Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W1 - "Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing? "

Hello all steemit friends wherever you are, good afternoon and best wishes always to everyone... On this occasion I am back to participate in a contest held by the Handwhale Community in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 16 Week 1 with the contest theme: "Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?"


Education is one of the most important things nowadays in living life. This applies to all groups, both adults and especially children who are still in the stage of getting to know themselves and their environment. Education is not just learning but also in the form of playing because there are many lessons that can be learned both directly and indirectly, especially for children. Not only can learning help children's brain development, but other physical activities such as sports or playing can also make children more creative and smarter.

For more perfect brain development, a child must balance learning and playing. Because just studying for a child does not guarantee that his brain will be intelligent. However, continuing to play without learning will not be optimal for a child's brain development. Childhood is a very important period in the formation of physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. During this period, playing and learning must complement each other because they have an important role in a child's development at that stage.


Playing should not only be considered an entertainment activity, but also has a positive impact on children's development. Apart from helping children develop skills, playing also provides opportunities for children to develop their creativity and imagination. Likewise, learning also plays an important role in children's development. However, children's learning approaches should be more focused on fun experiences and playing while learning. So playing and learning must complement each other in helping children develop their skills, knowledge and social abilities.


In my experience as a high school teacher, today's children can match their abilities in studies and sports. Although not all children have equal abilities between school lessons and achievements in sports. There are some children who excel in school lessons and vice versa. All children certainly have talents and abilities in certain fields. So it cannot be forced that a child who has more abilities in the field of study must have equal abilities in sports.

Currently, increasingly sophisticated technology requires children to be more creative and independent in learning. Online education has benefits if it is carried out with parental supervision. If not, online education can have a bad impact on children's development. Technology plays an important role in the education and learning process. Even though there are drawbacks, online education can be done at home with parental supervision and guidance.


I think for children's mental and physical health there is no impact in online education. However, online education requires more supervision from us as parents. So that children's mental and physical health is maintained, of course our role as parents is needed to set a good schedule, when to study and when to rest. Of course, this is an easy and simple thing, the most important thing is that parental care is really needed.

That's my post for taking part in this challenge and I also invite friends invite @waterjoe, @suboohi, @dirapa, @wilmer1988, @pelon53, @tocho2, @stef1, @patjewell, @msharif and @pandora2010 to take part in this contest.



Indeed, Education is super important for everyone, including children. It's not just about studying, but also about learning through play. Kids can learn so much through both direct and indirect lessons. And it's not just about brain development, physical activities like sports and playing can make them more creative and smarter too.

To have the best brain development, kids need a balance between learning and playing. Just studying alone doesn't guarantee intelligence, and only playing without learning won't optimize their brain development. Childhood is a crucial period for physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. That's why playing and learning should go hand in hand during this stage. They both play a vital role in a child's development.

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I agree with you very much: games provide children with opportunities to develop their imagination and creativity. I will play some educational games at a very young age, which promotes my thinking in playing.

Halo bg @fadlymatch

Betul sekali! Pengalaman Anda sebagai guru sekolah menengah benar-benar mencerminkan kenyataan bahwa anak-anak saat ini memiliki potensi luar biasa baik dalam pelajaran maupun olahraga. Setiap anak memiliki keunikan dan bakatnya sendiri, dan penting bagi kita untuk menghargai dan mendukung perkembangan mereka di berbagai bidang. Ini adalah pengingat yang baik bahwa tidak semua anak akan menonjol dalam segala hal, tetapi setiap keberhasilan, baik dalam pelajaran atau olahraga, adalah pencapaian yang patut dihargai. Sebagai pendidik, memberikan kesempatan bagi anak-anak untuk mengeksplorasi minat dan bakat mereka adalah kunci untuk membantu mereka mencapai potensi penuh mereka.

Sukses bg 👍

 5 months ago 

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Sure, children must balance studying with playing because that is the only way for them to learn fast. In the middle of play, they learn. Just like a child playing with bricks, this child is informed already about some certain usage of bricks and how to form so objects. While they sing, they learn. While children study online, a proper supervision should be conducted for their mental and physical health stability.

I wish you all the best sir!

Anak-anak bisa bermain sambil belajar itu dapat meningkatkan kemampuan fisik, mental, dan sosial anak. Anak harus menyeimbangkan antara bermain dan belajar kita sebagai orang tua berperan penting dalam proses pembelajaran dan tumbuh kembang sang anak.

Semoga sukses👍

Wow, Friend you have really written well, and I must say that you hit many meaningful point like.

I think for children's mental and physical health there is no impact in online education. However, online education requires more supervision from us as parents.

Emphasising on this aspect is so good and I awesomely agreed with you. Indeed children should not be giving full permission when it comes to online features, because it has many disadvantage that can destroy their entire future. Well i really love your content. Looking forward to be reading more of it

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Se ha comprobado que, los niños aprenden mejor cuando su aprendizaje se apoya de actividades dinámicas y, aquí es donde vemos que, el juego tiene la facultad de no solo ser un agente de diversión sino; educativo y, emplear esta técnica con la educación, es garantizar que su desarrollo cerebral sea exitoso.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

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