Steemit Engagement Challenge / SEC-S19 / W6 | "How are social medias affecting our society in both good and bad ways? "


Hello Famz, welcome back to this space, am happy to have you here once again. A special thanks to this awesome community for hosting us still in this seasons engagement contest. The topic before us is quite interesting and engaging. I decided to share my thoughts with you all

I really do hope you find my entry interesting even as I attempt the questions given in the contest guideline. Let's get into it right away guys.

What are the benefits of social media to our society?

Let's get to explore the benefit of social media in our society. They are numerous and I will like to share some of them in this session and am sure you can relate with it.

Dissemination of Information: Social media helps in disseminating information and this it does effectively. There are so many folks out there especially youth who do not have time to tune in to an AM/FM radio station neither do they have time for T.V news but with the available social media platform they could get the latest new around them.

Building Social Bonds: Social media have allowed people bond virtually. There are folks you do not have the opportunity of meeting face to face but on social media you could become friends and take your friendship to another level. I've seen and heard of people who got life partners via social media and their home is still standing strong today

A viable communication tool: Social media is absolutely cheap when it come to communicate. Discussing at length over the phone with airtime or call card can be very expensive but these social media platform has made it relatively cheap to have long discussion, meetings and conferences. We have platforms like zoom for meeting and others.

A platform for self Development: So many folks have leveraged on social media to develop themselves. There are many who are presently feeding off from the things they learnt from some of these platforms and today they are independent and less of a burden to the society. This is one of the effect of social media in the society.


A catalyst for business Growth: Social media wields an unimaginable power when it comes to growing businesses and enterprise. Smart folks have leveraged on social media to grow their business because through this means, they have met different clients and customer and potential business partners.

A place of Entertainment: one can get the best of entertainment on Social media. It's actually a platform where you can unwind and free yourself from all manner of stress. There are many areas on there social platform you could navigate your way into and get the best of entertainment for your soul...ranging from comic, to comedy, music, dance and to other things of interest.


Potential Ground for earning: One could live off social media, there are folks out there who practically do. They so much understand how the terrain works and have leveraged on it to earn a living. Some are earning as content creators, some as social media experts and managers and so on. If you know your onion, you could earn too.

What are the evils caused by social media in our society?

A hide out for Bully: Social media can serve as an hide out for bully's who have taken their actions from physical bully to virtual/online bully and these social media platform are one of the tools they use in executing this dubious act of their which have devastating effect on their victim which in most cases could lead to death of their victim.

Unhealthy Comparison/Fake Life: There is this tendency to compare yourself with other folks you see on social media. Social media is also a den of liers and hypocrites parading themselves to be what they are not. People who do not know this fact would keep chasing a dream that is not real because of the way certain folks have projected themselves on social media.


A tool for spreading wrong info: Social media has also been discovered as a platform where people spread wrong information and mislead the masses. They could even use it to defame People. This is actually a wrong use of these social media platform but then how do we eliminate these bad eggs from this space?

A tool for Scammers/fraudsters: Scammers and fraudster have taken these social platforms as their workshop to scam unsuspecting victims of their hard earned money. They come in form of a friend or someone who want to help you with some form of opportunities only for you to later realize they didn't really mean good.


It Breeds Laziness: There are so many folks today who ain't productive and the reason is not far fetched, they have become so glued to these social platform that they have now become negligent and distracted to take up something serious around them for their good and the good of the society. Some of these folks are trapped and needs serious help.

Is social media really useful for common people or corporate companies?

Social media is useful for all who has chosen to embrace it. If you check the benefits I listed you would see that it not limited to some individual or corporate bodies, it's something everyone who is willing can take advantage of.

Common people can use it as a viable way of sustainable relationships and communication, they could see it as a way of getting themselves entertained when bored and so on. Corporate bodies could also leverage on it to grow their organization, connect with potential client and partners and do other great stuffs with it.

In a nutshell, social media platform is for all and sundry. As long as you're willing to embrace it and to use it judiciously, you would enjoy it to the fullest.

Give your personal opinion and conclusion about social media.

Social media is a double edged sword. The way the user wields it will determine how it would function. Social media has both the power of good and evil in usage. While many are using the power of social media to better people's life, some other are suing it to hurt others. Social.

We have seen folks who used social media to push individuals into their destiny and we have equally heard of folks who used social media to terminate people life via, body shaming, hate speech, bully and all manner of negative social vices.


I would like to implore us to use social media to project good things i.e motivational talks, charity, empowerment and all manner of. Most especially let's us do well to ensure that we are not being controlled by it, one can actually be a captive to it if one does not handle it well.

I will love to wrap it up at this point and just before I drop my pen, I would love to invite @sur-riti @josepha @casv



Saludos amigo

Has hecho un análisis realmente interesante de lo que las redes sociales nos pueden ofrecer tanto en lo positivo como en lo negativo.

Y es cierto lo que dice las redes sociales han venido a quedarse y nos han brindado oportunidades de comunicación conectividad acceso a la información entretenimiento y hasta una fuente para generar ingresos extras, entre toda la gama de ventajas que nos ofrece.

Pero también la lista de las cosas negativas que podemos desencadenar luego del mal uso de las redes sociales Es realmente larga, pero está en nosotros que las redes sociales sean buenas o malas Porque todo dependerá del uso que nosotros como consumidores le demos a ellas.

Si las redes sociales se usarán solo para lo bueno la verdad es que serían la herramienta más poderosa y tecnológica del mundo.

Gran trabajo éxitos

Gracias por invitación amigo.

Ciertamente las redes sociales han tenido un impacto importante en nuestra sociedad global con una gran capacidad para difundir información al instante.

La clave de su impacto positivo o negativo depende del buen o mal uso que se haga de ellas, por tanto requiere de educación para inculcar criterios, valores o principios con responsabilidad que motiven el entendimiento, la tolerancia, la esperanza, el amor, la amistad, la honestidad, etc...

Todo ello permite detectar a los usuarios dañinos o mal intencionados y disminuir su impacto negativo en las redes.

Es cierto también que las redes sociales son medios que han servido para la manipulación, la mentira y el acoso virtual, pues son medios muy eficaces por su inmediatez en la entrega de información de cualquier tipo.

Gracias por compartir.

¡Saludos y bendiciones!

Muchas gracias por el apoyo.


 29 days ago 

Greetings, you have been supported by @hindwhale account for your post. To know more about our community, you can visit our introduction post here. To contact us directly, please visit our discord channel.

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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Saludos amigo son muchos los beneficios que podemos obtener de las redes sociales podemos obtener información, es un medio de entretenimiento, un portal para hacer negocios y ganar dinero pero también podemos encontrar grandes desventajas por su uso descontrolado como por ejemplo sufrir de estafas, las redes sociales son para todos el mundo porque hasta las personas comunes le pueden sacar provecho si la saben utilizar

 last month 

Hola mi querido amigo, @lhorgic, un placer saludarte

Excelente planeamiento acerca de los puntos positivos que podemos encontrar en cuanto al uso de las redes sociales amigo, como lo dices tu, ayudan a difundir información en tiempo real pudiendo llegar a cualquier lugar del mundo, también podemos ver cómo día a día más personas se conectan y pueden interactuar, no importando la distancia en que se encuentren, a través de las redes sociales podemos comunicarnos de una forma más rápida y efectiva con familiares, amigos, trabajo, estudio, etc.

También las redes sociales son una gran herramienta para todas aquellas personas que están haciendo algún emprendimiento, por medio de ellas se dan a conocer y pueden ofrecer su trabajo, saliendo más económico la parte de la publicidad, y como bien tu lo mencionas son un excelente lugar para entretener a toda la familia, a través de programas, películas, videos etc.

Como todo en la vida no sólo tiene beneficios sino también poseen muchas desventajas tales como, en las redes sociales encontramos mucha información falsa por lo que tenemos que ser un poco más cuidadosos cuando vamos a utilizar esa información verificarla, también hay muchas personas tratando de estafar a través del robo de información personal, por lo que tenemos que tener cuidado con todo aquello que subimos y compartimos en las redes sociales, otro punto importante es e tiempo que pasamos en ellas, ya que muchas personas se han vuelto adictas a ellas.

Te deseo mucho éxito. Un abrazo 🤗

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