Growing up, I still can't remember when I had a good time talking to my sister or brother and getting good advice. We are all independent and only comes in to talk when we want to gang up to do something outside that nothing that's why this part to me is not actually necessary though I know some siblings play greater part in influencing the others.

How do friends have a strong influence on children?


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just like the teacher, they influence the children too. Mostly it is always negatively especially children from good home upbringing making friends with a loose child will one day become loose. The saying: "evil communication corrupt good manners" comes in and display at this level. The child self esteem is influence here as well as the psychological, emotional, social, physical and academical life.

The teacher and friends to me influences the children more especially in a home where there is no good communication levels among the parents and children and siblings and siblings, friends and teachers take charge to reshape such a child life to what the parent never dream up.

I invite:
@imadear @yaladeeds and @saintkelvin17
to join in the contest


All of the above mentioned roles are important in one's life, but according to me parents are on the top. I would say second is that of teachers who always educate us and make us a real human being. Friends and society also play an important role. Your post is amazing friend, enjoy reading it.

I pray for your success in the contest.

Thank you for reading

It's interesting to explore the different influences on children, from parents to teachers, siblings, and friends. Each plays a unique role in shaping a child's development and upbringing. Parents provide guidance, teachers impart knowledge, siblings offer companionship, and friends influence social interactions. Understanding these influences helps in fostering positive relationships and nurturing children to become well-rounded individuals. Thanks for sharing your insights!

Thank you so much for reading my article. Parents, teachers, siblings and friends plays unique roles.

I agree with you, friends and teachers have strong influence on child
It's very important for parents to watch out to their children and know the kind of friends they keep. It's kinda funny that these people influence them negatively.
Thank you for inviting me to join the contest, it's really nice topic.
All the best 🥂

Thank you for reading through, I appreciate

@mybest your insights into the profound influences of parents teachers siblings and friends on children are both insightful and thought-provoking. You've highlighted the pivotal roles each figure plays in shaping the psychological emotional and social development of the younger generation. Well-articulated and relatable..

Thank you so much for reading. Parents just have to put in more energy so the teachers and friends won't win over their children negatively

Friends influence children more effectively especially those with strict parents, children who have strict parents mostly convide with their friends and teachers, they hardly communicate with parents but feels more comfortable chatting with friends. You've create a nice entry and I wish you success.

Thank you so much

We often underestimate the influence of teachers on our children probably because they are not related by blood and as such won't have a significant influence but this is just a fallacy as according to our children, teachers are always right, so imagine a careless teacher teaching our children, this will be a future disaster.

Your points are valid my friend.

Sincerely teachers and friends influence our children more often than we think of, they most times interact deeply in ways they can't even do with their parents and siblings

 5 months ago 

Hello friend

You highlighted how the father is the bread winner of the family and the one that gives everyone something to hang on to, he is the one who teaches them good morals and indeed the first lover of the ladies. I'm so happy to have a father. The mother is indeed 5he first woman to bear the pain of childbirth and to do this she contains pain. I'm glad you shared your thoughts with us and success in the dynamic my dear friend.

Thank you so much for reading through, mother's and fathers are unique set of people

If there's nothing else to picture from your write-up. Kai! En sedit tout (french): A mother is the womb that carries and bears the pains of every child

This draws me into my circle. I could remember very intimately my childhood. Mother's are often painted with pressures everywhere, and the shouts pulling from every angle.

Help not forth coming, and when these happen, I'm pressed.

Father's cannot handle this. They can't carry the egg on their womb for months.

Mother's are the best.... Dear @mybest, as your name implies, you're the best. This contest has a huge demand for parents.... Congrats

Mother's are the best, I cherish and respect mother's too much because they go extra miles just to give her seeds the best.

Thank you for reading, love you

Hello mybest steemian 😁😍. How are you doing and I hope the MTN network that's trending is not disturbing you at all.

Friends inevitably pick up habits from one another over time. If a friend maintains stand-up practices like punctuality, diligence, commitment and honesty, their buddies will naturally start emulating those positive qualities too. But sadly, bad habits like smoking, substance abuse or lying are equally contagious in the wrong friend group.

Mostly they get the bad habit from friends and on rare occasion will they learn the positive part

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