Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?"

in Hindwhale Community5 months ago

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Hello friends, I find this contest very interesting and I decided to join.

My last son is all weather boy, he is very active to some point that any place he enters people must notice him. The first day I took him to this present school, every one noticed him because of his activeness in playing, so when I finally took him to school, he was welcome with both hands, in any activities that happened in school, he is always involved and even in his studies, he is always in front to the extent that the school call me one day that if he continues being of high grade in his secondary that he will be on scholarship.
So I am using my son in this aspect of playing and studying.

I will love to invite my friends to join me in the contest, @patjewell, @ngoenyi and @goodybest

What is more important for children in their childhood, playing or studying?


both playing and studying are important I. The life of a child because the child is in his learning stage. playing will help the child to be active in doing things and in his daily life and then the child being active will show a very positive effect in his studies too that will also give him or her a positive mindset.

So now I just took my time to explain to us that both are very important in a child's life but in all of this, Playing plays the main role, it is very important for a child to play especially the outdoor play, this is very important for children’s neurological development.

If you really wants to know a child well being is he or she is playing, any active child is always very shape in studying, but when a child is always at one sport academically that child won't do well in his or her studies.

When a child plays he will be able to express his or herself in public without being shy.

Are today's children lagging behind in studies and sports? If yes, explain the reason.



Today's children are not lagging behind in studies and sport, they are trying their best to make sure they are truly involve in sport activities, just in my kids school, there is no sports equipment that the doesn't have, they school authority has tried his best to make sure that the kids are fully involved in sport activities that's why you see some school organizing inter house every year and before this, the kids has been trained to their capabilities, by so doing they are well train in their studies as well.

Is online education useful to your children?


With the current situation today, we are living in the technology system and a child having an online education is very good, so I will say yes to this question, I personally think it useful. With the situation on ground a lot of parents may not have enough resources to send their children to a good school and by so doing, the child may not have access to good schools, but the online education is a kind of opens up new avenues for those who are not privileged enough. Moreover online education sort out certain flaws that our education system already has. Let's take for an example

  • Online education Promotes audio visual learning
  • It's give flexibility to study at your own pace
  • It helps children get used to technology which is clearly the future of mankind
  • It Provides access to certain materials for learning.
  • It helps children to become self-starters by putting them in charge of their education.

How does online education effect your children's mental and physical health ?


In what I have noticed in the life of my children, I can say that online education have some effects on the physical and mental health in the life of my children.

Let's look at the mental health aspect, online education can be so boring at some point because they won't have someone to discuss with, no teachers to approach them and no fellow classmates, withe the loneliness, they feel so emotional and depressed.

On the aspect of physical health aspect, I noticed that they are so addictive to the screen which can lead to sight problems and at the end of the day they find it difficult to rest and this may cause some migraines and end up bringing problems to themselves because they are not maintaining a healthy balance.

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Hello your insights on the importance of a balanced approach to a child's development through both play and study. It's wonderful to hear about your son's active involvement in both academics and play showcasing the positive impact of a well-rounded upbringing.

Thank you so much

 5 months ago 

Greetings dear friend,

Thank you very much for presenting us with a beautiful post.

I also think that both are important for children, according to your comment. Because it is not allowed to sit on one Also you have brought up important ideas about online. It is true that future technological advances will bring about. However, the reality of the education rate is dire. If they take the online thing as a positive,Then very good, otherwise dire situation. stay well Good luck to you.

Thank you for your meaningful comment

 5 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!😊

Sería algo contraproducente para el desarrollo del niño prohibirle el juego durante los estudios porque, cuando la educación es apoyada de juegos didácticos, el aprendizaje de los más pequeños de la casa es Vicario y, eso sin duda alguna, se convierte en significativo.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you friend for your meaningful comment

I agree with you ma'am that children needs to ply to spice up studies. Any active child is indeed sharp during studies, yes but I think there are some kids who are sharp but choose to stay cool because that's their nature, although I prefer the active ones.

Online education is essential in the lives of children, as you pointed out; it helps those who are not able to attend good schools to participate fully in on going activities, which keeps them inline with other children.

Success to you!

Thank you dear friend

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