SEC-S16/W3 - "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends? "

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago

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Assalamu Alaikum Steemit friends. Hope you all are well. By the grace of Allah I am also well. So every engagement pageant of this season is going very well. So I am now here to participate in this wonderful engagement contest organized by this community. The name of this contest is SEC-S16/W3 - "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends?" So I will discuss this topic in detail now. So let's get started, stay with me.

How does a father have a strong influence on children?


It is an eternal truth that the importance of a father in a child's life is immense. Every child considers their father a superhero. Fathers can do anything for their children. He takes all kinds of steps to make his child's future bright. A father always teaches his child the right way

If the father realizes the fundamental importance of education and gives excitement to his children, they can evaluate education.But if the father provides support and protection to his children, his children will be able to arouse confidence and tolerance.

If the father is always associated with his children and takes care of them, the children will look affectionate and trustworthy. So the father has an important role towards the child.

How does a mother have a strong influence on children?


Mother gives birth to our world. So no one can compare with Ma. There is a true saying in Islam that child's heaven is under mother's feet. A mother gives everything in her life for her child. There are many ways a mother can exert a powerful influence on her children.

Some of these ways are to support them with love, compassion, education and encouragement. It is very important to appreciate them and reach their high goals. But at the same time it is very important to spend time with them and answer their questions. I always respect my mother.

A mother is loving and supportive of her children. It plays a leading role in their development. A mother herself sets a good example in her children's lives which helps them to model. A mother is always with her children through any illness and advice and support in their life.

How does the teacher have a strong influence on children?


Teacher plays a very important role in our life. The position of teacher is after parents. They are involved in many ways in our lives. As the teacher can arouse interest and concern in the students and help them to come forward in leadership. The teacher builds good rapport with students by listening to their comments and building cooperation with them.

It deepens the relationship between us. It is important for the teacher to understand the individual nature of each student and support them. Teachers help us organize our lives. They give us all kind of guidelines so always respect them.

How do siblings have a strong influence on children?


Siblings are a loving person in everyone's life. Siblings have a powerful influence on children. As a result, they can develop a recent and strong relationship and adjust well.

Children do not face their problems if there is a good relationship between each sibling. But this helpful thing helps them feel like an important part of their lives.

Also, shared time and experiences between siblings help children develop confidence and social skills. I always love my brothers. Always love them, always treat them as friends. So siblings are always loved.

How do friends have a strong influence on children?


  • Children spend more of their lives with friends. That is why it is important for them to have good friends. If they mix with bad friends then their future can be dark. That is why the benefit of children's friends is very important. It is very important for their social and emotional and educational development.

  • Proper relationships boost children's self-confidence. Improves their social skills and creates morale and positive mindset. So it is important for children to have good friends. Every parent should monitor their children. Besides, children improve their physical and mental relationship by playing with friends.

  • On the other sides, bad friendships affect children's mental and emotional state. Mixing with friends of bad habits can lead to many problems. So it is important to establish proper and secure friendship with children.

  • That's why their parents should keep an eye on them. Any child can go from good to bad by mixing with bad friends. Their future may be ruined. So considering all aspects, we should build a better future for the children.


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 3 months ago 

Every child considers their father a superhero. Fathers can do anything for their children. He takes all kinds of steps to make his child's future bright.

As someone who's been lucky enough to have a superhero dad myself, I can't help but nod along with this sentiment. My dad is always there, ready to tackle any challenge or hurdle to ensure a better life for us even now when I am sad myself. It's that unwavering dedication and love that truly makes fathers the real-life superheroes in their children's eyes.

Mother gives birth to our world. So no one can compare with Ma. There is a true saying in Islam that child's heaven is under mother's feet.

Reading this heartfelt tribute to mothers brings back a flood of memories of my own mom's selflessness and love. She is the heart and soul of our family, sacrificing everything to ensure our happiness and well-being. It's moments like these that make me realize just how much mothers shape our lives with their unconditional love and guidance.

Children spend more of their lives with friends. That is why it is important for them to have good friends

Ah, the power of friendship! I've seen firsthand how friends can either lift us up or bring us down bcoz I had both types of friends. It's like a guiding light in a child's life, leading them towards positivity and growth or veering them off course. As a parent, it's crucial to instill in our children the value of choosing friends who uplift and support them on their journey through life and get rid of bad friends.

Good luck

Thank You Very Much For Your Valuable comment ❤️❤️

 3 months ago 

Nice post keep going


My dear friend how nicely you have shared your thoughts about the given topic and described it from the core of your heart which can be seen in sentence too. Well its true father personality has great impacts on children and ge is just super hero of his kids.

He do all the efforts and take every atep for the good life and better future of his kids I guess he never thought for himself and kids smile is his life and it works in real sense.

Good luck


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Parents become those heroes for their children, so their commitment and love towards them must be unconditional because they expect it from them, that they never abandon them.

Teachers, friends, siblings, important people in this process of socialization and understanding of their environment.

Thank you very much for observing my post and giving such a valuable comment.🥰

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