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RE: “Steemit Engagement Challenge - S13/W5 - 90's vs 2K"

in Hindwhale Community8 months ago

Hello friend .

The difference in entertainment options between the 90s and 2k is especially apparent when it comes to TV. In the 90s, many people still had black and white TVs with only a few channels. Watching TV was a simpler, more limited experience. By the 2k, TVs were almost exclusively in color, and there were dozens of channels to choose from. Additionally, the rise of cable TV in the 2k meant that there was a greater variety of programming, from news and sports to reality shows and scripted dramas. People also had the option to watch TV shows on demand, rather than at a specific time. In the 90s, sport in Nigeria was primarily focused on local games, such as football (soccer), basketball, and table tennis. These games were played at the community level, and people would often gather to watch local teams compete. In the 2k, sport in Nigeria has become more international in scope. Many Nigerians now follow major sports leagues from around the world, such as the English Premier League and the NBA. This has been facilitated by the rise of satellite TV, which has brought a wider range of sports to viewers in Nigeria. Another difference is the increased participation of Nigerian athletes in international competitions.
Schools in the 90s had a different approach to fun than schools in the 2k. In the 90s, recess was a time for unstructured play, and students often played games like tag or jump rope. After school, kids would often go outside to play games like hide and seek or kick the can. By the 2k, schools had begun to emphasize more structured activities during recess, such as organized sports or arts and crafts. After school, kids were more likely to stay indoors and play video games or use the internet. Technology has certainly changed how kids have fun both in and out of school. What was your favorite school

Thanks for your sharing and good luck with the challenge...


Thank you so much...

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