[CONTEST] The Best post I read this week || Week- 08 || by @ekemini01

in Hindwhale Community7 months ago (edited)
Write about the post that you have selected as the best post of the week.

The best post I have selected for this week is a post from @zekanem and it is titled The Big Freewrite Contest. The contest is all about writing anything that comes to mind freely within a specific period of time i.e 15mins, 20mins, 30mins etc.
In this post the author talks about Nigeria and the challenges that is facing the country especially after the election. He starts with his love for Nigeria as there is no other country that he can call his home.


He tells us about the election and the aftermath of it, how a certain tribe felt cheated and started abusing each other on twitter.

He also mentions how the government and the country's economy has been going down, this kind be seen by the falling of the naira against the dollar. Things have become very expensive in the country due to this.

Lastly the author talks about insecurity in the country where the rate of crime and kidnapping has gone high than in recent years. He then summarises by proposing a solution to the problem. UNITY is the author's solution to the problem facing the country, he believes that with unity we can collectively stand and fight the corruption that is facing the country.


Write about the author of the post.

The author@zekanem is someone I consider a mentor on the platform. He invites me to most the contest I write on and even when I do not have any idea on what to write about; I'd just read his post and understand the context.
He uses simple markdown style and does not make his post ambiguous.

Reason for selecting the post

The post is something I actually agree with because I am a Nigerian and everything he said is exactly what is happening in the country. Everyday you wake and check the news, you would most likely find something heartbreaking.
Everyday I go to the market the prices of goods keep going high because the economy is bad. The reason why this post is my best is because I agree with the author that unity is needed to get things right. The government has been using the divide and rule formula to control us for so long and this is how we break free.


What did you learn from this post?

I learnt about the problem Nigeria is facing, the cause of it and a possible solution.

Would you recommend this post to other readers? Why or why not?

Definitely, every Nigerian needs to read this post because it sheds so much light on our collective struggles as a nation. We all want a better country for ourselves, I believe only us can make the change we want.

I invite my sister @vudeme123, @goodybest and @rexzitek to participate in this contest.

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