Steemit Engagement Challenge/S16/W5 - "If you had the opportunity to settle overseas, which three countries would you choose?

When I'm in the middle of the ocean within the territorial waters of a country...

Every single person on earth wants to live in an ideal place. 'Ideal' can be interpreted as a place that is safe, has access to health, education, and economic opportunities. Some people might interpret 'ideal' as a place that supports overall good quality of life, both in the present and in the future.

The reality is... not everyone is fortunate enough to be born and raised in the places we've mentioned above. For instance, kids in Burundi face hardships just to have a meal, let alone get access to decent education and personal growth opportunities. Extreme weather, famine, and political instability are at the root of the issues in the country known as the poorest in the world. It's no wonder many children in Burundi suffer from malnutrition and even starvation.

In places like Burundi, having enough food to eat is a luxury thing that many people don't have

I myself have the desire to live in a utopian country where all its members live in happiness, peace, and prosperity. Karl Marx said a utopian state that could only be achieved by implementing socialism in its entirety. Until today, this idea remains a distant dream with no clear indication of when it might become a reality.

In my version, there are three countries I deeply desire to live in and lead a utopian life. I wouldn't visit any of these countries unless I had no reason left to live in country #1.

1. Indonesia

Yes, you heard correctly when I mentioned Indonesia. It's a middle country situated in the subcontinent of Southeast Asia and is part of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This country has a population of around 270 million people spread across more than 17,000 islands.

Although there are still disparities in per capita income between regions, Indonesia continues to experience economic growth. In 2020, Indonesia's per capita income was recorded at 3,927.33 USD, still relatively low compared to advanced countries, with the majority of jobs in agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, services, etc. However, unemployment remains high due to the large number of fresh graduates and limited job opportunities.

In terms of 'defense', Indonesia is recognized for having a strong military force, comprising the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Indonesia's military strength is acknowledged as one of the best in the world, ranking 13th out of 145 countries.

The streets in my country, Indonesia

As an Indonesian citizen, I take pride in being part of a country known for its multiculturalism and diversity. Each province in Indonesia has its own unique cultural values and traditions that distinguish it from others. I myself live in Aceh, a province located at the westernmost point of the country. I must admit Indonesia's natural scenery is truly breathtaking. From tropical rainforests to beaches and savannas, we have it all.

Almost everything about this country looks amazing. Except for its democratic system which seems to be in shambles. Despite the founding fathers commitment to uphold the principle of "equality before the law," our democracy is struggling. The comedic part of democratic chaos in our country is when the biological child of the sitting president (Jokowi) was nominated as the next vice presidential candidate.

The only thing I fear about the weakening of democracy is the absence of opposition. Without opposition, those in power will have free rein to act arbitrarily against the people. I hope the opposition camp will always endure to criticize those in power. Ameen.

2. The 'Leaderless' State

Ah, this fictional country is something I'd love to visit. I always imagine what it would be like to live in a nameless place with my loyal friends. It would surely be delightful. Oh, in this country, there's no such thing as job hierarchy, rules, income, or defense system. Let's discuss each one by one.

The leaderless state is the product of my imagination during nights like this

In terms of jobs, everyone in this country would work according to their abilities and roles within the social group. The division of labor would be based on one's role and capability, similar to prehistoric times. Men would take on tasks like hunting animals and gathering raw materials, while women would handle softer tasks like cooking and childcare. That's the function of testosterone and estrogen, buddies. LOL.

This gender-based division of roles would bring humans back to their essence. There's no concept of feminism, patriarchy, or even LGBTQIA++ because in this place, everyone's happiness is guaranteed by the state, regardless of their gender. Besides gender-based roles, there's also a division based on age. The elderly would provide wisdom and life advice, while children would enjoy their carefree childhood.

All these tasks would be carried out purely out of sincerity and for the sustainability of the country. In this fictional country, there's no concept of salary or complex economic terms. The economy known to its inhabitants is just food and drink.

In the 'Leaderless' State, rules are based solely on survival principles. If something threatens life, it's prohibited, as simple as that. Meanwhile, a defense system is only needed when facing ferocious wild animals or unpredictable climates. There are no defense facilities provided for fighting other countries.

3. Earth's Core State

If neither of the above countries is available for habitation, then I would have to venture into the Earth's core. Here, all rules would be governed by the natural laws that have been in place for millions, even billions of years. Of course, I would melt into iron and silicon at temperatures of thousands of degrees Celsius.

Come on my felas @afrizalbinalka @sailawana and @asiahaiss, join this contest and unleash your wildest imaginations!

Thank you for taking the time to read my post

Have a great day



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 3 months ago 

We all want to ensure the best country and security for ourselves but we are not interested in knowing how the people around us are doing or how they are living. Indeed, in many countries like Burundi, many people are going through life without food.

Yeah it is sad to know the truth of this world. I once read an article that said "1% of the world's population controls 99% of the world's resources." It may seem crazy but it is the reality so...🤷🏽‍♂️

 3 months ago 

The poor are hostages to some powerful people. I read a report some time ago that if people pay zakat according to their wealth then after 2 years it will be difficult to find people to accept zakat. Sir, Ramadan Mubarak

Thanks atas undangan kontesnya.. smoga beruntung di tantangan minggu ke 5 ini..

Salam sukses

Jangan lupa ikutan bu, nanti tag saya

Hehe..smoga ada watu n bisa ikutan ya..

 3 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

He leído que Indonesia por ser un país turísticamente muy activo, tiene excelentes ofertas laborales y, esto además de hacerlo atractivo por sus bellezas, también lo hace por las oportunidades que le brinda a sus ciudadanos para trabajar así que, sin duda alguna, te iría muy bien allí.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Hola @paholags thank you for stopping by my article. Every country has its own pros and cons, it is not a big deal as long as we can live the good life. Have you ever visited Indonesia before? If you come here someday, make sure we meet and catch up.🙌

Indonesia adalah negara hebat, damai dan sejahtera, kita harus mencintai negri kita ini, saya bangga menjadi warga negara Indonesia. Semoga negara kita bisa semakin berkembang dan bisa menjadi negara maju suatu saat nanti.

Benar saudara @ikwal kita harus menumbuhkan sikap nasionalisme karena itu akan diturunkan kepada anak cucu kita kelak. Apa jadinya jika Indonesia diwariskan pada generasi yang tidak tahu-menahu tentang negaranya sendiri.

Benar sekali pak, semoga saja generasi berikutnya mampu menjadikan negri ini menjadi lebih baik.

Indonesia your choice of visit and you are already from Indonesia so I think you are very that you choose your country yourself for you as well as not only this I also make that Indonesia is a country which is Islamic and which have strong military forces so defence system of your country is very strong and you really like social behaviour of people present in your country.

I really enjoyed your participation I wish you much success

Thank you for always supporting me, mate. Peace! ✌️


Hi friend, I really appreciate reading your entry, this Three country are good, but since I was born, it's my first time hearing of The 'Leaderless' State and Earth's Core State, I have heard of Indonesia before, I will love to go with you so I could see how that two countries are. Wish you success and hope you will take me with you..

Haha, I love your adventurous spirit. If you can't live in any of those countries, you're thinking of going to the Earth's core. That's deep! But be careful, because it's super hot down there, with temperatures reaching thousands of degrees Celsius. You'd probably melt into iron and silicon. It's definitely an extreme choice, but hey, you'd be following the natural laws that have been in place for millions, even billions of years. Just make sure to pack some sunscreen. All the best

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