Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19/W2 - "Life without electricity"

in Hindwhale Community23 hours ago (edited)

Thanks to the team members of Hindwhale Community for giving me opportunity to make this post in the community in season 19, week 2 engagement challenge SEC-S19 / W2 | " Life without electricity"


Greetings all Steemians and friends of Hindwhale Community

How would your daily life and work life be without electricity from now onwards?

Whenever we feel due to some reason power may go off, first thing we do that we switch on the pump. We always want our overhead tank to be full for uninterrupted tap water.

In last Amfan cyclone there were disaster in the entire city due to snapping of electric overhead wires by the uprooted tree branches. Like many area there were no electricity in our house for a week. Since we stay in the gourd floor we manage to collect water from the reservoir tap where water supply from corporation was continued. So it was not a big issue for us.

Our refrigerator also stopped. I was taking insulin which is required to be kept in cold. Fortunately few houses have electricity. So I kept the insulin ample to neighbour's refrigerator. But if there wasn't such facility it would have been a big practical problem.

In case of my life without internet and mobile will be like fish out of water. In fact after sunset we'll not be also able to read books.

We have to solely depend on lanterns or candle light. Of course we also miss the TV , PC and laptop.

There were severe scarcity of electricity in our state when there was power rationing in 80's. Even there were no power for more than 6-7 hours at a stretch. My grandmother used to say why power supplier is not fined. She thought it as unlawful act of load shedding.

Electricity managed technologies supply us many things such as heat, food, transport, energy, entertainment and communication it would be a shock to many if we had to live without it.

What kind of equipment would be required to live a hassle-free life?


Top Uses for Solar Energy

Power Fans

Charge Batteries

Heat Home & Water

Heat Swimming Pool


Net Metering (Photovoltaic Solar)

Would you be able to cope with life without electricity?


Once in my life suddenly I was in complete darkness at night for one year after spending not a single day without light in previous twelve years. I studied in a boarding school. I adjusted that life very instantly.

I have been to Himalayas many times where I had spent few days without electricity. Actually in darkness we enjoyed the night sky.

I don't think it'll be very difficult to cope with physically but I don't know how easy it will be to accept mentally.

Before I conclude I would like to invite three fellow Steemians to participate in the contest. @crismenia @joymm @eveetim.

Thank you for reading my post.

 21 hours ago 

Imagining life without electricity is not even possible for me. In the last 12 years I have faced it just once or twice because my power is on automatic inverters and when I am out of India I have yet to see a single outage during my stay in that country. But yes, the water is must so you should take care of it first thing.

Thank you sir for the confession of dependence in unison.

I understand how life without electricity could be because here in Nigeria we have many communities without electricity as people mainly provide themselves with the alternative of using a generator and fuel to generate electricity.

Thank you for the invitation sir, I'll certainly try as much as possible to participate in this contest. Best wishes to you.

Thank you ma'am for your kind response and good wishes.

Zaman sekarang hidup sudah di penuhi serba listrik, tanpa listrik aku percaya banyak aktivitas yang akan berhenti. Di zaman modern yang sekarang, listrik menjadi bagian utama yang terpenting dalam hidup. Semoga anda sukses kawan

It is absolutely correct. Thank you so much.

 17 hours ago 

No electricity means we're in the dark. Then, while our nights were long, our days were cut short as we attempted to complete a large amount of work during daylight hours.

Good question asked. Try to find solution.

 14 hours ago 


I agree with you life without electricity will be like fish without water. Thats how hard it could be i dont think anyone would want to be in such situation.

Thank you so much.

 6 hours ago 

Hello dear @impersonal!

I think we use to spend comfortable life . I really feel shoked that how the old people spend their lives in past without electricity.Your insights on coping without electricity are insightful. Your example of managing insulin during power outages show challenges with out electricity.

Thank you so much.

Saludos amigo, wuauu, es rudo la experiencia que usted pasó un año sin luz 😱, y yo que me quejo y me desespero cuando quitan la luz por 4 horas, no quiero ni imaginarme todo un año sin electricidad, sería una locura, tremenda experiencia, gracias por compartir.

It is always true that survival for the fittest.


Hi dear
How are you? I hope you are fine by the grace of God and I'm fine too Alhamdulillah. Our lives without electricity would be difficult as for the patients of diabetes they require insulin but this should be kept in cold environment but in the absence of electricity it would be spoile. The electricity has made our life easier as with the help of internet we can communicate with one another and convey our messages to them. Best of luck for contest. Wishing you success.

Thank you for visiting my post and good wishes.

Welcome 😊

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

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